Sunday, March 26, 2017

Pence vows Trump will continue ObamaCare fight, calls out Democrats and Republicans

Vice President Pence delivered a pep-talk on Saturday to Americans after fellow Republicans’ failed effort to get rid of Obama Care but he admitted that members are still planing to replace the bill, but vowing that President Trump will “keep fighting.”Pence spoke in the aftermath of House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday cancelling the final vote for the Obama Care replacement bill, upon concluding he didn’t have enough votes despite the chamber’s GOP majority.Republicans Ryan and Trump after announcing the cancellation, sounded as if efforts to fulfill campaign promises to repeal and replace Obamacare were essentially finished. Ryan publicly said Americans don't have to worry that we will be living with Obama Care for the “foreseeable future,” also  Trump did and on and  told The New York Times, “It’s enough already.”However, Trump and Pence on Saturday seemed to come back fighting.Trump tweeted “Obama Care will explode, and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE,” Trump also tweeted. “Do not worry! I choose this story because it reminded me of the peoples pie game, in the game Obamacare would be seen as something that everyone one will be happy about but also cost the government a lot of money and you would be torn between the too. Now back to the point , why is it that we cant certainty from our president on repealing obamacare and if they do replace it how and when? Do you think they will actually replace it? Could their replacement be even better or worse than Obama care?

U.S. Kills Architect of One of Pakistan’s Worst Terror Attacks

A pakistani militant who planned a devastating truck bomb attack on a hotel in Islamabad in 2008, which left dozens of people dead including two members of the American military, was killed recently. The militant, Qari Yasin, was killed by an american drone strike in Afghanistan on March 19th. In September 2008 the Marriott hotel in Islamabad was attacked by terrorist. At the time of the attack the prime minister was hosting a dinner for the governments leaders at his house a few hundred yards away from the place of the attack. More than 50 people were killed and more than 260 people were to the 1,300 pounds of explosives carried on the truck. The explosion was so massive it created a crater that was 25 feet deep and 60 feet wide. Qari Yasin was also involved in a 2009 attack on a bus transporting the sari Lanka cricket team . Gunmen used rifles, grenades, and rockets to assault the bus and as a result. Some government officials like Defense Secretary Jim Mattis believes that the deaths of Yasin will send a message to terrorist who target innocent people that they will not escape justice. This article reminds me of the dilution we had in class about the consequences of the U.S. getting involved in world issues and when it is beneficial or not. I personally like the fact that the American is trying to be the W.P.D. (World's Police Department) but I don't thinkle they should always get involved in every issue, especially when terrorist are involved. When Obama made the decision to go after Osama Bin Laden there was an increase of terrorist attacks in the U.S. This drone strick can have the same effect, especially when innocent Pakistanis were kiled in the process. What do you think? How would the Pakistanis react to the attack? Could there have been a better way to handle this situation or should the U.S. have stayed out of this one?

Sunday, March 19, 2017


This article grabbed my eye because it relates to the chapter we just came off in class. The article talks about the possible budget cuts that are to come this year for New York. One interesting statement made in the article was from Mayor Bill de Blasio. He said " We also are not going to say to folks in Washington, go ahead and cut us because we have so much money to put in-we don’t." This was similar to our presentations when Ms. Harris said never ask for less money. One big issue I see with the budget being cut is the fact that it isn't a specific section receiving a cut. With us receiving 10% of the budget, roughly 8.8 billion, we have found a way to disrupt the funds to see " success " from all programs. But what happens when our overall budget gets cut? Does that mean programs get cut? And if so, Which programs are set to go first?  According to this article, Housing's budget cuts don't come from Trump himself. But instead come from the new formula implemented by the folks in charge of Housing and Urban Development. Everyone's main concern is how the formula is to affect big cities, but other states such as Los Angeles has gone unharmed by these new implementations. One question that immediately came to mind was : Do you believe Ben Carson and his team over at H.U.D. should continue to make cuts? If the cuts continue, where is the remaining money going?

