Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Should Ben Carson Be head of house and urban development ??

After hearing about a great black man who preformed such a serious brain surgery on new born twins with out leaving them with brain damage it was just breath taken. to know that when black men go to school they can become some so much with a skill they are gifted with. Ben Carson the man known for recently doing the impossible when it comes to Neurosurgery dividing Siamese twins with out leaving them with brain damage. After hearing about that i felt so devastated to hear what he said in front of the housing and urban development  secretary. Ben Carson decided to compare slaves to immigrants in coming to a new land of dreams and opportunities. it hurts to hear a educated black man say  “That's what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less,” said Carson, speaking extemporaneously as he paced the room with a microphone. “But they, too, had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.” after hearing about this and seeing it i felt so heart broken. how do you feel about Ben Carson's speech? i also feel as if he probably felt pressured to say what he said to get where he is. this Neurologist is now head of Housing and urban Development working behind our new President. Maybe this speech was written for him and he doesn't believe it? Should he have spoken from his own thoughts and Should be be working in the department his is now head of does he fit the qualifications? I personally believe that Ben Carson should not be apart of this department. it would make more sense to be working with Tom Price in the Health and Human services department to be working with medicine in a more scientific field.   


  1. Firstly I think there should be some revision to this post it gets a little confusing at some points. Personally I find it illogical that someone who is well renowned in a field of science is head of HOUSING. If the secretaries are heads and experts of their specific departments how does a Neurologist end up as head of Urban Development. I think there might be something deeper to this appointment. Maybe he is just a pawn in a larger game. He obviously doesn't know what to do in that department which would make him more susceptible to using someone else's ideas to run that department. So he would only be the face but he isn't actually throwing out any orders himself. So while people will point to him when they see anything concerning Housing and Urban Development there is actually someone behind him pulling the strings while he takes the blame.

    1. it may seem little rushed i apologize for that but the main thing i wanted to talk about was Ben Carson being head of a department he has no experience in. i liked what you said about him possible being a pawn in this situation. maybe he didn't mean what he said and it was written for him to read word from word. soon we will see whats really going on between him and president

  2. Ben Carson, I believed this man was very intelligent as a neurologist. But that doesn't mean he is very intelligent in other areas. I think this man was brain washed by the language inside certain textbooks about slavery. We talked about this before where we said that textbooks in Texas, for example, are calling slaves immigrants. This very hard to believe and is very upsetting because by writing that in text books you are trying to deny the fact that are people were once slaves. You are trying to convince kids of a younger age that slaves were poor paid immigrants, you are trying to brainwash future generations into believing that. If I was at that speech I honestly would of left because hearing that just boils my skin, how can a man of color say that. I believe he needs to step from his current position as Head of Urban Development, he is not prepared for that task and he is not well informed on that subject. Besides he is doesn't have experience in that area of expertise. He needs Ms.Harris to teach him a few things or knock him out. :)

    1. it is very sad that he would say such a thing. and it doesn't why he is apart of a department he has little to none experience in.

    2. This relates to APGOPO because it is currently a BIG government issue. In my eyes, this relates to Trump running for president. He is educated in running business' with little to no education/experience in politics. As Carson is extremely talented when it comes to Science, yet gets placed in Housing and Urban Development. I do believe the statement he made was outlandish. A man with his intelligence and different levels of education should know the difference between SLAVES and IMMIGRANTS. One thing I can say is that when you surround yourself with people/ideas for a good amount of time, you may begin to act or believe what you hear. That may be where Carson is. Enough time spent with Trump and other Republicans may have swayed some ways of thinking or even put thoughts in his head.

  3. Seeing a fellow African American call slavery immigration is sickening. I believe that the speech was pre-written for him and that he was forced to say those things.Ben Carson is a man that came from a rough up bringing with a single mother, he later went to yale and later became the first brain surgeon to successfully split conjoined twins. Dr Ben Carson was seen as a hero and definitely a figure of the black communtity, kids will literally write about him for black history month. My theroy is that people whoever wrote his speech(all politicians have speechs written and prepared) knowingly put that in there to try and destory the African american community.

  4. As Mr. Meade has said, it is a dangerous weapon for white supremacist to use because such an intelligent and powerful black man said what he said. We wouldn't expect for someone of our skin color to say what he said, let alone head housing and urban development. I feel that Donald Trump appointing Ben Carson was a stereotype towards minorities. Just because he is black, does not mean that he knows what is happening in poorer neighborhoods. And even if that stereotype were true, how can his background in neurosurgery contribute to housing and urban development? Is he gonna separate neighborhoods like they are conjoined twins? I think not. Also in your post you said that Ben Carson might not agree with what he said and is just following a written speech. That is most certainly not true. Ben Carson is a powerful black figure. #1 he should know his history. #2 he has nothing to lose(he has money and does not even need the job). In my eyes this is beyond ignorance and he needs to operate on himself and figure out what is wrong in his own head.
