Sunday, January 29, 2017


 President Trump signed an executive order halting the admission  of refugees into the U.S. from syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. The order also established that Christians and refugees from other religions hailing from Muslim nations would be given preference for admittance to the United States over Muslim refugees. Due to the signing of that executive order many athlete spoke out, condemning it. Mo Farah, Great Britain's four-time Olympic gold-medalist distance runner, criticized United States President Donald Trump's controversial immigration ban Sunday. Farah was born in Somalia, one of the contries involved in the ban, but now lives in Oregon. He says that it would be hard face his four kids, after working hard, contributing to society for so long and paying his taxes, and tell them he might not be able to come home because of Trump's policy. I want to believe that Trump has good intentions with this ban, trying to protect the county and all,  but he is going about it the wrong way which has already lead to protest but can lead to much more. I feel like he's only hurting innocent people by tearing apart families instead of keeping us safe. The attackers from the most recent terror attacks and the ones from 9/11  aren't from any of these countries involved in the ban so putting a immigration ban on those countries would make the most sense. How would this ban help protect the U.S. because at this point I don't think Trump is protecting the nation he is creating new enemies. We already have so many unsolved issues with other countries and groups like is Isis and they aren't affected by the executive order. This goes back to the argument about a candidate having experience in a politics before being in any office. I think this would've help Donald make better decisions. What do you think?


  1. I feel like it is bad that Donald Trump is banning immigrants from these specific countries. It singles them out and causes tension in the relationship they have with American government. Also, it can effect things like trade and future treaties. To ban immigration in America is very hypocritical. First, his wife is an immigrant from Slovenia. Second, America was founded on immigrant men, who so called "founded" the New World. Do you think Trump's immigration ban is coming from a good place? What would be a better approach?

    1. I agree with the fact that it is very hypocritical of Trump to try to be banning immigration mainly since America was put together on immigrants. I feel like this will only continuing to perpetuate the issue. Banning immigrants will make the relatives of those immigrants more upset at America. This could be the cause of some terrorism from within America rather than from outside of it.

    2. I agree with you one hundred percent. I don't think this immigration ban is coming from a good place at all. Instead of the ban i think we should have a more strict immigration process that involves background checks.

    3. I agree with this somewhat because I feel that he is doing this for the best interest of America. I feel that he could of thought of another way too approach such a broad bann like this.This could eventually kill americans that are in other countries.

    4. what do you think his administration can do to fix this problem that can potentially start a war and effect americans ?

  2. It is the beginning of many bad decisions in the next four years for America. Honestly the amount of ignorant and irresponsible things that Trump has done since becoming president is ridiculous. Now he has banned refugees , that have supported american efforts in the middle east, from entering the country. For those saying we should not be so quick to judge Trump since he is our "elected" and deserves a chance. Well it has been a week and so far its been a down spiral for the executive branch. I don't think it is an issue of inexperience but more of a problem with a lack of willingness to cooperate or find middle ground. If Trump ad more experience in government it could be said he wold not have made such terrible decisions in his time in office. In you guys opinions is Trump leading with his mind or his heart. Is he enforcing too much policies based off his own personal agenda or is this just part of a more calculated plan.

  3. Although it is true that experience in politics is a huge plus when looking for president, it is not much help in this situation. Even if he had experience in politics, the way Donald Trump goes about doing anything is very radical. him having experience would just give him a more solidified way to systematically detain his targets. As said above there is no thought out plan that Trump has. His plans are based off of his personal agenda. An example of this would be his first day in office he wanted to get rid of Obama care. He had no plans to replace it or even edit it. It seemed as though his goal was to get rid of what Obama did or to just get back at democrats. His plans have no real purpose and because of this, our country is slowly going downhill.
