Sunday, March 5, 2017

Democrats Bet G.O.P. Will Regret Opposing Scrutiny of Trump

In this article(linked below), it mainly talks about the tactics that the Democratic party is using in response to Trumps presidency. It talks about how since they are the minority they have extremly limited options when it comes to going against him or even just getting things that they want to advocate for done. This is shown when in the beginning it states "President Trump gives Democrats in Congress an ideal adversary, one who can set off impassioned protests and ignite their supporters with a single Twitter post. But with the Democrats’ power severely limited by their minority status, they cannot conduct congressional investigations. The chances their bills will even get a vote are slim." The article goes on to talk about how they have implemented the use of, in a sense, low-blow tactics to try try and sway the decisions of the electorate in future elections. Specifically it says "What they do possess, they hope, is the power to shame. So they have been offering up bills that stand virtually no chance of passing, like ones forcing Mr. Trump to release his tax returns, with the clear intent of putting Republicans on the record now in hopes that voters will punish them later." It's true that elections are in a way competitions and should be dealt with in that sense, but dont you think that trying to sabotage the future of a party could just be wasting time? I personally feel as though the democrats should instead be devoting their time and energy towards trying to negotiate with the republican party. My question for you readers is do you feel as though this is just and that it should be expected in elections? Is it even possible to put an end to underhanded strategies like these that will only continue to play into party polarization?
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  1. I do not believe that the Democrats do not have to always have a polarized position towards the Republican party. We know the a lot of Democrats and Republicans do not agree with each other on their policies, however instead of trying to attack the opposing politicos, they should work in unison and work together on particular issues. It is a great shame that politics use the power and platform they have with millions of lives at risk just for a mere political competition. Even though many Democrats hate what Trump represents, they still have an obligation to the constituents to ensure their safety.

    1. I agree with this. I feel like both parties should focus getting things done rather than being stubborn and just trying to enforce their own parties rule. Attacking opposing parties only continues to play into party polarization, which in turn only further messes up our politics in america.

  2. I understand why the democrats would want to try to things that can negatively effect the republican party. Over the years politics has become a competitive game between two teams, the Democrats and Republicans. I feel like they still shouldn't try to go against the republicans. I agree with you wen you say they should focus on getting things done rather than compete. President Trump has already been elected there is nothing we can do to change that fact. But, we can work together to help certain laws get passed. I think the key to ending the competitive nature of politics they should get rid of parties as a whole. When you run you talk about you views on different topics and how you want to make a change.

  3. I was going to say the same thing as Charles, that Republicans and Democrats should work together on similar issues. That is never going to happen because once the Democrats and Republicans see that they have a different view on something they automatically try to "bash" the other political party on their view. Which only leads to more separation between the party and the people that follow that party.

  4. Isn't the duty of the political party not in power to act as a watchdog of the other party? Should they just be silent on the major issues of this administration? Furthermore, are the Democrats actively opposing the new president or are they opposing the policies? Because the Republican party made no secret of opposing President Obama without caring what policies his administration had or trying to negotiate with him.

    1. While I do believe that it definitely is the duty of the the party not in power to act as a watch dog, I also feel as though they shouldnt directly obstruct progression. When I talk about being progressive(not in the political sense) I mean that in today's society we should be focusing on moving forward and depolarizing the parties. Even though political parties should remain separate, so they can do things such as act as watch dogs, they should be depolarized to the point that allows them to still be able to work together efficiently if they have to.

  5. i believe that it is not just that the parties are the ones trying to sabotage each other, i think the media should be. For the reason that their suppose to be the watchdogs. I think that no one should be bashing trump either than the media. The parties should worry about the issues and follow their beliefs. I understand that they do not see eye to eye on many issues but they both live in the same country and no matter if your rich or poor a war is a war no matter it will effect you in the long run.

  6. As the minority party, it is understandable to use your power to give the party an advantage and hopefully reclaim the seat. However, this election is not just about political standpoints, but moral standpoints as well. Because Trump has been so extreme since his campaigning days, it is expected that those who oppose him would retaliate. Things like the muslim ban or being the first president/candidate to not release their taxes are just two examples of some of things he has done to upset people. It is not just party polarization but morals. As seen with Obama, the republicans have opposed several of his proposals with no actual reason or alternate solution behind it. (Like the Affordable Care Act over Obama care when it is the same thing).It is no surprise that they would let their personal feelings cloud their judgement and go against Obama, but in 45's case it is the morals of "the people" and how the majority feel that drive the democrats to oppose 45. because of this, it is just for them to do what they have to to sabotage 45, and there is no way to stop or avoid it.
