Sunday, January 1, 2017

D.C. Homelessness Doubles National Average as Living Costs Soar

In this article it mainly talks about how the rate of homelessness in D.C. is so high that it is nearly double the national average in America. Specifically, in the article it says  "Ms. White, 27, and Ms. Kelly, 25, live in what amounts to a parallel universe in Southeast Washington, as the city and its suburbs accumulate staggering wealth while its poorest residents grow poorer. In December, a devastating survey of 32 big cities prepared by the United States Conference of Mayors showed Washington with the highest rate of homelessness. There are 124 homeless people for every 10,000 residents here, more than twice the national average. Nationally, homelessness has shrunk 12.9 percent over the last seven years." This implies that even though the homeless rates in America as a whole seem to be going down, the rates in D.C. are exponentially going up. The article goes on to talk about and give some reasons as to why the homeless rates are rising so much in one area. Do you think that this issue is prevalent enough to gain some attention on the federal level since the rates are so high or that it should just remain a local issue? 
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  1. I believe this is an issue the government can solve by opening up more shelters for the homeless. Shelters give the homeless a place to stay and a place where they can be provided free meals. All while the people look for a job opportunity so they can bounce back to a normal life.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with this somewhat, however, don't you feel as though opportunities/programs like this may have been made already on a local scale? What would make what you are saying different or particularly effective

    3. I agree with this somewhat, however, don't you feel as though opportunities/programs like this may have been made already on a local scale? What would make what you are saying different or particularly effective

  2. I agree with you when you say that homelessness is an important factor in American politics. How do you think the government can help out with this issue. Do you think that this a matter for the state government or for the federal government to handle?

    1. In regards to your first question, I feel like the government could do more things like the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Your next question is the same thing that I am asking.

  3. Homelessness is a serious problem but I don't think it should fall just on the federal government the state government should help out as well.I feel like all the federal government could possibly do is give out grant to the states but who is to say that money could be enough cause some states may have more homeless than ours.

    1. I agree that one way that the federal government could help is by giving out grants. However, I feel as though the state itself has already attempted to fix the problem and the fact that it is in such a big city means that money is not a factor

  4. In my opinion, i believe that this is due to the fact that they dont have jobs. They have been through a lot and now they cant afford things. If they get somewhat of a motivation they would be able to go back in the right direction. Ive seen things like that happen. Somebody was able to put a person in a hotel for a few with some money and food and when they check back in they improved their life by getting a steady job.

  5. I strongly agree with you Jurelle. I feel that opening up more homeless shelters will work too. The thing that I don't understand is D.C is where the president lives so you would think issues like this would be a little better compared to other states.What do you think the president should to attack this issue? I feel that he should come up with some kind of jobs.

  6. I believe that this should stay as a local issue and that the federal government need to attend to this. I'm not sure what this means for d.c now that our governments population is now conservative Republicans.
