Sunday, November 6, 2016

FBI clears Clinton -- again

With the election coming up everybody has there mind set up on who they feel would be the best fit for president at this moment. Throughout Hillary Clintons whole campaign the question has been could she actually be trusted after her email scandal. This is the second time the FBI is clearing her name saying that in those emails nothing shady has been going on. Do you think that it's to late and is it a possibility that Donald Trump might still win this thing because people feel that she is a untrustworthy and a crook ?"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn't changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges after a review of new emails.
"Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July," Comey wrote in the new letter to congressional committee chairmen." If she has the FBI behind her I would say Hillary Clinton has my vote .


  1. i feel as if Trump is going to win with all his supporters
    and with the investigation back on Hillary things aren't looking too well.

  2. I don't think that the emails themselves are really the reason why Trump had a advantage over Hillary. I personally feel as thought the only reason why the whole email scandal has become such of a big thing is because of the fact that people are trying to find any reason not to trust Hillary simply because she is a woman. In America sexism is commonly found in a lot of people, even subconsciously. People are just trying to use this as a reason to favor Trump over her for this exact reason.

  3. Trump has the advantage because he has the money for it. Another thing is the population. There are a lot of (white) people would agrees with eveything that trump is doing and saying and they don't see anything wrong with it. It even goes onto black people with the racisms and the attacks. He is basically saying what his viewers want to hear
