Sunday, January 29, 2017


 President Trump signed an executive order halting the admission  of refugees into the U.S. from syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. The order also established that Christians and refugees from other religions hailing from Muslim nations would be given preference for admittance to the United States over Muslim refugees. Due to the signing of that executive order many athlete spoke out, condemning it. Mo Farah, Great Britain's four-time Olympic gold-medalist distance runner, criticized United States President Donald Trump's controversial immigration ban Sunday. Farah was born in Somalia, one of the contries involved in the ban, but now lives in Oregon. He says that it would be hard face his four kids, after working hard, contributing to society for so long and paying his taxes, and tell them he might not be able to come home because of Trump's policy. I want to believe that Trump has good intentions with this ban, trying to protect the county and all,  but he is going about it the wrong way which has already lead to protest but can lead to much more. I feel like he's only hurting innocent people by tearing apart families instead of keeping us safe. The attackers from the most recent terror attacks and the ones from 9/11  aren't from any of these countries involved in the ban so putting a immigration ban on those countries would make the most sense. How would this ban help protect the U.S. because at this point I don't think Trump is protecting the nation he is creating new enemies. We already have so many unsolved issues with other countries and groups like is Isis and they aren't affected by the executive order. This goes back to the argument about a candidate having experience in a politics before being in any office. I think this would've help Donald make better decisions. What do you think?
Diplomats and prominent Muslims in Britain have condemned Donald Trump's decision to temporarily ban all refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. Trump  signed an executive order that bans citizens from Yemen,Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iraq from entering the US for 90 days and suspending the admission of all refugees for 120 days. On Friday, Trump and the prime minister of Great Britain Theresa May celebrated their countries' "special relationship" as they walked through the White House colonnade outside the Oval Office then less than 24 hours later, May was disagreeing with decisions her new ally has taken in her absence.
While she flew on to meet Turkey's President;Trump was preparing the executive order banning travel from seven Muslim majority nations. Trump Later receive more criticism from other government officials. I first off want to apologize for this article title to be misleading and sorry for using the trump ban when everyone else pretty much used it, but it everywhere on every website. To get back to the point this has to do with US Gov because trump is violating peoples rights to come to america and that makes us look bad as  a whole. By doing this Trump is going to ruin many relations america has international. Do you think that trump is abusing his power? Should the Legislative or Judical branch step in? and what do you you thnik the american people as a whole can do to fix this?  

Travel Ban Affects on Green Cards and Dual Citizens

So during this past week Trump has signed and passed many things. The one that has caused much backlash is his Travel ban. He has banned people from entering the United states from 7 countries. These countries include Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen. You would think this only applies to new immigrants but no this ban has an affect on even valid citizens. The article states that not only has he banned entry for 90 days but people with dual citizenship between the US and the banned countries are not allowed to enter the country during this 90 day period. If you have a green card the article states that his ban makes it even harder to enter the states now. While they are allowed to board planes and come to the US they will be put through extra security and a secondary interview. This interview will make sure they are not a "national risk". While reading this article I immediately thought of how literacy test limited black people from voting. I know it is on smaller scale but it is a similar concept. First off these secondary interviews open up a large window for the interviewers to run people away because they may "feel" someone is a risk. This interview is a set up because anyone could just talk to a person from one the the banned countries and deem they are a danger to the country just because of how they look. This may decrease the number of people from over the water that come to the US cause they might be wrongfully titled as dangerous or others might be too discouraged to even come back. Mind you this is to valid green card holders so they legally have been in the US and should be able to come. This relates back to things like literacy test because even though black people could vote just like green card holders can come to the US if they didn't pass that test which we have in the form of an interview now then they would be declined the ability to vote or in this case the ability to come into the country. I think this should open people's eyes to what is going on. Racism has been in the closet for many people but we now have a president that is displaying many times that he is racist. Yet people continue to go along with this as he is basically doing what was done to black people long ago he is just giving it another name. I could be stretching it by comparing it to the literacy test but that's definitely what it seems like if citizens can't even come back to their homes because they came from a certain country or possibly in the future because they are deemed as a risk when they could be ordinary people.In the next 4 years I can see the amount of cases where people are discriminated against by interviewers and because of Trump this has been made legal to discriminate. Hopefully it does not come to that but with the amount of power that is now taken away from dual citizens or green card holders it seems very likely.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Judge halts implementation of Trump's immigration order

This was an article that stuck out to me and grabbed my attention from the title alone. The article talks about Trump's attempt to place a new immigration order. The immigration order is set in place to halt people from other countries to enter America within the next 90 days. Yet the ruling by the judge makes it that those in transit, holding a valid Visa, can legally enter the states. I found this interesting and saw it as a way to connect it to our world issues because the President of the United States is trying to implement something and judges have stepped in and altered his attempted changes. It made me think if all the things Trump said he would do would actually be completed or even allowed. I find this to be the first of many attempts Trump makes on legislations that gets turned back and used against him. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Gruesome attack broadcast on Facebook Live

