Sunday, January 8, 2017

Gruesome attack broadcast on Facebook Live

    Four people have been accused for kidnapping a 18 year old Caucasian boy and attacking him and saying racial comments to him. These four people cut and him and participated in other attacks to hurt this boy. While these four people did this they used Black Lives Matter and Donald Trump as there reasons for caring Out these acts. The reason why they kidnapped him was because they wanted to make a example because Donald Trump is president and they wanted to hurt this boy because since  he was white they automatically felt that he may of supported Donald Trump and the way he looks at African American people.Do you think Donald Trump should be blamed for this attack ? I feel that he has something to do with this kid being attacked becuase of the way he supported racism in a indirect way in his campaign. What can he do when he is in office to prevent attacks like this from helping again ? When he is in office the only way he would be able to stop things like this from happening he would have to clarify to the rest of the country about racism and how we shouldn't go back into the past


  1. I don't feel like this attack should be blamed on Trump. Honestly an even like this is born from ignorance that is only taught and carried on by some people in our society. It is not acceptable to target someone because of race and assume they supported whoever. We can't bash cops or Caucasian people for things like this where black people are targeted then turn around and do the same. This whole thing sounds so stupid because who just kidnaps someone and tortured them because they are white? There's no excuse for that even if worse has happened to people of color. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Also on top of the torture these kids were teenagers. Why do we have teenagers who feel kidnapping and torture is acceptable because of race? Who teaches this to these kids for them to feel the need to take action. The same goes for anyone who does something stupid like this. Why does race make people do dumb inhuman things like we are not all the same species on the same planet in the same country on the same continent.

  2. I agree with Isaiah in saying that Trump shouldn't be blamed for this attack. This is hate crime. What do you think Donald Trump should do as President to stop acts of hate like these from happening. There were a lot of disagreement pertaining to the election. I feel like President elect Donald Trump should focus on uniting the country during his presidency.

  3. Trump should not be blamed for this, those kids are obviously crazy for committing such a crime. They should have a warrant out for their arrest because this honestly shouldn't be acceptable. If the race of the people who committed this crime were opposite then this would of been on the news 24/7. I think the only thing the local government can do about this is put a warrant out for their arrest and that is it.

  4. i do not agree that Trump should be blamed for this random attack. You simply cannot attack other people based on another persons views and ideals. You cannot go out and randomly attack an innocent citizen and then complain when the police get away with brutally assaulting or killing black people. This will just be used against black people. If we stoop to their level and take out our anger on other people, we are just as bad as our enemies. If we defend these people and their actions we are setting ourselves up

  5. I agree that Trump should not be blamed for the attack that happened. People are on high alert and feel a level of detachment to this country because of the new president and they want to rebel. However with acts like this people don't realize that they are doing more wrong than right. It's understandable that black people, women and gays feel like they don't have a voice, however it doesn't excuse the cruel act of capturing another human being.

  6. I agree that Trump should not be blamed for the attack that happened. People are on high alert and feel a level of detachment to this country because of the new president and they want to rebel. However with acts like this people don't realize that they are doing more wrong than right. It's understandable that black people, women and gays feel like they don't have a voice, however it doesn't excuse the cruel act of capturing another human being.

  7. I do not believe that Trump should be blame because people are over exaggerated. Just because trump is President does not mean that there should be chaos. In fact i believe that everybody should give the least problems to show that we are not what they want us to be. If we continue to act in this way there will be no change because we are only causing pain and suffering

  8. I watched the Live video while it was happening and it sicken me because they seemed to be having fun. I dont believe that any type of racist comment should result in kidnappign a torture this is the works of people who have sick minds. Not someone who wants to make a change

  9. The same way that he is automatically white and supports Trump, is the way they look at us as automatically black and threats. This is an issue within itself. On a government standpoint, the major issue is the effect of Trump on a country that he hasn't even began to run yet. It is a shame that hate crimes are happening. This is even worst because of their use of " Black Lives Matter." Brings justification for white people being able to kill us and preach " White Lives Matter." This is a touchy topic

  10. To be fully honest Trump can not take the blame for this situation. In fact the only people to blame in this situation are the ones involved are government and media outlets. The actions they committed are absolutely unforgivable and these people should face the maximum punishment they can receive and it only saddens me that these idiots only make it worse for black people and other marginalized/mistreated minorities whom are fighting for equality. The ones who should take responsibility for instigating this act are the government officials and media outlets who chose to make the election of Trump the end of the world as we know it. Inciting a race war and dividing us as people is not their purpose. What I think we can do as people is learn to accept that we will not always agree with each other but there are basic issues we can work on together. The people have a voice that can lead Trump best when it is unified.

    1. I agree with this in the sense that I feel like the main source of blame are both the people directly involved as well as the media. Even though Donald Trump has proven himself to be racist, people make it seem like he was the sole creator of racism and prejudice in America when, in actuality, racism has been around since the creation of America.

  11. Trump shoundnt be responsible because he didnt go out there and say to do that to him. People do the things that they do because something is wrong in there head or its because they want to be down with society. They see it being done to people so they want to take part in it and they think they they are doing someting good. But instead they are just putting more things on the plate to add on to the styerotypical african american.
