Thursday, February 16, 2017

(Group D) "Schools of Oppotunity"

    Schools of opportunity started in 2014 and was created to "close opportunity gaps through research proven practices and not standardized testing..." This can mean a lot to different people and it can also mean different things. I personally see this as a way to even the playing field for people who do not score well on tests. When you pass a test in school like a state test that goes a long way in someones schooling like high school. For example in New York it is better to take as many regents as you can so you can receive an advanced regents diploma. But just because you pass the test does not mean everything is smooth sailing after that. It is what you get on that test that determines if everything is smooth from then on out. For example a 65 is passing but a 95 is excelling. Just because someone got a 65 does not mean that are "dumber' than the person with the 95. It just means that the person with the 95 might know more information on that topic or the person with 65 blew it during the test. He or she might have been second guessing themselves because they felt pressure to score greatly. Now because of the low grade on that one test colleges might second guess this persons knowledge of the subject and make them take remedial classes. The college system has every right to do this but when they do that sometimes it just is not fair to the person. In my opinion they should at least ask for an explanation on why they got that grade. Then ask the student if they feel like they can do better with their current knowledge. This all my opinion and I agree with the fact that there should be other ways to assess ones knowledge. This deals with government because the regents is a New York based test that the government approves of and distributes. The regents were first administered in November of 1865, the tests are really old and do not need to be apart of New York anymore. The nation has made many improvements since then and many people believe we no longer need to assess people by test. The following link is help people understand the other ways of assessing ones knowledge.

"Schools of opportunity must strive to ensure that all students have access to rich, challenging and supported opportunities to learn". Yes I believe that is a great way to create equality in the classroom but some people do not deserve the same treatment and opportunities as others. That is because of the behavior of some students. They maybe very intelligent but their behavior might lead to them getting excluded from things like advanced placed classes. This is a problem for some teachers because they deal with everyday and some do not know how to deal with that. This has nothing to do with government but it is in the article and I thought I should share my opinion on it.


  1. Not gon hold you rell but this is a lot but based on what i read you are saying that there is an issue in school, and your absolutely right. this wouldn't be seen as a a problem that the government would be able to help. The DOE is there blame and then you go towards the government.....nah mean

  2. I want to agree with Ezekiel this is a lot but it is also very informative i actually got to understand your point of view. I like that you said that you shouldn't judge a 65 with a 95 because you dont know what the 65 student did to prepare. Me and Ms. Harris was speaking on a similar topic, it was grading off of growth. This is a form of grading that many people have been debating on implementing for the simple fact that many kids will study their butts off but cannot pass a test but will come close to or they just wont get high enough to get a scholarship but others will get amazing scores all throughout highschool without trying,

  3. I disagree with that article. I feel like state test are important to asses student. One reason is that it determines how much a student has really learned,what is the point of sitting in a core class for a whole year and not be assessed on what you learn. To me the test create order because they give a guideline on what teachers should be teaching their students. The only thing I might disagree with is making the test harder for example the common core.

  4. I would like to disagree with Bello. I feel like schools that do not have standardized testing is crucial for expanding education for everyone. Standardized education makes an entire curriculum surrounding a test instead of the actual content. So now students are not learning as much and have the pressure off their backs which allows them to focus on education. In addition it wouldn't be fair just to be acknowledged on just standardized testing. SATs for an example are a huge deal in our educational culture,but does that mean the your SAT scores validate you as a student? Say for an example of you are top 5% of your class but you have less than a 1000 on the SAT, are you inferior to other students? Absolutely not it just means you show your ability in a different way.
    Up coming schools like these are essential to give children especially from black and brown neighborhoods to have a great education free of standardization.

  5. I would like to disagree with Bello. I feel like schools that do not have standardized testing is crucial for expanding education for everyone. Standardized education makes an entire curriculum surrounding a test instead of the actual content. So now students are not learning as much and have the pressure off their backs which allows them to focus on education. In addition it wouldn't be fair just to be acknowledged on just standardized testing. SATs for an example are a huge deal in our educational culture,but does that mean the your SAT scores validate you as a student? Say for an example of you are top 5% of your class but you have less than a 1000 on the SAT, are you inferior to other students? Absolutely not it just means you show your ability in a different way.
    Up coming schools like these are essential to give children especially from black and brown neighborhoods to have a great education free of standardization.
