Sunday, February 26, 2017

Budget Cuts

                 45th has made the move to increase government spending on the Defense Department but keep his promise on not touching large programs like Medicare and Social Security and their budget. In turn the money that goes toward this new budget for defense must come out of the budget of smaller programs like the Environmental Protection Agency's budget. 45th wants to show he is a man of action so his first step in this process to prove himself is to put more money towards our military. A question I have for you though is why must money be taken out of protecting the environment to put towards "protecting" us? Throughout the article they talk about how this plan came to be and what it means. Basically it is to show the people of this country that he was about his word when he said what his plans were for the country during his campaign. It is meant to bring those who didn't vote and those who voted against him on his side. What I don't get though is how would putting more money into defense that we wouldn't necessarily need bring people onto his side. With him being able to put out orders to do this and with the department he chose this should unsettle us as the people in this country. Why must we spend MORE on war and "defense". Who is attacking us that we need to increase the budget on fighting but decrease the budget on keeping our environment protected. You would think with all the affects our way of life has on the earth we would strive to keep it stable and healthy more than we do now. Yet 45th is going to decrease the resources this program has for something we won't necessarily need. If he can decrease the budget on a program that is needed so much like the Environmental Protection Agency imagine the other programs that must give up money to support this newfound budget for the Defense Department. Now we have to watch his next move because I doubt increasing spending on defense would be for nothing. There could be a bigger step after this since this was to show he was about his word just like his Immigration Ban was. Doing this to show his followers that he is about action but whose to say it is the right action? If you want to read more on this article click here and comment your thoughts:


  1. i agree with Isaiah because there should be no reason why Trump increase funding in the military because there is no one to fight.. By the looks of it he seem to be up to something . When isaiah said "Why must we spend MORE on war and "defense"...." this spoke to me because there is no war no battles we do not have to put our selfs in anyone else's issues we should direct the money to education because our education system is disgusting.

    1. I completely agree that instead of putting more money into that department maybe another would benefit more. Especially since he Defense Department already has a large piece of the budget pie why does it need to take from departments with less funding.

  2. I agree with Isaiah when he says that increasing defense spending is unnecessary. If anything, what it does is encourage war. When other countries see us increase our spending, they would not want to be left behind. Meanwhile, while we be increasing our spending on war, the education department only receives 3-4% of the government's budget. The funding for education needs to be increased, not our defense. You shouldn't fund a war unless you are ready to start one. And on top of that, this will take away from other departments that may need money( even if they are avoiding large departments). What we should ask ourselves is...... which departments really need increased funding(education people)? And what will it take to convince our government to detain and impeach 45? The world may never know.

  3. I agree in the sense that there may be some hidden agenda to Trumps desire to increase spending on the military budget. America is the top spending in the world on the military budget. There is no need to increase this amount any further when things like education are still only getting less than 10% of the total budget. In the long run it would probably end up benefiting the military anyways if more money was pushed towards crafting brighter and more creative minds. I also agree with Bryce in the sense that this could end up only inciting more uneasiness with other countries, for it's as if Donald is preparing for a war that has not yet started.

  4. Honestly I believe that some of the spending that is put into the military is apart of a larger scheme in the government. Im starting to think that the reason a lot of spending goes to the military because the a majority of the government officials are former high ranking military officials. So by giving them more spending money the president is almost guaranteed to less issues enforcing there laws.

  5. it would be nice if trump would put money towards people of lower class and help them get on their feet. A health budget would be great give the people more health options and benefits to live and survive rather than using money on what we already have like a bigger defense budget. he needs to think more about the people in terms of there wellbeing.

  6. Trump putting more money towards the defense budget not surprising at all, if he didn't I wouldn't be surprised to me it seems like his goal is to be recognized as the worst president as the worst president in the history of america. I feel like if he really wanted to put more money in the defense budget he could combine certain departments together, for example the defense and homeland security cover some of the sam areas so why not not merge them and therefore they money they get can be used to increase the defense budget.
