Sunday, February 5, 2017

President tweets attacks on federal judge who put immigration ban on hold

President Donald Trump had attacked a federal judge this weekend on twitter and saying if anything was to happen to Americans it would be his fault for putting a hold on the travel ban. He said that releasing this ban would potentially allow really bad people into America. My thing is why does our president run and puts everything on twitter first.Its the 21century there is so many ways you can communicate with people other than social media. I find it really sad that he has to attack a fellow colleague and try to embarrass him . Do you think that the president of the United States of America should be able too use social media in the way he does ? Should twitter just block the president from posting since the things that he post can be found offensive to many people ? What can the people do to try and advocate for his account being blocked ? I honestly feel that him banning these middle eastern countries he's trying to start a war and burns many bridges and basically destroy everything former president Obama has created.


  1. what i dont understand is immagrants have been here for the longest and they havent bothered anybody and im pretty sure they havent been bothering him. So what exatly would happen? immagrants take up a great precentage of this country and for you to just kick them out is totally wrong and should be seen as a hate crime. To add on to this, I think he spends to much time on social media for a president. I believe that he would be in office for long

  2. I believe that Donald Trump did that as a show to his fans and his followers. Him blasting the judge on social media only drags attention to the situation. So Mr.Trump probably did that to show "his" people that he is furious about what the judge did and to tell them the down side to it. Even though he sounds like a five year old when says the term "bad people". All that does is boost the energy and ego of his followers because they think " yea Trump really wants this to happen" or " yea Trump is still on our side". If Trump was being professional about the situation then he would of never turned to social media as an outlet to his problem.

    1. Yea I can agree with Jurelle on the fact that him doing this empowers his followers. I feel like Trump knows the audience he attracts and if someone opposes his audience he has to show them he is on their side and he won't sit down idly while someone goes against their plan for a "perfect America".

  3. Donald Trump taking to twitter to express his opinions is one of the most inappropriate and immature acts anyone has seen from a president. It is true that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but as president of the united states, it is wrong to use twitter to criticize others and to make such childish remarks. Not only that, but where did he get the idea from that holding the Muslim ban would negatively affect Americans. It will do the opposite. Ever since Donald Trump has set foot in office, the entire nation has been feeling the tensions of his presidency. I honestly hope Americans are beginning to realize the severity of the choice they made in November. It was a huge mistake electing this man as president. However, as shown, Trump cannot just do whatever he wants with the country. What could the government do to prevent Trump from making anymore radical decisions?

  4. I agree with you saying that he shouldn't have any type of social media because once he swore into office he lost the right to be a business man or just another millionaire. He became the face of America and anything he writes can be used against him. Lets be honest not many people like him even the people that voted for him, they realized his ways was barbaric. The muslim ban would most definitely impact America for the next 4 years.

  5. I agree with the judge it is about time that the other branches of step up and control trump.This should happen more often because knowing trump this wont be the first time he'll try something like this. Trump should not be on twiiter and focus on runjing the country.

  6. I strongly agree with you it's extremely inappropriate to take his opinions to twitter this is going to make countries look at Americans as Jokes. This is a bad thing also because this makes me think he doesn't have the countries best interest at heart.

  7. This is a very weird situation because banning someone from using social media can be unconstitutional because it can go against freedom of speech. On the other hand I firmly believe that President Trump has too much to say ono twitter and hasn't done as much to " make America great again" because he isn't focused on doing his job. He needs to stay in the white house and work on doing something beneficial for America. We need a president that won't quit when his job gets tough and one that thinks before he acts. I don't thineed Trump is aware of the responsibilities he has and that can hurt this country.
