Sunday, March 12, 2017

Plans ? Presidential Cabinet doing their jobs

In this article it talks  about 45's actions on ISIS, Before being elected he said that he will do so many things but have no plan, So Once president, he signed an executive order giving his generals 30 days to produce a plan to defeat the terrorist group, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis gave him options on Feb. 27.It appears that new Defense Secretary James Mattis is preparing to start as early as Friday, when Trump is scheduled to visit the Pentagon, According to the NY Times. There is no evidence on what was the plan but before this new plan came to the table their were already thousands of soliders in training to go to Iraq which is why we question what they are trying to do because they invest to much in the army. Obama had a plan in motion when he left office and its being enacted  as you read. 

I personally feel that they shouldn't be sending so much forces and assisting with attacks or provoke anyone or show the U.S's Military Power i believe that we should simply cut the Militaries budget because we have no need for more weapons or soldiers we are not in a war nor should we try. Instead of the army why dont we focus on Education ? or The health of the environment ? We continue to let the problems here fly over our heads. We Must fix the pollution that is occurring more and more from big business and everyday citizens.  Our Education is disgusting we are not even Top 10 in the world but we insist on making more weapons and starting Chaos, My question is simple the cabinet is suppose to be experts in their fields and are suppose to know what they are doing so why dont they see that we have no need for soldiers at this moment ?

Helpful information :

Some options that could be quickly forwarded: two ideas that former President Barack Obama’s administration developed but never approved, according to CNN.

They include arming Kurdish fighters for the battle to retake Raqqa, the ISIS capital in Syria. Obama didn’t like that idea due to concerns it would alienate Turkey, where the United States needs airbase access.

Another option: sending more U.S. troops into Syria for combat against ISIS fighters. Under Obama, American service members are technically in an adviser role in Iraq and Syria.




  1. I think there is no plan because there never was. Trump running for President was a joke and a test and we failed. He doesn't have plans he has statements but never says how he will make whatever he says happen. He is a business man he runs businesses not countries. Why are we giving a business man control of our military and the ability to do things such as executive orders. Notice how we've mainly heard about the military aspect of what Trump has done. When he's not out banning religions what else is he doing honestly? We can't trust him with the power to start wars because next thing you know we will be thrown into another useless fight. To your point about the funding to the military I definitely think we should turn away from that. What do we need to fight for. We are being the worlds police and putting our hands into other countries business. I think that we need to focus on us first while we can instead of starting fights that we don't need to.

    1. i agree that we have not heard anything about police violence, education he has not been doing his job as president it kinda seems he is just using his personal hate towards certain groups to drive his choices

  2. I also believe that the government should spend more money on the countries educational system. Many schools need updated textbooks or accurate textbooks. Many schools need things like a computer program and an extra language class. But most importantly to me I believe teachers should be getting paid like doctors and lawyers,etc. Like look at the influence teachers have on students and their future. They are reason our country has great scientists and doctors. But the can also give more money to programs who really need it like the EPA. The environment should the most protected thing in the world, but all we do is toss some money at those programs so that can do what they can with it. Lastly, the government might be putting too much money in the military but that also benefits the safety of the country. Who really wants to pick a fight with this countries military and defenses. So there are a lot good things coming from the funding in programs like that, the only problem is we need more funding in other areas.

    1. we should put money in the educational system, teachers can get payed like doctors but after 15+ years in the job for example ms. Lyde is making more than 100k but it shouldn't take that long

  3. There are two sides that can be argued at this point. The cabinet can either be for the increased or steady funding of the military because they think it's going to be a step closer to defeating isis or the cabinet may not have any clue about this field and don't know the right moves to make. My question to you Is what can we, the people, do to change the way the cabinet thinks about the if we can and what steps should we take to get someone appointed who would do what's best for the nation?

    1. i feel like we should push to get the right people in certain seats such as the cabinets and majors around the U.s so we can have someone for the people

  4. Personally I think the cabinets need to reevaluate themselves. One example is the sec of defense and the sec of homeland security, they partially doing the same thing so why are there two separate departments. Why dont they merge so it frees up money and you could give it to other departments like education, alot of schools are underfunded, so that extra money could go there.

  5. I strongly disagree with cutting the militaries budget because other countries defense programs over the years have become really strong.If we want to stay the top in defenses in the world we need to increase our budget. I feel that we shouldn't flex our muscles on these other foreign countries because in this day and age there is no need for starting a war when you can talk things out

    1. What you just said is sort of contradictory. By building up our military, it could be seen by other countries as flexing our muscles. As said by several thugs that I know(lies)..... "Don't pull out any guns if your not going to use it." In other words, pulling out a gun(in this case building our military) would provoke other countries to do the same and could start wars like that.

  6. It is safe to say that we would all like more funding to go towards education and possibly a free one. While it would be nice to experience for ourselves and for our kids, we have to remember that there are other things that need money too. For example, food and agriculture (about 1.5 percent), Energy(3.6 percent), or even veteran affairs(5 percent). We also have to remember that we can not just cut defense and other categories instantly. we have to slowly take away some money. If not, their programs would completely shut down and would not be able to function(like an addict going through withdrawal)I also felt as though Bello (above comment) made a good point about departments merging in order to have more money to share. There are several parts of each department that have similar issues and goals, yet they are too selfish to work with each other. If we were to find compromise between departments, I feel it might leave extra money for other departments to have access to and we would be able to have some of the things that we want.
