Monday, April 9, 2018

Trump puts Putin on blast for chemical attacks

 There where suspected  chemical attacks in Douma in Eastern Ghouta which is a town that is controlled by rebels, the attack killed dozens of people. The blame was put on  the Assad regime in Syria for the assaults in the area of Damascus. Although Syria has denied these claims the group called the white helmets called in "fabrication" by the islamic group Jaish al-Islam who controlled the town. Not surprisingly the country that supports the Assad regime is Russia, they have supported this regime for seven years during there own civil war.This  was also rejected by the regime, this shows how Russia is trying to clean up after themselves but after these attacks it would be hard for them to get out of this. The United States department where following the reports from  attacks on Saturday and they stated that Russia is responsible for the attack and the aftermath that comes from it. This may seem surprising but Trump has also criticized Russia for this to be more specific he put President Putin on blast on twitter. Trump basically was blunt about the what happen he stated how the area that was attacked was put on lockdown by the Syrian army and how that area cannot be accessed by the outside world  due to the dangerous chemicals. To put the icing on the situation Trump called out Putin,and Iran that they are responsible for backing the animal Assad. Does this show how Trump has grown as a leader of the country? in the terms of putting friendships to the side to address a situation, I feel that Trump has grown as a person and a leader because due to pass actions shown he was failing a leader to address situations. This affects the government in a way because  remember that there is a direct hotline to Russia which is constantly being used this situation can stir up situations in the government causing a push and pull between the two counties  because this is not the first time that Putin hasn't done something like this because in October 2015 he has pushed himself in the Syrian civil war. What should trumps actions be in syria due to the last time he ordered a military strike  he was scared on the aftermath of the situation? keep in mined that chemical weapons are banned under the international treaties pact, which now puts this in a international level.


  1. I feel that Trump is only trying to cover his butt. If he didn't have this Russia situation with the courts he wouldn't of done anything. But since he has two things over his head he's trying to protect his bottom line. The truth is that i don't think that he has changed i just think that he just got a little bite smarter about what he says about certain situation.

  2. I see that Trump is putting his job before his relationship to show that he's our president. It doesn't make him great but we can see change. Being watched and viewed in negative ways people would think he just trying to play the hero role for the fame but our safety comes first so I think he becoming a better leader.

    1. I agree with you but I still feel that Trump is still not ready to be a leader due to the fact that he still has lingering problems that is messing up his image for example there is nobody really backing trump as a president which is bad for the government because it is hard for someone to run a country without support.

  3. Trump’s actions should be not only an America decision but a decision made with the UN due to it being a international problem. Also his actions are clear, but I don’t think Trump is changing as a president. He’s doing what he always do an go on Twitter and make remarks about other people. Addressing the problem is a good thing, but it would be change if he could address the problem with actually solutions to it. He hasn’t addressed what he has in mind to due that would be helpful so Trump is doing what he always does and he hasn’t shown any change at all.

  4. Based of what has been said so far, I don't believe Trump is changing. He has always the type of person to blast someone on twitter to adress what they've done.It is also important to point out that Trump did little to resolve the problem, as opposed to criticizing someone on Twitter.In my opinion, I feel he needs worl to resolve and cover up this problem with Syria. If Putin jad a problem like this in 2015, then it would be wise for Trump to help resolve this problem.

    1. I think there is a change because this basically the first time Trump has spoke against President Putin of Russia which I feel is a big step and also a dangerous step for him because one things show that Russia hacked the elect which helped trump this can probably cut off the active hotline to Russia. I also feel trump needs to address this but i also feel that he cannot walk on egg shells with this situation

  5. Trump usually does tweet about almost anything that seems as if it goes against anything he likes. This is the first time Trump has actually talked bad about Putin and has not alligned with him on a subject. Trump in an earlier article had actually congratulated countries with a dictatorship and said he wanted to be like them which involved Putin as well. I do see Trump changing to the point where he pit hos country before his own opinion on the subject and made it so people saw that he did not tolerate what Putin was doing but talking about a solution to it would help even more.
