Sunday, January 8, 2017

Texas teen tackled by police officer at pool party files federal lawsuit

The family of a Texas teenage girl is suing the city of McKinney, its police department and a former police officer for the fallout after a call about a "disturbance" at a neighborhood pool party in 2015. A video was posted on YouTube where you can see Casebolt (the cop) cursing at several black teenagers, waving his gun before grabbing Becton in June 2015. He repeatedly slammed her face on the ground, forcefully straddled her while thrusting his knees into her back and neck. After the incident Becton wasn't charged, McKinney police said. She was released to her parents. Casebolt was placed on administrative leave after the incident and resigned from his post as a corporal for the police department in McKinney. A grand jury declined to indict Casebolt on any criminal charges. This has to do with government because it shows how our  government has yet to change the justice system. Why is it that when ever a black is done wrong by a law enforcer, that individual is only suspended or fired and is never convicted of any crime. Not only does it further worsens the relationship with blacks and the law, but it makes the police force look bad because the girl was not resisting arrest and she was slammed and brutally handled and that does not leave a good image. What punishment do you think the cop deserve? Should the cop stand trail again?


  1. Honestly I feel as though this is more than just a race issue. Police Brutality harms everybody and it does suck that things like this can be done with no consequence to the cop in question. It's the police job to protect us and keep the streets safe but I feel as though some cops use this badge they have to exert aggression and force because they know they can justify it by saying "oh I was doing my job". We have to target the system really and how it chooses who is allowed to represent the badges they wear. We have to look at how they train cops as well because events like these happen because of police training. If they are told to use force when assuming necessary then whatever they do can be considered "necessary ". We need people in the justice system to outright come out and say this type of teaching is wrong and it's hurting the people of the country they are supposed to be protecting.

    1. I understand cops have to do what is necessary but if you would have seen the video the force and the language being used was unnecessary.

  2. Incidents like this show how the relationship between the people and law enforcement. Donald Trump's main focus should be fixing that disconnect. Doing so will drastically effect America. I think Donald should build a good relationship with the American people, because we are all in this together. What do you think Donald Trump should do as President to change this?

  3. I believe this incident happened because of the lack of police training or improper training. The police officer obviously used excessive force but was he trained to do so? Maybe he didn't have enough training to carefully handle the situation, this is obviously a problem the department would have to fix. I suggest that every police department in the nation should have the same training for all their officers.

  4. The cop involved in this brutal arrest should be tried again and the state's city should be sued as well. Texas has been known as a southern state were racism is still obviously present. There have been too many incidents where policeman have negative encounters with civilians that lead to brutal arrest or even killings. This family has every right to sue. The government needs to wake up and stop turning a blind eye. If they need to be continuously sued in order to get the message, then so be it. But, suing can only do so much. Communities need to get together and force the government to realize these problems , however they can.

  5. This incident doesn't shock me, there are things that cops do that the system over looks it. Things like this happen every day and i not many people bring light to it but now that social media is growing it makes it easier to spread an event. The police force takes care of its own, by that i mean that no matter what they do they find a reason for them committing this act or just put them on leave for a few months but many times they get to come back to the force. I believe if a cop commit a crime they should be trailed as a regular citizen. Even though it wont happen i believe they should go though another trail and cases like this should automatically be for the supreme court, once someone from the system is messes up it should be a federal issue

  6. It would be an understatement to say that I'm am not surprised by the actions of the police involved and the lack of consequences given in this situation. In many places around America different people who live totally opposite lives can face the same type of treatment that this young lady faced. Which makes it hard to believe the government and people who don't know any better, when they day this is an isolated incident. Police brutality is an epidemic that has yet to face any real opposition from those on power. In my opinion the officor involved should be punished but it should not stop there. This is not an isolated incident and there should be major reforms to our justice system to solve this national crisis. As for another trail I don't know how that would work out because I doubt the court would want to admit they are wrong.If anything they should lose there job and the entire force should face ramifications.

  7. I feel that this a very much a racial issue. I understand the points being made about how its bigger than race, but race is where it starts. We could debate that all day, but we know and have seen situations that have had TOTALLY different outcomes due to the persons race. I feel like this a great example of this years Presidential Race.The winner was the one that appealed to Middle America and their beliefs/wants. Trump is known for the ridiculous and outlandish things he has said, yet is now our new President. I feel like this reflects very much on the message this article is trying to portray/.
