Saturday, February 25, 2017

GOP changes to Obamacare could cost states, reduce coverage, governors are told might be saying good bye to Obama care because Republicans plan on replacing the Affordable Care Act but replacing the Affordable Care Act could significantly reduce the number of America citizens with health insurance and has the potential to cost states billions of dollars over a span of  five years, according to an analysis prepared for the National Governors Association. The 36-page document attempts to evaluate the impact of possible changes included in a Republican leadership plan that outlines the direction Congress could be heading in as it attempts to fulfill President Trump’s promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. Republican governors have held meetings among themselves and with other members of Congress and they're seeking consensus on what they should do moving forward. Trump had a working lunch with governors Saturday. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Rick Scott of Florida to discuss health-care changes and the states’ role. A group of nine states led by Republican governors, including states that did and did not expand Medicaid under the provisions of the ACA, began meeting some time ago. That group has now broadened to 12 states. This relates to AP Gov because its show how a bill becomes a law but it is not in the traditional way. I think 45 didn't pass it to the whole congress is because he wast sure how much his party would agree with it. Maybe this is why he had a meeting with certain senators before all the republics met, he probably put the idea in their head and they would try and convince the other senators. If trump gets his way many Americas will no longer have the support they need, this will result in alot less people getting medical attention and could lead to some deaths. How do you feel about the ACA? should people receive more care?

1 comment:

  1. I do not believe that it is possible for people to receive more care since it is universal you either have it or you do not. Also i feel that the ACA is a step in the in the right direction in terms of making america a better country on par with others that have universal healthcare. Replacing it would only be possible since there is no better form of healthcare possible than free healthcare. So by removing it and putting a lot of americans in a situation where they do not have health care would be irresponsible and immoral.
