Sunday, January 29, 2017

Travel Ban Affects on Green Cards and Dual Citizens

So during this past week Trump has signed and passed many things. The one that has caused much backlash is his Travel ban. He has banned people from entering the United states from 7 countries. These countries include Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen. You would think this only applies to new immigrants but no this ban has an affect on even valid citizens. The article states that not only has he banned entry for 90 days but people with dual citizenship between the US and the banned countries are not allowed to enter the country during this 90 day period. If you have a green card the article states that his ban makes it even harder to enter the states now. While they are allowed to board planes and come to the US they will be put through extra security and a secondary interview. This interview will make sure they are not a "national risk". While reading this article I immediately thought of how literacy test limited black people from voting. I know it is on smaller scale but it is a similar concept. First off these secondary interviews open up a large window for the interviewers to run people away because they may "feel" someone is a risk. This interview is a set up because anyone could just talk to a person from one the the banned countries and deem they are a danger to the country just because of how they look. This may decrease the number of people from over the water that come to the US cause they might be wrongfully titled as dangerous or others might be too discouraged to even come back. Mind you this is to valid green card holders so they legally have been in the US and should be able to come. This relates back to things like literacy test because even though black people could vote just like green card holders can come to the US if they didn't pass that test which we have in the form of an interview now then they would be declined the ability to vote or in this case the ability to come into the country. I think this should open people's eyes to what is going on. Racism has been in the closet for many people but we now have a president that is displaying many times that he is racist. Yet people continue to go along with this as he is basically doing what was done to black people long ago he is just giving it another name. I could be stretching it by comparing it to the literacy test but that's definitely what it seems like if citizens can't even come back to their homes because they came from a certain country or possibly in the future because they are deemed as a risk when they could be ordinary people.In the next 4 years I can see the amount of cases where people are discriminated against by interviewers and because of Trump this has been made legal to discriminate. Hopefully it does not come to that but with the amount of power that is now taken away from dual citizens or green card holders it seems very likely.


  1. I agree with the fact that you compared what Trump is doing now to the literacy test black people used to put up with. In my opinion Trump has taking his racism to a global scale and this might affect the U.S allies. I think this action by Trump can affect our allies because now they be rethinking the reason why they call themselves a friend of ours. That is like endorsing a group of people that you do not agree with because they don't share the same ideals as you. Now other countries might think different of us and might want to distance themselves from us. This is just a possibility that can happen but it might not happen because all the other countries might only care about what we can do for them and not what were doing.

    1. I understand your point in saying he has has taken his racism to a global scale because he is now targeting whole countries. On the other hand i don't fully understand what you mean by "endorsing a group because you don't agree with them" then why would you be endorsing them in the first place? I definitely understand what you mean when you say other countries might only care about our actions with them because not every country involves themselves in other countries affairs like the US does. All we can do at this point is see how it plays out and deal with the results.

  2. I think that its wrong to hinder immigrants from coming into the country. I agree with Jurelle when he says that Trump is taking his racist views to a global scale. On the other hand I think that Trump might have the right ideas, but doesn't know how to properly implement those ideas. Because, he was bashed and slandered by the media and everyone that doubted him, he feels he has to prove himself to the world. That is why he is signing so many things and passing bans too. He wants to show America that he is better than what they think. I think that if he had help or better advisors he could be a good president.

    1. How is banning countries based on religion a good thing? If he wanted to show how "good" he was as a person he wouldn't do something as religiously intolerant as he is doing coming from a country which was built on its so called religious tolerance.

    2. I agree with the fact that you think that Trump might have the right ideas, but doesn't know how to properly implement those ideas. I feel like throughout the course of him running for president he has just been saying things with out any real background knowledge. In regards to what he is currently doing, I feel like he needs to seek more counsel before doing things because his actions now could have more underlining detrimental effects in the future. For example, banning immigrants will only make people angrier when it is supposed to be instead quelling the issues.

  3. This post is very good, i like the way you brought in different sources but the main thing i want to say is that I do not believe that anyone will be discouraged in any form because of their race just because of TRUMP. This just opens up everybody's eyes to the truth. That the government is made of scandals and there are a lot of people making Lope-holes into our way of running the government, For example filibusters is a strategy that works if you are very well trained. For it to have a name proves my point that many people practices this act.

    This is something terrible for families and friends. For example if someone will have to go to a celebration such as a graduation or a wedding they cant if they coming from Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen. We can look at the first lady if Bush had put a ban on everybody from Russia, she wouldn't have been able to come nor be the first lady

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What I meant by that was if an immigrant knew someone that went through these extra security checks and they got sent back home it might discourage the person from trying to come over here. They will feel that since someone they knew who comes from the same place and looks the same way then they might get turned away too.

  4. is seems like trump is just starting problems with other countries these problems we don't need. he's is drawing unnecessary to us and his big mouth is just going to bring trouble to the U.S he's is also cracking down on just regular people coming in to the U.S these people who are not terrorist and he's just drawing in these negative stereotypes. As president it is important to protect the country through any means necessary how ever its is not wise to go looking for trouble.
    What would happen when these countries he has a ban on decide to speak about what he is doing would this cause a bigger problem for those of actual criminal terror organizations and how will Trump deal with it?

  5. In my opinion this is the same behavior that America is known for, hypocritical views, bias behavior and illogical perceptions of foreign polices, beliefs and people. Trump has just been more brash in his approach and has not been able to justify his actions. This ban on refugees is more than just a revoked opportunity but puts people who are trying to escape the dangerous living conditions in jeopardy. If a refugee is stopped from entering the country they could have nothing to go back to because they gave up everything to enter the country or they were on the run and staying in their country put their lives in danger. As you said Isaiah it does have a similar purpose to the literacy test. Does that make what Trump did unconstitutional and should what kind of affect will it have on a global economic and social level.
