Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sanders calls for assessment of Electrical College (Week C)  

  On Sunday, a statement made by former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders focused on how Hillary Clinton's heavier popular votes against Donald Trump's were overweighted by a electorial votes and that it would be about time for electrical voting to be re-examined . He goes on about the voting process not being fair along with other Democrats agreeing that electrical voting shouldn't be allowed anymore and be based on a popular vote. In the process of all of this, Hillary and her campaign call for a recount as Trump lies about millions of people who voted illegally costing him popular votes and still refuses to participate in recount. This impacts today's government in a way were now morals and bias opinions conflict with each other. Is Bernie and the other Democrats right morally? Or is this just a biased opinion that sides with the Democratic party? this shows us how we can exercise our democracy because we all have the right to choose. I personally feel that it can also be a potential good effect on democracy and young future voters like myself to vote. We can't change the past or whats behind us but we can effect the future.


  1. Electoral not electrical. So is this abt the Democratic party being sore losers or is this completely justified? What do you think will happen if they do the recount?

  2. I also agree that the popular vote should count more than electoral vote. When people see that the electoral vote is the reason why a president is in office they feel as if their individual vote does not matter. Then when people feel like their vote doesn't matter they decide not to vote. That has been a major issue as of recently and in order to change that people must feel like their vote matters. So I agree with Sanders when he says the electoral college needs an assessment.

  3. I agree with you jurelle when you say the popular vote should count more and the electoral college. Ms Harris I think that calling for a recount is the right thing to I don't think the Democratic Party are being sore losers. I feel this pass election was very intense and many things about our government have been brought to light and people are actually being informed and the people feel that it's unfair to have some random people have the presidential election in there hands. I also agree with mich when he says if we can't do anything now we can use these lessons to effect change in the near future.

  4. In regards to ms.harris question on what will happen, I feel that nothing will change regardless of the outcome. In the case where Trump remains the winner, it will only fuel him and his supporters to a point greater than before. In the case the recount concludes with Hillary being victorious, I feel middle america and white america has already made it evident what their views are and how they want this country to operate. I don't see much change coming with a recount because white america has made it clear what they want.

  5. I would say that voting rights is fair based on that fact that if you vote it will count, but as everyone knows, the electoral college is really the ones that say who wins or not

  6. I feel as if there was a recount it wouldn't do any good and the whole situation is stupid. It wouldn't change the outcome wouldn't change who is president. the electoral college I feel should stay because I feel like it has worked fairly throughout history and it should stay the way it is