    Four people have been accused for kidnapping a 18 year old Caucasian boy and attacking him and saying racial comments to him. These four people cut and him and participated in other attacks to hurt this boy. While these four people did this they used Black Lives Matter and Donald Trump as there reasons for caring Out these acts. The reason why they kidnapped him was because they wanted to make a example because Donald Trump is president and they wanted to hurt this boy because since  he was white they automatically felt that he may of supported Donald Trump and the way he looks at African American people.Do you think Donald Trump should be blamed for this attack ? I feel that he has something to do with this kid being attacked becuase of the way he supported racism in a indirect way in his campaign. What can he do when he is in office to prevent attacks like this from helping again ? When he is in office the only way he would be able to stop things like this from happening he would have to clarify to the rest of the country about racism and how we shouldn't go back into the past

Texas teen tackled by police officer at pool party files federal lawsuit

The family of a Texas teenage girl is suing the city of McKinney, its police department and a former police officer for the fallout after a call about a "disturbance" at a neighborhood pool party in 2015. A video was posted on YouTube where you can see Casebolt (the cop) cursing at several black teenagers, waving his gun before grabbing Becton in June 2015. He repeatedly slammed her face on the ground, forcefully straddled her while thrusting his knees into her back and neck. After the incident Becton wasn't charged, McKinney police said. She was released to her parents. Casebolt was placed on administrative leave after the incident and resigned from his post as a corporal for the police department in McKinney. A grand jury declined to indict Casebolt on any criminal charges. This has to do with government because it shows how our  government has yet to change the justice system. Why is it that when ever a black is done wrong by a law enforcer, that individual is only suspended or fired and is never convicted of any crime. Not only does it further worsens the relationship with blacks and the law, but it makes the police force look bad because the girl was not resisting arrest and she was slammed and brutally handled and that does not leave a good image. What punishment do you think the cop deserve? Should the cop stand trail again?

Fort. Lauderdale airport gunman opened fire

I man named Esteban Santiago entered Fort Lauderdale airport Friday , January 6th. As he calmly stood in the baggage claim, behind a man and two boys, he pulled out a gun from his waistband and begins firing. This whole incident was caught on camera. It shows Santiago wearing a blue sweater with black stripes on the shoulders and carry a jacket in his left hand as he draws his weapon with his right hand and appears to fire it three times. He was an army veteran who went to the an Alaska FBI office in November 2016, saying his mind was being controlled by U.S. intelligence. He left a gun in his car before a rambling entrance. After the meeting authorities decided to take his gun away but, gave it back to him a month later and that was the same gun that he used for the shooting in the Fort Lauderdale airport. Is the government to blame for this incident since they knew that his mind wasn't totally right? If so what could they have done to prevent this and incidents like this from happening? If not the government who is to blame?

Sunday, January 1, 2017

D.C. Homelessness Doubles National Average as Living Costs Soar

In this article it mainly talks about how the rate of homelessness in D.C. is so high that it is nearly double the national average in America. Specifically, in the article it says  "Ms. White, 27, and Ms. Kelly, 25, live in what amounts to a parallel universe in Southeast Washington, as the city and its suburbs accumulate staggering wealth while its poorest residents grow poorer. In December, a devastating survey of 32 big cities prepared by the United States Conference of Mayors showed Washington with the highest rate of homelessness. There are 124 homeless people for every 10,000 residents here, more than twice the national average. Nationally, homelessness has shrunk 12.9 percent over the last seven years." This implies that even though the homeless rates in America as a whole seem to be going down, the rates in D.C. are exponentially going up. The article goes on to talk about and give some reasons as to why the homeless rates are rising so much in one area. Do you think that this issue is prevalent enough to gain some attention on the federal level since the rates are so high or that it should just remain a local issue? 
Link :

Lookin Towards 2017

With his last term coming to an end, with the end of an era only days away, shouldn't the leader of the free world enjoying and reminiscing about his years in office. Well in his last few days in office Obama is trying to ensure that his legacy is not tarnished by the new incoming president. There are still many unresolved problems left America to handle that Obama could not solve during his terms but we as a nation have made some progress to improving life for all citizens, and it would be a shame to see all of that hard work washed away in a matter of months. One of the major topics of discussion in the article is the cyber " controversy"  over Russian meddling in the election this past November. It would be an understatement to say that the outcome of this past election was polarizing but the protest have been dying die(or at least is not getting as much attention) but if the Russian cyber network had some affect on the outcome it could cause a lot of problems for Trump in the future and how he deals with Russia. A major concern for Americans this since trumps election is his plans for Obamacare. Despite his comments on supporting some parts Obama wants to ensure that his reforms to our health care system, that has helped millions of Americans, is there to help future generations of Americans. In your opinion what do you believe will happen to the reforms Obama has made to our health care system and the social progress with equality and crime. Are there anything you believe that Obama did wrong and Trump can improve on. What do you see happening in the first year in office with President elect Trump.