Sunday, November 13, 2016

Does Marijuana Weaken Heart Muscles?

5 more states voted to legalize recreational marijuana. A study released Sunday shows that the use of weed can weaken heart muscles, particularly in young men. The study was presented at the scientific conference of the American Heart Association in New Orleans. Researchers examined the link the link between marijuana use and heart health. I know a lot of people in this day and age use marijuana recreational and unrecreational. Knowing what they are putting in their body to get "stoned" or for health uses is beneficial to them. A lot of money is made in the marijuana business. Seeing that it effects the integrity of your heart causing things like cardiomyopathy, where the heart becomes enlarged, thick, or even rigid. This can effect U.S. Politics and even world politics.


  1. I do not believe that marijuana should be legalized. I feel like the government and the media demonizes marijuana so that minorities can be marginalized and persecuted. If marijuana was a real health issue then cigarettes and alcohol should be banned as well. Marijuana does not kill anybody and it should be legalized

  2. You say that it affects US and world politics but you don't really analyze how. Do you feel as if it could alter how Americans vote for people in the sense that they might be using different reasoning to help them chose whether or not they will vote for a particular person. I personally feel that(even though this would probably never happen) marijuana should be legalized, but not industrialized. There really is no reason for something like alcohol to be legal while marijuana isn't, for drinking does much more harm to your body than smoking marijuana does. However, if it were to be industrialized then it would just create a whole new kind of problem because people wouldn't stop selling it on their own or "illegally".

    1. You don't think that both would happen? This may be a down south thing but I know some people that make their own alcohol. Do you think that it will be safer if the government regulates marijuana?

    2. I agree with you tarif because 29,001 people die a year off of alcohol and there has been little to none deaths caused by marijuana but i feel like it should be industrialized not only because it will make a lot of money but because it can possibly make more jobs

    3. To clarify, I'm saying that I don't think that it's possible for marijuana to be legalized, but not industrialized at the same time. While industrializing marijuana does make a lot of money, it would only really make this money for the government. This would either take away money from people who illegally distribute it today or it would just cause people to try to sell it on their own, which would create another problem. This is why I feel like in a perfect world it would be legalized but not industrialized.

    4. I understand what you are trying to say but I am kind of confused about your point with people who sell weed illegally. Is it really a valid problem if they are selling weed IILEGALLY? What would be their back up or response if it becomes legal and people are permitted to buy from state sanctioned places and it causes illegal sellers to lose money? They can't really argue on any solid ground because they are breaking the law.

  3. I also believe marijuana should be legalized. There are minimal harmful effects for smoking marijuana. It is only harmful due to carcinogens produced when smoking. There are also other, less harmful ways to consume Marijuana. According to the government, it is a schedule 1 drug; a higher classification than other drugs such as oxycodone, methamphetamine, and opium( Drugs with much more dangerous effects.) Like Charles said, I believe that marijuana is criminalized to persecute minorities.

    1. By the way, the carcinogens produced by smoking marijuana are 10 times less harmful than cigarettes and are not addicting.

    2. What if it isn't the carcinogens the person is addicted to. It could be the high that the person crave. Usually once the addiction takes control its hard for everyday life functions to go on without there being thoughts of weed.

  4. this is important in u.s. government but it may not be as crucial as other problems that they have to deal with. even though bad effects occur from marijuana, the people don't seem to be complaining. do you think our u.s. government is paying much attention to this topic?

  5. I have to say on the subject on marijuana from my understanding there is much talk on this situation Whether it's harmful or not. Its noted that with in the NFL most athletes Prefer marijuana over painkillers and their long term effects.

  6. In the field of cardiology it is understood that heart defects can be caused by a lifestyle and not always a single variable. I believe that the health benefits from marijuana is more than enough reason to legalize it. Most prescription medications can have adverse affects if not taken in moderation so I believe the same case applies to marijuana. The only reason I believe it has not been legalized yet is because systematically it would undo alot of unjust incarcerations done by the government and would be fiscally in convenient for the government that.

  7. I think marijuana should be legalized for medicinal and recreational uses. Even though marijuana effects your heart doesn't mean its all that bad, eating a greasy double cheese burger with extra bacon also effects your hearts health but those are still legal. I find it crazy that marijuana is demonized like it is the deadliest drug on the market when there is no known case of a person overdosing on marijuana, but people overdose on prescription painkillers and nobody demonizes those. The government should just join the party and legalize marijuana with restrictions and see the results.

    1. This topic is a topic that will never receive an answer until it is complete. Some peoole feel a legislation should be passed on make marijuanna legal primarily for recreational use. What happens if that doesn't go as planned and people still find a way to use marijuana. Also, a question that popped into my head was what is the real issue people see with marijuana? Why Is it such a bad thing ?

    2. Based on my research marijuana acts as a stimulant, hallucinogen, and a depressant. This means that the high you feel from intaking weed usually gets you hooked on that high. Slowly but the surely the negative effects take place like brain cell loss.
