Sunday, February 26, 2017

What is going to replace Obamacare

We all know Obamacare is under attack under the Trump regime.  One of the most  talked about issues that conservatives try to attack is Obamacare.  This healthcare reform has been essential to many Americans who can't afford health insurance or even qualify for insurance due to health issues.  Millions and Millions of people rely on this policy so that they can live their lives on a daily. However, many Americans are being deprived of that safety net and that security that Obamacare has to offer because of this "new proposal" of healthcare reform. How are people going to feel safe if there is no plan out there that will take care and encompass the amount of people Obamacare has.  This is very scary for people in the working class to have a brand new ideal that puts their lives at risk.   Donald Trump said:
     "So we’re doing the health care — again, moving along very well — sometime during the month of March, maybe mid- to early March, we’ll be submitting something that I think people will be very impressed by,”
    What is the plan Donald?  There are millions of people who are relying on you to support their lively hood, but you continue to stall and procrastinate until March.  This also is an effect of party polarization because parties don't want to help out the people, they just want to get credit for party ideals so they can stay incumbents.  It's extremely shameful the people's lives are hanging in the balance because they don't want to give Democrats credit.


  1. we all know trump is doing lots of things to hurt people who use these benefits by trying to cut them or lower the amount given. i don't think he will get of obamacare it is too popular to the people who need it in order to survive and provide for their families.
    will Trump come op with a better version of obamacare and or rename it?
    how will this effect the people of the united states who need these benefits to live ?

  2. I can completely agree with the fact that Trump is procrastinating and he should not be because this is a very serious issue. In my opinion I think the government should try and make healthcare more affordable for the less fortunate. But it's not only the less fortunate that has problems affording healthcare, it is some middle class people too. So in order to make it better for everyone make it cheaper, that might increase the qualifications for healthcare but that should not happen. If it does then that is just cruel in my opinion.

  3. It is safe to say that conservatives have been after Obama Care since the plan was proposed. Most of them say they want the "Affordable Care Act"(It is the same thing) I believe that Trump does not have any plan to replace Obama care. People should not expect to receive any benefits during march. many people do depend on Obama care to receive the necessary care to run their every day lives. But, because conservatives are being vindictive, we no longer have that option. What we need to figure out is how or what are we going to do to bring back Obama Care? Insurance companies might use this as an opportunity to make more money(Only way to receive insurance). will they even be reasonable and make their insurance cheaper?

  4. I hate the fact that trump is trying to take away what helps thousands of people without having a good reason. This is a serious issue because i thought america was suppose to be for the people but they want to take away everything that supports us. They might think it is effecting the minority but it effects whites as well that without the health care they will die. I am not very sure but i never heard 45 talk about why he is doing that or how will it help . Affordable health care is needed.

  5. Well long before Trump entered office, conservatives were against Obamacare. There has been a collective effort to remove Obamacare because it is believed that as a country that we are not stable enough to handle universal healthcare and so they at many points tried to vote it out and kill the idea. Of course they failed but it did not stop them from trying. Now imagine as the republican candidate what expectations your party would have for you once entering office. Im not saying that Donald is not to blame if obamacare is removed but is it not also true that it is a Republican agenda and regardless if it was Donald who was the republican candidate the party would still have their elected official remove it.

    1. I agree with this in the sense that Donald is most likely not really the one pulling the strings. The republican party has always went against the more progressive movements such as Obamacare. I don't really feel like trump is doing anything on his own volition simply because of the blatant lack of intelligence and qualification that he shows regularly.

  6. The only thing I can keep thinking about is "What is next?" From the comments I can see that trump is being put to blame, but I do agree with Yennik with his statement : Regardless if it was Donald who was the republican candidate, the party would still have their elected official remove it. Kevin's point is true : take away everything that supports us. But at the end of the day, them removing it shows where they want their trust/support to come from. ( those that don't rely on/need Obama care). Also, if I'm not mistaken, I believe Ms. Harris had said that it was a good amount of white people who relied on Obama Care as well so I don't really see this as a race issue.

    1. I agree with majority of what you are saying. However, I do feel that this is still a race issue. Even though white people benefit from it too, they still think of it as a problem because whenever P.O.C. in america are given an opportunity to flourish it makes whites nervous. This is because it causes them to actually have to work just as hard as the rest of the american demographic.

  7. nothing is going to replace it. Whats the sense of taking something out to put the same thing in. the best thing he could do is upgrade it. Trump is just a nut case and an accident waiting to happen. he is always on the media on twitter. He is not for the people at all.
