Sunday, March 26, 2017

Pence vows Trump will continue ObamaCare fight, calls out Democrats and Republicans

Vice President Pence delivered a pep-talk on Saturday to Americans after fellow Republicans’ failed effort to get rid of Obama Care but he admitted that members are still planing to replace the bill, but vowing that President Trump will “keep fighting.”Pence spoke in the aftermath of House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday cancelling the final vote for the Obama Care replacement bill, upon concluding he didn’t have enough votes despite the chamber’s GOP majority.Republicans Ryan and Trump after announcing the cancellation, sounded as if efforts to fulfill campaign promises to repeal and replace Obamacare were essentially finished. Ryan publicly said Americans don't have to worry that we will be living with Obama Care for the “foreseeable future,” also  Trump did and on and  told The New York Times, “It’s enough already.”However, Trump and Pence on Saturday seemed to come back fighting.Trump tweeted “Obama Care will explode, and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE,” Trump also tweeted. “Do not worry! I choose this story because it reminded me of the peoples pie game, in the game Obamacare would be seen as something that everyone one will be happy about but also cost the government a lot of money and you would be torn between the too. Now back to the point , why is it that we cant certainty from our president on repealing obamacare and if they do replace it how and when? Do you think they will actually replace it? Could their replacement be even better or worse than Obama care?


  1. Firstly, what the president decides to do with the budget is up to him. Therefore we cannot stop the from trying to repeal obamacare. Secondly, I wanted to say that there is no way of knowing what will happen if Obamacare were to be repealed. we do not know if they have an alternative plan to Obamacare. Neither do we know if it will be a better plan than what we currently. If Trump honestly had a drawn out plan to replace Obamacare he would hhave introduced it already . If he would have done this, he would not have as much opposition that he has now. But, with this man, we will never know. Only time can tell what this man will do.

    1. I understand your point bryce but the fact is that all this uncertainty is not good. he american people would like to know if they will continue to receive some assistance or if they will have to support them selves and that is the scary part.

  2. What Trump does with his budget can not be predicted since we do not have a clear plan. Trump says he wants to create jobs but what he plans to do with the money from the healthcare system is still unclear. Now if they will actually replace Obamacare it will more than likely be replaced by a less efficent program. The main reason i believe that the republicants are removing Obamacare is not becasuse they believe that it ia inefficent and not helping anyone. I believe the reppeal of obamacare is to serve their own agenda which is unclear. What i would like to know is if they are making budgets to healthcare, housing, and education how will they use the money to directly benefit the people.

    1. I agree with this. The newly proposed healthcare plan is simply a way for the republicans to modify and put their name on a healthcare program. In them doing so, the minority group will only continue to be at a disservice. The only real way I could see the electorate fighting this would be by putting pressure on the republican party in conjunction with the minority party in congress. This could at least make it so the plan is stalled and maybe even dropped in the future. This could also possibly make it so that the GOP is pressured to keep a good portion of Obamacare in the new plan.

  3. Hello Bello, knowing that Trump is the person that he is, and he like to make thinks happen, i believe that there is a 50% chance that Trump will replace Obamacare. But one thing that everyone should know is that Obamacare has helped a lot of people in the past few years. The only down fall of that, is that it cost a lot of money, but that is what it takes to get people well again, without it costing so much money. People benefit off of Obamacare and it is one of the greatest thing we have ever seen in a while. So to answer the last question that you asked, it will be for the worse because, Obama was the first to come up with a system like this and Trump just wants to do things that look better for him, which could possibly put us in depth by a lot.

  4. This is a good post because it opens up discussion to something we actually talk about, Removing ObamaCare is actually hurting the poor white folks more than anyone else. which is why when it was first introduced that trump will be removing it he lost ALOT of followers. The only way we can fix this problem without removing it is taking fund out of different departments that the people would 1. Not care if they lose funding for it 2. if it doesn't have a major impact on our lives. For example the million they give to our defense can be easily moved to health care just because we wont be in a war anytime soon if we dont provoke one

    1. Lol , can never know with Trump. War can happen anyway. ( NOT MY COMMENT )

  5. I find it interesting how Republicans carry themselves as if they are over the issue, but will " Keep Fighting." Similarly to Bryce's comment, I agree that this is a wait and see situation. We cannot speculate or even begin to imagine what will happen with a new health care in place. I feel like the questions you posed are all open for speculation. One thing I would say is that the satisfaction of the people will be at debt in the case of replacement. But I'm not to sure how much he really cares about peoples satisfaction...

  6. I think that Obama care is really important. I realized that people are ignorant about who Obama care actually helps. TRUMP IS trying to turnish president Obamas legacy so he is trying to implement his own health care acts. It's proven that his health care act is going to cost way more for people in the long run. Also I realized that people think that Obama care is helping black folks when. It really helps majority of the white people

  7. I don't think President has an actual plan for the new healthcare. I have a feeling that he is gonna keep the same thing with ObamaCare and put another name on it. He took credit for a lot of things Obama has done like lowering the debt in his fiscal year. The president shouldn't worry sorry much about the competitve aspect of changing the plan to prove that he can be beter. If he actually wants to change it do it right. He the intent to make a good change. I should worry about the country and show that he has its best interests at heart. He wants to "Make America great again" he needs to do the right things and listen to the people's problems.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I fell as though 45 is taking things that obama has set in place and turning them into a problem. There isnt a real issue with obamacare. If 45 were to change it I beleive healthcare would be a horrible subject that speak of espesially with low income families. Because Trump inst from a low income background he doesnt know the struggles of not getting a check up for a long period of time thinking/praying that nothing is wrong with you internally. So my answer is yes, I do think 45's replacement plan would be worse.
