Sunday, January 29, 2017

Diplomats and prominent Muslims in Britain have condemned Donald Trump's decision to temporarily ban all refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. Trump  signed an executive order that bans citizens from Yemen,Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iraq from entering the US for 90 days and suspending the admission of all refugees for 120 days. On Friday, Trump and the prime minister of Great Britain Theresa May celebrated their countries' "special relationship" as they walked through the White House colonnade outside the Oval Office then less than 24 hours later, May was disagreeing with decisions her new ally has taken in her absence.
While she flew on to meet Turkey's President;Trump was preparing the executive order banning travel from seven Muslim majority nations. Trump Later receive more criticism from other government officials. I first off want to apologize for this article title to be misleading and sorry for using the trump ban when everyone else pretty much used it, but it everywhere on every website. To get back to the point this has to do with US Gov because trump is violating peoples rights to come to america and that makes us look bad as  a whole. By doing this Trump is going to ruin many relations america has international. Do you think that trump is abusing his power? Should the Legislative or Judical branch step in? and what do you you thnik the american people as a whole can do to fix this?  


  1. I believe the other countries that consider us allies might not like what were doing now. But at the same time not all of them will probably care what were doing to others as long as we are not doing that specific country wrong. It sounds selfish but that is how some countries feel, as long as they are alright nothing else matters. Unless some country they consider a friend needs some help like funds or a certain trade.

  2. Like everyone else, I completely disapprove of the decision trump has made within the first couple of weeks in office. It is wrong to limit visas, ban other countries from travelling to the US and banning travel to other countries, especially when it was unprovoked and those countries did not disturb the US. However, it is not illegal for trump to do what he pleases when it comes to foreign affairs. It is true that his decisions are burning the bridges that president Obama tried hard to build with other countries. This is certainly an abuse of power. While we can't influence Trump or his policies(because he is beyond ignorant) I think that the best thing we could do to go against trump would be to not support his businesses and others that support him. And most importantly, pray his impeachment occurs very soon.

    1. If it was really illegal Trump wouldnt be able to do it period, however it is 100% unconstitutional

    2. I agree with everybody and I dissaprove of the decision that he had made.I see why other countries want to ban americans from there country because it's only fair to do that. DO YOU GUYS THINK THAT SOMEBODY NEEDS TO BE THE BIGGER PERSON? I think that other countries are used to america being the peace makers and trying to defuse situations. Donald trump is making the US look bad because all he's doing is starting stuff.
