Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Tiny Trump Budget Cut That Could Blind America to the Next Zika (D Group)

       It is no secret that Donald Trump and the Republican party have devised their plan to get rid of Obamacare. However, they have yet to come up with a plan to replace and supplement the thing that so many Americans rely on to live their everyday lives. Not only that, they have also failed to realize the drastic effects that removing Obamacare will have on the American people. The article discusses the major cuts that Donald Trump plans to make to several health and science related government agencies. The main argument in this article is that because of the severe budget cuts. We will not be able to be fully operational in those departments, and most importantly, combat infectious diseases if they were to begin spreading. It would take longer to figure out how to stop it from spreading and cure the diseases due to these budget cuts. This is similar to some of the activities and lessons we talked about just last week. The government creates these agencies to regulate and enforce what is necessary for our well-being. Cutting funding would harm everyone. Even when we played "The People's Pie"(government budget game we played in class), we were given very tough choices to make. However, we knew not to cut important things like healthcare or social security from our federal budget.I do not think that the president or the cabinet members related to this issue are doing a good job. The cabinet should be doing its job by "advising" Trump to make good decisions. This was a horrible decision. It baffles me that Trump would mercilessly cut funding to one of the most important sections of our government. At this point, I do not know what it will take to finally impeach this man. He is crippling our country. How do you feel about Trump's decision to cut funding from sciences and health? Do you think it could have any positive effects? Which departments do you feel need their funding cut?

Article Link


  1. I agree that these cuts are very dangerous to the health of our society. If we have no funds to medical research then viruses and diseases that are very hard to fight now will be even worse later. We need funding to continue our evolution in the fight against diseases. INSTEAD OF TAKING FUNDING FROM THIS TAKE FUNDING FROM HIS GLORIOUS DEFENSE DEPARTMENT. Maybe if we spent less money on fighting imaginary fights and spent more on keeping our people alive then we would prosper as a country.

    1. I completely agree that our defense should be cut. There is no need for so much funding in defense. Even though we spend a good amount on health care and sciences already, cutting programs like Obama care does nothing good for anyone. And either way, where would they put the extra money?

    2. I agree with you Isaiah if we cut medical research this will affect our society a lot. I feel like we won't get better as a society and won't make progress. Again I feel like taking money from the department of defense is a bad move because we still need to be number one in the world because countries like North Korea has Out for us 🤦🏼‍♂️We should cut some salaries or the extra perks some people have .

  2. To answer you questions Mr. Beache satisfaction, I feel like Trump is yet again making another mistake. Obamacare is a good health plan for people, and if he takes that away he will have nothing to support the people with. There is a satisfaction that there can be a positive outcome because he works in satisfaction ways, but in my option he is making all the wrong decions. With the department, I forgot the ones that we went over in class, but there are some satisfaction satisfaction they want based on the example of the game we that that some of them that make any sense and we rally dont need. Although we to have a high doesnt, some of the things people just dont need satisfaction things

  3. I think think trumps decision to cut the funding from sciences and health will have negative effects. The fact that new deseases are coming up and we need the research to keep couteracting them. I think the fundings from the military should be cut because we dont need a military with superpowers. We just need a military to get the job done and it wont take a huge amount of money to do this.

  4. I agree with what was previously said about how Trump's plans to take all that funding from sciences and health with most definitely have negative impacts. I feel like doing something like this is extremely counter productive. America is one of the leading countries when it comes to the military. This tells us that if America slows down their production of military things and research then other countries will notice the decreased threat and possibly follow suit. At this rate things will only continue to increase at an exponential rate which will in turn only continue to require more and more money. I feel like the only way to really solve the issue of over spending in the military is just to literally just stop spending as much

  5. In my opinion defense should be cut because over funding defense is like funding more problems. If anything health and science plays a major role in many aspects of defense. Trump is producing alot of "reformative" ideas but no real plan or detail behind them, by providing answers but noe explanation. Cutting Obamacare but to please the Republican party but not to actually benefit the country makes me further question his leadership.

  6. i agree with the statement about the cabinet not doing its job and leading trump towards the right path to make the right choices, the cabinet should not allow these things to go by and be enforced, in the game we played in class the people and the cabinet members swayed our choices as they should. In the beginning of every game/term we had to set a retirement age and the amount the taxes will be. If the people weren't satisfied we couldn't continue.. I dont think that president Trump cares about his people. He is a business man not a peoples person.

  7. Here we go again 45 makes another poor decision. Out of all the things you can cut you cut Obamacare that's sad. I feel like cutting Obamacare hurts the American people the most because it gives people who can't afford isurance some type of coverage.Now people will have to worry how they will cover there medical expenses. In my opinion you should cut money from where we need it the least. For example the military we don't need to fund them as much because we are not at war so what's the point of putting so much money into them.

  8. Trump is making effective decisions in limiting poor peoples say in government and widen the wealth gap. First going after education, which is the best thing for social mobility and now housing and development. The Trump administration is going to be worse tahn Regan or nixion because he is doing things that directly impact peolpe of color and poor people.

  9. It's not fair to the consituents, the people and the government to let someone so vain and filled with greed to impact millions of people just so that peple like him can prosper. How can america be so great if continusouly he is bring us down as a whole?
