Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fate of U.S.-Cuba Thaw Is Less Certain Under Donald Trump (Week C)

In this article it mainly talks about the President and President-elect's responses to the death of Fidel Castro and what it could mean for the future of America. It starts off by detailing one of President Obama's public responses. He called the death of Castro an occasion for Americans to “extend a hand of friendship to the Cuban people” and acknowledge the “powerful emotions” the revolutionary leader had evoked in both countries, seeking to use Castro’s legacy to help his own efforts to bury years of bitterness between the United States and Cuba. By saying this he was basically making it known that he had some hope for the relations between Cuba and America. Later in the article it talks about how the fact that Donald Trump is set to succeed Mr. Obama makes the fate of the thaw between the United States and Cuba far from clear. One of Trump's responses to the death of Castro was when he called Mr. Castro a “brutal dictator” who had oppressed his own people for decades and left a legacy of “firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights.” “While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve,” Mr. Trump said. He goes on to say “Though the tragedies, deaths and pain caused by Fidel Castro cannot be erased, our administration will do all it can to ensure the Cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty.” While the ways that the two presidential figures acknowledged the death of Fidel Castro were very different(one being much more condemning of Castro than the other),  both also described Mr. Castro’s death as a potential turning point for Cuba. Do you all feel as though his death will actually significantly change anything having to do with American-Cuban relations? Also with Trump coming into presidency, do you feel as though that will have a more negative or positive impact on things since he has proven to be so anti-immigration?


  1. How do you think donald trump is going to mess with Cuban and American new relationship. If you think so what is the worse thing you think could happen to the world or at least the 2 people's that are effected. On top of that can you believe this can happen in the first hundred days. Do you agree or disagree with trump view of Castro.

  2. The first question you asked is basically the same thing as what I asked. To address your last question, I disagree with the fact that all Donald Trump has really done, in regards to Castro (at least from what I've seen and heard), is condemned him. By looking at it from a very American standpoint I can understand why he has those views, for communism scares a lot of capitalists and Trump is a businessman, however, if you look at Castro (and communism as well) with an unbiased lense, you can see that he hasn't really done all that much to ONLY be called a “brutal dictator” who had oppressed his own people for decades and left a legacy of “firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights.” by someone.

  3. Is capitalism the only problem between Cuba amd the US? To this day, Cuba has been consistently the only nation that has given us the finger and refused to bend to our considerable will. Pundits can point to the "failures" of the Cuban economy but the decades long US embargo on Cuba had a significant effect. Can we really call another's country brutal when citizens are shot down in the streets and the indigenous people in this country are being hosed down in freezing temps for refusing to allow the government to lay an oil pipeline through their sacred lands? Not to mention, Castro and Cuba have been against apartheid and racial injustice long before the laws of the US decided to (try to) ensure social equality. Assata Shakur is still in Cuba.

  4. I believe that Trump becoming president will have negative effects on the Cuba situation. He does not support much foreign affairs and believes that we should not focus on supporting other countries. Obama was trying to establish a better relationship with Cuba by opening the embassy. Even though Trump cannot really change that, Trump can still damage our relationship with the country if the situation is not handled correctly.

    1. Do you think that maybe Trump will try to help Cuba so they can help us in an effort to improve the country. From a business standpoint, America may be able to make a lot of of money from buying and selling things with them.

  5. I don't think that the death of Fidel will change relations with the U.S and Cuba because even before he died the embargo was lifted. However the relations between Trump and Cuba could impact the relations between the two countries because we don't know what type of plans Obama had with Cuba and if trump will follow along.

  6. This is a very funny situation because Obama has mad progress in the relationship between the U.S.and Cuba which allows us to now have flights going to and from Cuba but, with Trump as the president elect I feel like things have turn for the worse. He will have the power the make things worst therefore undoing all of Obamas work which I feel like he would do based on his feelings on immigration. Do you think Obama should help negotiate with trump in making decisions about the embargo in some type of way so that the relationship can keep moving in a positive direction?

  7. I agree with you Roshard over the past year the United States has grown such a good relationship with Cuba . I don't think s because of Fidel castros death this relationship will go bad for the U.S. The only way I can see things going bad if Donald Trump goes threw with his immigration plan.
