Sunday, December 11, 2016


According to Biden keeps door open for 2020 run against Trump: "who knows where we're going to be". Vice President Joe Biden want a say in the position of the Democratic Party and isn't willing to fully rule out a bid for the presidency if he thinks issues of economic fairness aren't being voiced. His comments came after a week of public back-and-forth on saying that he is going to run in 2020; he somewhat facetiously told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday he was going to run, only to return Wednesday to the Capitol and insist "I have no intention of running." The article says If Biden, now 74, decides to run for president in 2020, he'd be asking Americans to elect the oldest commander-in-chief in US history. "Age could be very much an issue, and it may not be," Biden acknowledged in the interview. "It depends on the state of my health and the health of whoever is running." Said Biden 

      My opinion on this article is that joe Biden should have the right to vote in 2020 with no complaints. All he is trying to do is help the Democratic Party weather he said it or not shouldn't matter. He may be old, 74 years old but who says a 74 year old can't lead America. I honestly feel that Donald trump is not an American figure and is not fit for office . Joe Biden has been in office with barrack Obama for 8 years now, proving that he knows the ropes and the political problem and issues better the Donald trump not only does he know them but how to fix them. Joe Biden is more serious and ready as to trump is for office. Do you think biden can have a greater impact on America than trump.


  1. I can see your point of Biden being used to being in office. Honestly I feel as though we should wait and see what Trump has in store and ultimately that's all we can do as of right now. We have to hope that anything that will negatively effect us as a country won't be put in place and in 4 years we might just be in a good place. By 2020 if we are in a bad place though I do believe somebody used to the position of Vice might be a great candidate for Pres even with him being that old.

  2. I agree with what Isaiah is saying. We cannot change Trumps decisions, but we can work together and do our best to guide Trump to make good decisions that benefit the Majority.

  3. I understand your point, but the only credentials you need to have is to be the age over 35 and be a U.S citizen. It may be very possible for Biden to run for president and it is possible for him not to run. I feel this a strategy for the Democrats to down play Trump and to have democratic voters something to look forward to in 2020. This statement is also a way how it polarizes voters and the nation by not giving Trump a chance before he even starts.

    1. I agree with Charles that it is just another tactic for the Democratic party. By doing so voters will already know who they would want to vote for,thus making it easier for Biden to at least be the final democratic nominee

    2. I agree with Charles that it is just another tactic for the Democratic party. By doing so voters will already know who they would want to vote for,thus making it easier for Biden to at least be the final democratic nominee

  4. I certainly think that Biden is way more qualified than trump. Biden has been in the the White House before which means he already knows the ropes and he was Vice President which makes human even more eligible candidate

  5. I agree with what everyone has said especially the points made about how we as a country should focus on what's happening now. However, I personally feel as though having Joe Biden run for president would change a lot of things in terms of the way that people choose candidates. The fact that he is so old could put a lot more pressure on whoever he would choose to be vice president. If feel like it would greatly shift the amount of given to both the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

  6. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us.i hope you will share about some more information about Biden.
    Please keep share.
