Monday, February 13, 2017

the intermediate-range ballistic missile launch

Trump goes to North Korea and Launched an intermediate-range ballistic missile this was his first Challenge to international rules since he was sworn in three weeks ago. The launch was unexpected and disrupted what was meant to be an easygoing weekend of high-level male bonding with the more sobering aspects of global diplomacy. This act was highly irresponsible and could come to contribute to his future impeachment if he continues to act this way. with this act of missile launching it could draw unnecessarily and unwanted  attention to trump and the U.S having other countries show off their missiles and retaliate. As seen North Korea while Trump is having dinner Mandamus-level missile flew 310 miles off North Korea's eastern coast before crashing into the Sea of Japan. the young leader Kim Jong-un has spooked the country's neighbors. During his per-election intelligence briefings, Trump requested supplemental information about North Korea from US intelligence officials. National security analysts have identified the nation's nuclear program as one of the imminent threats facing Trump as he begins his tenure in the White House. In his talks with Abe at the White House on Friday, the North Korea threat weighed heavily. Abe said during a concluding news conference that he and Trump had agreed to "strongly demand" the country "abandon (its) nuclear and ballistic missile program." so i guess maybe Trump has seen how dangerous missiles could be and wants to put an end to them before they could hurt our country. Is this something that could benefit the country? will Trump make a move to end nuclear warfare and missiles?   


  1. What if he could be doing what he did with Russia. He is shifting who we are allies with. Months ago it was being passed around that we should beware of North Korea and their missiles. Now he is over there launching missiles with them as a test? How does that make any sense that he would go across waters to test missiles with people we aren't necessarily allies with. This relates back to what he's doing with Russia because now he's buddy buddy with Putin to the point where they would sabotage our election to help him win. At this point we have to be cautious as to what our new president does because in a situation like this things can go bad fast. Trump is playing with fire and if he is not careful he will get burned and in turn so will we.

    1. well in that case I hop he makes good friends with Russia seeing how they are in good power being allied with Russia could potentially stop a war with them on the U.S and that would be good for us all. then we just have to settle problems with Middle East and North Korea

  2. This missile launch situation is something that people can believe Trump will do. But what happens after this is what I think people will want to know. How Trump answers the question why, is what I personally want to see and what the nation should want to see. His purpose is good in my opinion because as stated by Eric he wants to get rid of the missiles because he sees the danger in it.

    1. My point exactly Trump should try to get rid missiles seeing how much damage they could cause and all the casualty that come with it

  3. This missile launch situation might just be trump testing out is powers. Just like when you get a new car, you want to show it off and test what it can do. Trump does have radical ideas that most do not agree with. However, i do not feel he is willing to start a nuclear war. I am not sure if he really wants to ban nuclear weapons. But, trumps actions do pose a threat to everyone. His actions could provoke other countries and start the war that he is trying to avoid. Also, if he continues to offend people and question their loyalty to our country, that day might come quicker than we expect. Even if we do not want trump to be in charge of our countries missiles, how would the government even stop him from doing as he pleases? After all, if he wanted to he could just declare war on another country.

    1. he cant just declare war on these countries there is a process and has to be a real dispute and war wouldn't be a good idea . it would be in everyones interest to just drop these missiles warfare keep things over seas and away from the people

  4. Based on my understanding of the article trump has went to North Korea and had a missile test. I feel like Trump is doing everything in his power to ruin America's international image. First he starts off with his muslim ban which already makes him and america racist unfortunately, he is now going to North Korea a country that we have not the most stable relationship with. We are lucky that North Korea didn't see this as an act of war. This situation could could have made us seem like enemies in the eyes of other communist for coming in and try and flex on their communist comrade.
