Sunday, January 8, 2017

Fort. Lauderdale airport gunman opened fire

I man named Esteban Santiago entered Fort Lauderdale airport Friday , January 6th. As he calmly stood in the baggage claim, behind a man and two boys, he pulled out a gun from his waistband and begins firing. This whole incident was caught on camera. It shows Santiago wearing a blue sweater with black stripes on the shoulders and carry a jacket in his left hand as he draws his weapon with his right hand and appears to fire it three times. He was an army veteran who went to the an Alaska FBI office in November 2016, saying his mind was being controlled by U.S. intelligence. He left a gun in his car before a rambling entrance. After the meeting authorities decided to take his gun away but, gave it back to him a month later and that was the same gun that he used for the shooting in the Fort Lauderdale airport. Is the government to blame for this incident since they knew that his mind wasn't totally right? If so what could they have done to prevent this and incidents like this from happening? If not the government who is to blame?


  1. ima go out on a limb ad say it is the governments fault this goes to show airport surety should be increased if maybe the guy suffered from PTSD witch could be fixed by giving veterans psychiatric therapy after they have been released. this should be a requirement

  2. This situation is certainly the governments fault. If they knew months prior to the situation that Esteban Santiago was not mentally well, They should have taken the necessary steps to help him from his mental illness. They could have sent him to Rehab or kept him under close watch most of the time. They especially messed up when they gave him his weapon back. It is not uncommon for army veterans to come home and suffer from mental illness. Because the government knows this exist, they should take it upon them selves to send suffering soldiers to Rehab to get help. This is unacceptable.

  3. This is a complex issue. Different media outlets will twist the story in many different ways. Some news reporters will say that it was an attack from isis and it will raise more tensions with immigration which will have Trump supporters anxious for a great wall of some sort. On the other hand reporters like this one will say that the shooter suffers from PSTD and liberals will use the tool to their advantage. Politics is in everything in life, but instead of something dividing us a nation things like this should make us appreciate life not manipulate each other

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with this in the sense that this issue is very complex. While the government should be held accountable, I do not really feel as though they should attacked too much for the way that they handled this situation. I say this because if they had just outright taken his weapon, arguments would have been made about them violating his 2 amendment right. Also, whose to say that he would not have just gotten a hold of another gun and done the same thing over again.

  4. I believe the government is to blame manly because they know the army causes a lot of emotional and physical stress on a person that some people endure it but once they leave their station they are unstable. For events like this to stop from happening i believe they should hold therapy for Army Vets for atleast a year when they come back or even when they are over there.

  5. I would say that he needs to blame himself because i read an article saying that he has a mental problem so yeah maybe in his head was the government maybe no. Nobody would reallly know why he didnt it, but him. This just means that the airport need to upgrade their security, cause i dont see how he got through with a gun unless someone was working with him

  6. when things like this accure its hard to put a blame on somebody else other then the person that did the acion. weather he was under a mind control or something else, they wouldnt take the blame for it. If so, it would be a frame to make muslim people (immagrents). But we dont know the full story, so it is as is and he is in the wrong.
