Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump Takes Advice :

As this unrealistic week of history continues to occur, we have to face the fact that Trump will now be our president for the next 4 years. The article speaks towards his meeting with Obama on Thursday, They spoke on many things : Next four years, words of advice and most importantly noted, OBAMACARE. The article says Trump would be willing to consider the continuation of Obamacare. I found this very interesting because as Trump's candidacy went on, he rarely spoke of legislation or ideas he will implement. With his meeting with President Obama, Trump himself realized the reality of the situation and is attempting to continue a legislation that has benefited us for the last couple of years. How does this make you feel? Do you think he will actually do it? What are your thoughts?


  1. The meeting with Obama was a moment where trump realized that this is real not only is he the "face" of America he has to decide on what to do with a lot of Obama's ideas. i personally feel like they made a major mistake because they elected someone that does not have no type of political background, the more exposure he has maybe his views will change

  2. So should we have an amendment to add certain experience to the presidency?

    1. i believe we should add an amendment because we cannot elect someone without no political background

    2. I feel that it's very important to add an amendment because if we don't have a leader that has some type of political experience how does America look. Since he doesn't have political experience I think that he's going to handle foreign affairs in the wrong manner and might lead us into WW3

    3. I feel like there are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. On one hand, it doesn't make sense that someone can literally be at the top of political power, yet have no experience. On the other hand, I feel as if putting more requirements on who can run for president would cause some disparity with the people who feel like America is for the people and by the people because if that was the case then anyone would be able to run for any form of office.

  3. Obamacare is a vital and important policy in this country. I feel like Trump and the Republican party do not like Obama care because it doesn't help them. However, Obamacare has helped millions of people get medicare when they could not afford it. I'm happy that Trump is reconsidering, however I feel like the Republican party will only help rich white people.

  4. I feel like continuing Obamacare would be a good thing. If trump could just find a way to help our million of people who can't afford healthcare this could stop the hate he's getting if he could turn his attention to those people who need help and not just his foreign-policy then maybe our next president wouldn't be seen as such a problem

  5. I'm not surprised that Trump being the elect for the Republican party would want to remove obamacare. The Conservative party has openly disagreed with the implementation of the health care act and have openly stated plans to undo it once they have a candidate in office. I feel less hopeful for America as a country in the future. To think that a group of politicians who are supposed to support the people are so against a reform that has helped so many Americans is disgraceful. Concerning Trump it is evident that even those that have political experience are not always making the best decisions I still believe that our president should have more experience leading and being a voice of the people. Trump saying that he would consider keeping some parts of obamacare is a step in the right direction but until I see that Trump is willing to compromise and keep his word I will not have faith in our government.

  6. I agree with Kevin. I don't think Donald Trump knew how much work is involved with being a president. You have to do what's best for the whole nation but your not going to please everybody and I don't think Donald Trump understands that due to the fact that he wanted to get rid of obamacare.

  7. Yes trump said he'll get rid of Obama care but he also stated that the people who are already on Obamacare who need it will still have it. How do I say this without sounding like a trump supporter, I think we shouldn't count him out just yet lets give him the benefit of the doubt and see if he could be a decent president.

  8. I find this interesting because as the election carried out , it was unclear what ideas or policies he wanted to put into affect. Now that he will soon be in office,hearing that he will take advice while entering his presidency shows a different side of Trump. Do you think we will actually see some benefit and growth coming from him ?
