Saturday, January 28, 2017

Judge halts implementation of Trump's immigration order

This was an article that stuck out to me and grabbed my attention from the title alone. The article talks about Trump's attempt to place a new immigration order. The immigration order is set in place to halt people from other countries to enter America within the next 90 days. Yet the ruling by the judge makes it that those in transit, holding a valid Visa, can legally enter the states. I found this interesting and saw it as a way to connect it to our world issues because the President of the United States is trying to implement something and judges have stepped in and altered his attempted changes. It made me think if all the things Trump said he would do would actually be completed or even allowed. I find this to be the first of many attempts Trump makes on legislations that gets turned back and used against him. 


  1. Yea with all that is goin on with Trump since his election it seems his Intentions haven't changed at all. I find it out rages how he plans to pay for the wall to divide the U.S and Mexico with their own money as well as U.S tax payers. My only question is how is this act going to benefit the U.S first Mexico then what else?

    1. I don't see how this is would affect Mexico. The ban was placed upon Muslims.

  2. Well to begin with i would like to know how this was passed so quick. It doesn't makes sense to me that Congress or any branch will accept this.I do not know much about this order if you can reply to my comment to clarify something such is this a Bill? Does this post have to do with what we went over in class? Reason why i ask this is because if this was a Bill how does everybody agrees on it, i believed that there were many issues other than this, what makes this more important than others?

  3. I would say that they were right for doing it because Muslims have been here for the longest and they fought and came to this country for the same reason has everyone else. They wanted to be free and get away from the throubles of their country. A lot of people benifit from them and they dont even know it. Everyone is fight to end the bad changes that Trump wants to do

    1. I looked at it the same way you did. I see it as everyone fighting and working to better themselves. The part that strikes me as odd is the fact the places that are banned are the places that have done any harm to the U.S. at all. And those that aren't banned are the places that supply Trump with growth towards his personal business. I only see this being him marketing himself and using the US for his own purposes within the next 4 years.
