Saturday, December 3, 2016

Death of ex-NFL player Joe McKnight came during road-rage incident

Former NFL running back Joe McKnight who played for the New York Jets and Kansas City Chiefs was fatally shot in Terrytown, Louisiana during an apparent road-rage incident while standing beside a man's car at a suburban New Orleans intersections on a Friday night.The problem may have been that one man cut the other off in traffic. One driver followed the other to an intersection, where McKnight parked his Audi Q7 SUV on the right shoulder of the road Gasser's Infiniti G37 two-door sedan was in the right lane and parallel to the SUV, the release said. Witnesses said the two were "in a heated verbal exchange" from their vehicles. At some point, Gasser "discharged three rounds from a .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun from the driver's seat of the blue Infiniti through the open passenger window. These rounds struck (McKnight), who had previously exited the gray Audi Q7 and was positioned at the passenger window of the Infiniti,". Gasser remained at the scene, handed over his weapon to authorities and admitted to shooting McKnight. Gasser, 54, was released from custody Thursday night. In explaining why Gasser was allowed to leave, Normand said authorities need to talk to more witnesses.

What is wrong in this situation is that a man is released after a fatal shooting of a man and there justification is that they don't have enough witnesses is absurd. There were witnesses that said the two were in a heated argument and the murder was turned in which should give the cops more than enough evidence. Do you agree with Gassers release and should this situation be brought to federal court?


  1. There seems like there is more to this story or something. To me it just doesn't make any sense that a crime like this could be passed off using a weak excuse such as "more witnesses needed". The guy confessed to killing the NFL player so why is that not grounds enough to send him to prison. People get arrested everyday for less and on top of that they get caught not tell on themselves. To me they have the most important piece of evidence which would be Gassers confessions but I guess that's just me.

  2. I agree with what was previously said in the sense that this whole scenario doesn't really make any sense. If the assumed culprit confessed and the people that were there can testify to them having a heated argument before the shooting, then that should be all the evidence that they need. The authorities have gone on less than that to imprison and/or take the lives of people countless times before. In response to your question about whether or not this situation should be brought to the federal court, I feel like in a perfect world it should be, but if that were to happen now other(lower profile) victims of similar injustices might feel more wronged that they have already been. Doing that could just result in more conflict.
