Sunday, March 19, 2017


This article grabbed my eye because it relates to the chapter we just came off in class. The article talks about the possible budget cuts that are to come this year for New York. One interesting statement made in the article was from Mayor Bill de Blasio. He said " We also are not going to say to folks in Washington, go ahead and cut us because we have so much money to put in-we don’t." This was similar to our presentations when Ms. Harris said never ask for less money. One big issue I see with the budget being cut is the fact that it isn't a specific section receiving a cut. With us receiving 10% of the budget, roughly 8.8 billion, we have found a way to disrupt the funds to see " success " from all programs. But what happens when our overall budget gets cut? Does that mean programs get cut? And if so, Which programs are set to go first?  According to this article, Housing's budget cuts don't come from Trump himself. But instead come from the new formula implemented by the folks in charge of Housing and Urban Development. Everyone's main concern is how the formula is to affect big cities, but other states such as Los Angeles has gone unharmed by these new implementations. One question that immediately came to mind was : Do you believe Ben Carson and his team over at H.U.D. should continue to make cuts? If the cuts continue, where is the remaining money going?


  1. Well i needed to go in the article to get more information but from what got from what you said is that Mayor Bill De Blasio is trying to save our budget, throughout the years i heard so much about Blasio but there was a scandal about him recently about who he support and money. Ben Carson is just a tool he may be the head but there are other people also pulling some strings

    1. I did some research on the scandal. The scandal was on how De Blasio was raising money and where the funds were coming from. I don't really see it pertaining to this topic, but I can see how it guides your view on character. As far as Ben Carson being a tool, I totally agree with that. He is put in the position so that his actions can be dictated by a higher power. Did you have an answer to any of my questions though?

  2. Hello Justin, This is a good topic that you toched up on.One question that I have for you is since one thing leads to another, who would be affected by these budget cuts ? and are the who are in high power like Trump and Carson care about what happens later. For the budget that gets cut, i have a feeling that of coarse it will be divided up to the wealty or it will go into taxes, which still benifits the government that we live in. One thing that that I dont really understand is the programs you are refering to.

  3. I think this is a great article/ post, but you should comment on my post.

  4. I think we are cutting funds from the wrong things. As a country I think we should focus on the prosperity and health of our people. One of the first things should be the housing out people need and this is what we should fund. Not the military and "defense". If we focused on this then maybe we would do better as a whole.

    1. I agree with this. I feel like the more we pay now for something like the military(that can always be improved upon), the more we will have to pay for it in the future. This will only cause there to be more cuts to other programs that could end up helping the military anyways such as education.

  5. I believe that this is a start to a recessive process for poor people in america. First the education programs being slated now housing is being effected. Under the Trump administration I feel like its going to be worse than Nixion or Reagan because Trump is systematically opressing the poor which directly effects colored people and widens the economic gap between the rich and the poor. Although Deblasio does't likethe policy that most likely change the fact that its going to impact millions of people

  6. In my opinion cutting funding to urban development in specifically NY is gonna have greater adverse effects for specific reasons which could be good or bad. Cutting only in NY could be due to NY bring one of the largest urban cities. Also it can be related to the amount we need to fund the excelsior program and other educational programs. But we should reserve judgement because Ben is very inexperienced so anything could happen to our funding.

  7. I have a mixed opinion on the matter. On one side I feel as if NY shouldn't receive any cuts because we have things to improve like for example in the next few years they plan on making the mta buses n trains better for the people of NYC that extra 8.8B could help with that. On the other hand what if Washington needs more money for a valid reason and we happen to have 8.8B sitting around. They could use that 8.8B to fund agentices that really need more resources so that they can better do their jobs and improve America

  8. I feel like the funds for housing programs should not be cut if there isnt a plan of where the money is going. If there is a plan the they can show to the community on how the cut will be beneficial then im all for it. What if they dont cut any funds and revise how they use the money that they already have? Would that be better?

  9. I Kinda agree with Isaiah when it comes up to not cutting off our funds to health care and other essential things. But when he says that we should cut our funds to the military I disagree because if we don't have a strong military we can't keep the people safe. I also feel that this is a great article and touches on something serious. The scandal with Bill de blasio is becoming a common thing in the world of politics .

    1. Why can we do about these scandals?
      How can we manage the budget better