The Tiny Trump Budget Cut That Could Blind America to the Next Zika (D Group)

       It is no secret that Donald Trump and the Republican party have devised their plan to get rid of Obamacare. However, they have yet to come up with a plan to replace and supplement the thing that so many Americans rely on to live their everyday lives. Not only that, they have also failed to realize the drastic effects that removing Obamacare will have on the American people. The article discusses the major cuts that Donald Trump plans to make to several health and science related government agencies. The main argument in this article is that because of the severe budget cuts. We will not be able to be fully operational in those departments, and most importantly, combat infectious diseases if they were to begin spreading. It would take longer to figure out how to stop it from spreading and cure the diseases due to these budget cuts. This is similar to some of the activities and lessons we talked about just last week. The government creates these agencies to regulate and enforce what is necessary for our well-being. Cutting funding would harm everyone. Even when we played "The People's Pie"(government budget game we played in class), we were given very tough choices to make. However, we knew not to cut important things like healthcare or social security from our federal budget.I do not think that the president or the cabinet members related to this issue are doing a good job. The cabinet should be doing its job by "advising" Trump to make good decisions. This was a horrible decision. It baffles me that Trump would mercilessly cut funding to one of the most important sections of our government. At this point, I do not know what it will take to finally impeach this man. He is crippling our country. How do you feel about Trump's decision to cut funding from sciences and health? Do you think it could have any positive effects? Which departments do you feel need their funding cut?

Article Link

Monday, March 13, 2017

Tweert that ( c group )

Donald Trump has tweets on the brain.

"Poor Donald. He has now blustered his way into a job where his every comment is analyzed and picked apart as if the wrong phrase might start a war or set off an economic panic. What is he supposed to do, change his ways at age 70 just because he is president of the United States?"

The answer that the article gave was yes. I am not saying that he is not allowed to use it, I am just saying that he is on it all the time. he is either tweeting or finding out ways to shut people out. What ever he states in a tweet gets put into a presidential records act. The down fall of this act is that if he was to delete a tweet, that means that it would be deleted from his records. Trump is always trying to belittle somebody more than do his job. This has to do with APGOPO because everything that he says can be used against him in this act. He should be more focused on "making America great again" than tweeting. In another tweet he talked about how Obama wire tapped Trump tower and the FBI had to rush quick to defend Obama, stating that Trump called on an investigation for himself. This guy is just a big fraud and we really cant trust him. He basically tweeted his way into this election and into winning.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Plans ? Presidential Cabinet doing their jobs

In this article it talks  about 45's actions on ISIS, Before being elected he said that he will do so many things but have no plan, So Once president, he signed an executive order giving his generals 30 days to produce a plan to defeat the terrorist group, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis gave him options on Feb. 27.It appears that new Defense Secretary James Mattis is preparing to start as early as Friday, when Trump is scheduled to visit the Pentagon, According to the NY Times. There is no evidence on what was the plan but before this new plan came to the table their were already thousands of soliders in training to go to Iraq which is why we question what they are trying to do because they invest to much in the army. Obama had a plan in motion when he left office and its being enacted  as you read. 

I personally feel that they shouldn't be sending so much forces and assisting with attacks or provoke anyone or show the U.S's Military Power i believe that we should simply cut the Militaries budget because we have no need for more weapons or soldiers we are not in a war nor should we try. Instead of the army why dont we focus on Education ? or The health of the environment ? We continue to let the problems here fly over our heads. We Must fix the pollution that is occurring more and more from big business and everyday citizens.  Our Education is disgusting we are not even Top 10 in the world but we insist on making more weapons and starting Chaos, My question is simple the cabinet is suppose to be experts in their fields and are suppose to know what they are doing so why dont they see that we have no need for soldiers at this moment ?

Helpful information :

Some options that could be quickly forwarded: two ideas that former President Barack Obama’s administration developed but never approved, according to CNN.

They include arming Kurdish fighters for the battle to retake Raqqa, the ISIS capital in Syria. Obama didn’t like that idea due to concerns it would alienate Turkey, where the United States needs airbase access.

Another option: sending more U.S. troops into Syria for combat against ISIS fighters. Under Obama, American service members are technically in an adviser role in Iraq and Syria.



Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Should Ben Carson Be head of house and urban development ??

