Sunday, March 26, 2017

U.S. Kills Architect of One of Pakistan’s Worst Terror Attacks

A pakistani militant who planned a devastating truck bomb attack on a hotel in Islamabad in 2008, which left dozens of people dead including two members of the American military, was killed recently. The militant, Qari Yasin, was killed by an american drone strike in Afghanistan on March 19th. In September 2008 the Marriott hotel in Islamabad was attacked by terrorist. At the time of the attack the prime minister was hosting a dinner for the governments leaders at his house a few hundred yards away from the place of the attack. More than 50 people were killed and more than 260 people were to the 1,300 pounds of explosives carried on the truck. The explosion was so massive it created a crater that was 25 feet deep and 60 feet wide. Qari Yasin was also involved in a 2009 attack on a bus transporting the sari Lanka cricket team . Gunmen used rifles, grenades, and rockets to assault the bus and as a result. Some government officials like Defense Secretary Jim Mattis believes that the deaths of Yasin will send a message to terrorist who target innocent people that they will not escape justice. This article reminds me of the dilution we had in class about the consequences of the U.S. getting involved in world issues and when it is beneficial or not. I personally like the fact that the American is trying to be the W.P.D. (World's Police Department) but I don't thinkle they should always get involved in every issue, especially when terrorist are involved. When Obama made the decision to go after Osama Bin Laden there was an increase of terrorist attacks in the U.S. This drone strick can have the same effect, especially when innocent Pakistanis were kiled in the process. What do you think? How would the Pakistanis react to the attack? Could there have been a better way to handle this situation or should the U.S. have stayed out of this one?


  1. I too agree that the U.S gets too involved in foreign affairs. It is a habit that has been festering for decades at a time. If you haven't noticed yet, every where the U.S lands, we do not leave. we have military bases all across the Globe. This will continue to produce negative conflict and eventually stir up a war. If we decide to use drone strikes to control problems across the ocean, the people who we attack wiil not hesitate to return the favor when they see fit. There is no way to tell how they would react to this. Some might appreciate the efforts or some might be completely against it. Honestly there is no right or wrong answer. It is true that we cannot stand aside and watch innocent people killed, but at the same time, by getting involved, we are putting our own people at risk. we need to limit our involvement in foreign affairs and figure out when it is reasonable to intervene in outer conflicts.

  2. with all thats going on involving terror attacks i feel its best for the U.S not to get involved and to stay out. The U.S gets too involved in foreign affairs and when this happens too much it could lead to more disputes coming at the U.S. ad like what Bryce said "by getting involved, we are putting our own people at risk" we are already looked down upon by these countries who do not agree by the way we live and do our own things. i just strongly feel like if we just sit back and watch from a far and focus on growing our defense we could prevent an unexpected attack from terrorist

  3. I also agree that we shouldn't get too involved in the affairs of oter countries. On the other hand I understand that there is also justice and pride. For someone to commit acts of terrorism on America we have to make sure that the people who did what they did pay for it. As a world power we can't show weakness and let lawless rufians flex their power on us. Additionally, we just have to understand that for every action there is an eaqual reaction. Two negative don't make a positive either. Both side would want to retaliate and there would be no resolution to the problem its self. I think its up to President Trump to create new and better relationships with other countries. What do you think?

  4. Hello Mr Hercules, it amazes me that a person that planted a bomb all the way in 2008 was jut killed by an "American" drone. What i would like to know why was this drone still around for so long just to kill one man when we are already living in some what of a conflict. As you stated, when Osama mas killed, there was increase in terrorist attacks. If one thing led to another, then why would they continue with this mission. I know that America has some enemies, but violence is not always the way to deal with things. But there is nothing that we can do about it, so unfortunatly we have to live with whatever happens.

  5. I feel like when dealing with these kinds of issues you have to weigh both the ethical/moral obligations as well as the political/pragmatic ones. Regardless of how much America is trying to help there will always be some people who will find the bad in the good America is doing(or tryng to do). Like Bryce was starting to get at you kind of have to weigh the pros against the cons and decide if it is truly worth it. Even though it is morally and ethically wrong to just watch innocent people die(regardless of there nationality), the governments main to duty is to the people of America. Doing anything that would put the citizens at risk would technically be a violation of this.

  6. I partially disagree with the idea of America playing the role of the global police department for a couple of reasons. One reason that we should not take the international position of judge jury and executioner is because we have mostly ever got involved for personal gain or enforcing a worldwide agenda. Another reason is because they really have to be the biggest hypocrite in the world to police the rest of the earth but not their own country. The entire country is in constant mayhem internally between the police department and its "minority" citizens. With the current tension with the middle east the Pakistanis will try to act out in survival and try to protect themselves at any cost and going on the offensive. Until the situation reaches a global epidemic level the U.S should stay out of it.

  7. To Ezekiel's point : It doesn't surprise me that he was just killed now. It took years and two presidents to locate/infiltrate/kill one of the most well-known terrorists. I believe that America does begin to step outside of its boundaries at some points. At our current status, with who we have in position to be able declare war, we should watch where we walk. I believe we are at a sensitive point right now and shouldn't do more to draw attention our way. ( countries already hate us ). This is a very controversial issue for me because it seems as if you defeat a group of terrorists, only for the rise of new issues. It seems that the BIG BAD USA should begin to sit some out.

    1. I totally agree with you to your point that we defeat terrorist groups only for new ones to form. Power ignites jealousy, jealousy triggers challenge, challenges starts conflict. Maybe if the U.S. stop acting like the world's police force, displaying actions of power/strength, we would have issues with so many nations and/or groups.

  8. I love your point about when you said Obama sent to kill Osama it was a message that the U.S can fight back and pose a threat. Throughout the years there has been many attacks but when the u.s reacts they are just as worse sending troops to another city/country is just as bad as them bombing us. We go and rape murder innocent people at the reward of one person. Thats unacceptable. When we sent a drone that killed families left kids without parents they didnt come to the U.s with troops, maybe its because they feel powerless and bombing may be the only way to fireback without confronting the army. I personally think instead of fighting and flexing our power we should simply stand together and help these third world countries.

  9. I feel that the US should stay out of foreign affairs because many civilians are getting hurt in areas where there is air strikes and stuff.i saw the point where you mentioned the president sending people to send troops to kill Osama bin laden. I feel that was a Turning point because the territory's realize that America isn't playing any more games with these foreign people .

  10. How can the US handle these situations different with terriorst?
    Should continue to continue and take part with foreign affairs ?

    1. I remember when. George Washington said that the US should stay away from foreign affairs and alliances. I think that we should listen to what he said because we are 100 years later and the same things he said applies to this day
