Sunday, March 5, 2017

Facing big political hurdles, House Republicans ready an ambitious legislative push to repeal Obamacare

Before 45 has taken the position as the President of the United States Of America he has talked about repealing Obamacare. The thing that I realized is he talks this big talk about taking it out of place but has no plan. The repeal is suppose to potentially expand health care too 20 million people in America . The bigger picture is that this new plan is going to hurt Americans pockets. The poor family's who can't afford the best healthcare in the world is going to have too pay more than they can afford now.I feel that the republicans are trying to throw a crappy proposal together to take out Obama's legacy and what his whole presidency has built. This makes me wonder about politics and do these politicians actually have the countries best interest at heart because they are willing to hurt millions of Americans to help turnish someone's legacy and stop lower income people from having affordable care.Another conclusion I had came too is that the republicans and president don't actually have any solid proposal that can actually put in place currently. I say this because the proposal draft wasn't showed to the public and was only viewed by the joint committee.So do you think the president and his party actually have a proposal? What should the people do about the president trying to add his new appeal? How can we come together threw peaceful protest?


  1. I believe this another way to keep the poor people poor and to keep the rich healthy and "forever lasting". What I mean by that is when the rich is kept healthy that means their influence on the world is going to last longer now. But another thought entered my mind about Trumps method. The majority of the people that voted for Trump was poor. So why would make it harder for your voters and followers to receive good healthcare, at this point he is turning everyone against him.

  2. Honestly this is how it always is. They don't plan for the poor and people who just can't afford. The rich will continue to live without any struggle with prices increasing but because it does not hurt the rich there is no problem. That was one of the problems Obamacare took care of. Free affordable health care and without it the only ones with any good health care to make sure they don't just die will be the rich while the ones below them struggle.

  3. I think that the new repeal isn't a smart decision by the President and the rest of congress. I think that the people should reach out to their representatives and make sure they hear their voices. That way maybe the repeal doesn't get passed or they don't vote on it. I think that the president needs actual qualified people to advise him in the decisions he makes for the country. Also, we need to vote to put the right people in office. We don't people who only vote and make decisions based on their party. We want people who want to make the country better.

  4. i dont think this idea they got on removing obamacare is not a good idea because he gave people some chance on better health care its not the best & i dont think they have a plan just yet because throughout the months 45 spoke a lot about a wall and the removal of obamacare but never spoke about the logistics. which is a main part in everything as president you cannot open your mouth and say what u want especially if its something personal to you.

  5. I disagree with what the article is saying. I can recall after Donald Trump won the election he said that he wouldn't totally repeal Obama care that the people who really need it would still have the care they had before he was elected. I think his proposal will make it harder for people that have some kind of money but not enough to pay for the cost of medical care and that is the part that is unfair.

  6. Firstly, I agree with what you said about the republicans attempt to "wipe out Obama's legacy" completely. It is unfortunate, but it exists.( Like I said several times before, saying they want the Affordable Care Act instead of Obama Care and it is the same thing.) i am confident that they do not have any plan to supplement Obama care. As said above, this is just a way to systematically detain the lower class. They know that this would have drastic affects on those who cant afford health care. Along with that, they put tons of fast food chains in poor neighborhoods and healthy restaurants in middle and upper class neighborhoods. Why you ask? so we can be unhealthy and not afford healthcare at the same time. Unfortunately this is how it is. Stay Woke.

  7. I dont think there is somethink we can do about this situation. If there isnt a plan the only thing we can do is wait to see how this will affect the country . The only advice i would give to the nation is try to respond to the effects and not react. Things can be solve by taking a different approach. Maybe 45 (trump) will come to his senses if we, the nation, peacefully protest and suggest what we think is best for us to meet half and half with him.