After hearing about a great black man who preformed such a serious brain surgery on new born twins with out leaving them with brain damage it was just breath taken. to know that when black men go to school they can become some so much with a skill they are gifted with. Ben Carson the man known for recently doing the impossible when it comes to Neurosurgery dividing Siamese twins with out leaving them with brain damage. After hearing about that i felt so devastated to hear what he said in front of the housing and urban development  secretary. Ben Carson decided to compare slaves to immigrants in coming to a new land of dreams and opportunities. it hurts to hear a educated black man say  “That's what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less,” said Carson, speaking extemporaneously as he paced the room with a microphone. “But they, too, had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.” after hearing about this and seeing it i felt so heart broken. how do you feel about Ben Carson's speech? i also feel as if he probably felt pressured to say what he said to get where he is. this Neurologist is now head of Housing and urban Development working behind our new President. Maybe this speech was written for him and he doesn't believe it? Should he have spoken from his own thoughts and Should be be working in the department his is now head of does he fit the qualifications? I personally believe that Ben Carson should not be apart of this department. it would make more sense to be working with Tom Price in the Health and Human services department to be working with medicine in a more scientific field.   

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Democrats Bet G.O.P. Will Regret Opposing Scrutiny of Trump

In this article(linked below), it mainly talks about the tactics that the Democratic party is using in response to Trumps presidency. It talks about how since they are the minority they have extremly limited options when it comes to going against him or even just getting things that they want to advocate for done. This is shown when in the beginning it states "President Trump gives Democrats in Congress an ideal adversary, one who can set off impassioned protests and ignite their supporters with a single Twitter post. But with the Democrats’ power severely limited by their minority status, they cannot conduct congressional investigations. The chances their bills will even get a vote are slim." The article goes on to talk about how they have implemented the use of, in a sense, low-blow tactics to try try and sway the decisions of the electorate in future elections. Specifically it says "What they do possess, they hope, is the power to shame. So they have been offering up bills that stand virtually no chance of passing, like ones forcing Mr. Trump to release his tax returns, with the clear intent of putting Republicans on the record now in hopes that voters will punish them later." It's true that elections are in a way competitions and should be dealt with in that sense, but dont you think that trying to sabotage the future of a party could just be wasting time? I personally feel as though the democrats should instead be devoting their time and energy towards trying to negotiate with the republican party. My question for you readers is do you feel as though this is just and that it should be expected in elections? Is it even possible to put an end to underhanded strategies like these that will only continue to play into party polarization?
 Link -

Facing big political hurdles, House Republicans ready an ambitious legislative push to repeal Obamacare

Before 45 has taken the position as the President of the United States Of America he has talked about repealing Obamacare. The thing that I realized is he talks this big talk about taking it out of place but has no plan. The repeal is suppose to potentially expand health care too 20 million people in America . The bigger picture is that this new plan is going to hurt Americans pockets. The poor family's who can't afford the best healthcare in the world is going to have too pay more than they can afford now.I feel that the republicans are trying to throw a crappy proposal together to take out Obama's legacy and what his whole presidency has built. This makes me wonder about politics and do these politicians actually have the countries best interest at heart because they are willing to hurt millions of Americans to help turnish someone's legacy and stop lower income people from having affordable care.Another conclusion I had came too is that the republicans and president don't actually have any solid proposal that can actually put in place currently. I say this because the proposal draft wasn't showed to the public and was only viewed by the joint committee.So do you think the president and his party actually have a proposal? What should the people do about the president trying to add his new appeal? How can we come together threw peaceful protest?

Separating the man from the president/vice president

This past week the Vice president elect Mike found himself in the midst of media drama. Recently an article was published by the Associated Press contained sensitive information that Pence did not want to be leaked to the general public. What sensitive information did the press leak that has Mike infuriated?  They shared vice president elect mike's private email that he uses for more personal matters. Along with this were 29 private emails sent during his time as governor and to add salt to the wound his wife's personal email was also published in the article. In usual Trump administration response Mike decided to respond in outrage through a tweet. He voiced his frustration stating that this was not only a violation of his privacy but mostly his wife whom has no involvement in his public work and a violation of her security. Now it is a generally known that a large amount citizens do not favor Pence as a possible leader of the free world or even as the vice president. It is quite clear that with the information revealing his private account there is sure to be a backlash from leaking his email address. We all have our opinion on the policies being enforced by the Trump administration but where do we draw the line of hating the policy and hating the one enforcing it. There is a saying that goes " Don't mix your professional life with your personal life" but dose that also apply to the to those who work in public service. In your opinion is this an invasion of Mike's privacy and this is only a ploy to harass the Trump administration. Is it suspicious that Pence does not want his private email shared and should we be able to email our public officials? What would you do and or use Pence's email to do?