Monday, March 13, 2017

Tweert that ( c group )

Donald Trump has tweets on the brain.

"Poor Donald. He has now blustered his way into a job where his every comment is analyzed and picked apart as if the wrong phrase might start a war or set off an economic panic. What is he supposed to do, change his ways at age 70 just because he is president of the United States?"

The answer that the article gave was yes. I am not saying that he is not allowed to use it, I am just saying that he is on it all the time. he is either tweeting or finding out ways to shut people out. What ever he states in a tweet gets put into a presidential records act. The down fall of this act is that if he was to delete a tweet, that means that it would be deleted from his records. Trump is always trying to belittle somebody more than do his job. This has to do with APGOPO because everything that he says can be used against him in this act. He should be more focused on "making America great again" than tweeting. In another tweet he talked about how Obama wire tapped Trump tower and the FBI had to rush quick to defend Obama, stating that Trump called on an investigation for himself. This guy is just a big fraud and we really cant trust him. He basically tweeted his way into this election and into winning.


  1. At first I wondered how this could be tied to APGOPO. One way I noticed was that Trump hasn't ( if he ever does ) the importance of his Job and his current position. He is in the position to either improve our country or tear it down. I do believe he is entitled to his own opinion and to voice himself as all should be when it comes to social media profiles. Using the Obama issue an example. Going to twitter to post assumptions on something that is being investigated/ not 100% approved just makes me think what else he speaks on without a sound background. It seems to reflect him being a president; reaching a place without the sound education/experience to do so.

  2. I strongly agree with you Justin I also feel that trump doesn't notice understand his current position. Him using the Obama issue is just a distraction. If you really follow 45 you can see that he always finds some type of issue to get him out of the hot seat.My question is do you feel that the president should even be able to tweet things out. All this shows is how immature he is and the things that he does is obsurd.

    1. Thanks for agreein with justin and kinda resaying what he said.
