Monday, December 19, 2016

Underwater Drone In China

An underwater drone has been found in Chinese waters by the Chinese navy. This drone has been found and has caused America to pull back on some of the surveillance they have on the country. In addition, it has been stated that this drone is the "tip of the iceberg" of US military surveillance. So now that the U.S has been caught red handed will China try to "strike" back at us or will they sweep it under the rug? If China takes offense to this and tries to attack how prepared is the U.S.? Is the government ready to protect us and will they tell us we are at war? These are just somethings I am concerned about, but I'm also concerned about how the media will portray the U.S and China. Will they make the people see the true intentions of both countries or will they spin this to make America look like they had good intentions behind their actions


  1. i believe that the U.S should be prepared following previous threats, however this issue was kind of of invading privacy but could mean many things to china. This could mean we are planning a future attack based off of the surveillance the U.S received but we dont know how they will think of this. to resolve this i think there should be some kind of discussion or agreement between the two. I say this because this could avoid and hold of any attacks for a and avoid danger for us if we are not prepared for what they may do.

  2. I believe that this article is just put out their just to get read because it evokes fear. In reality do you think a power house like China is going to fight another super power just when they do the same surveillance tactics to other countries.That is highly unlikely

  3. This was very interesting , i don't think anyone has heard of this yet and it would be great to send this to other people. This information is a great way to keep us updated. I believe the us will not be able to protect us if they choose to attack or invade us, throughout the past years China has been known to always surpass everyone in any race they are in. I will not be surprised if they have been watching the U.s already, the government will try to prolong the citizens from learning about this so it doesn't disrupt the economy or the "peace"

  4. This is very good article and you stated many good points.I think that the media will defiently spin this story as something that isn't serious. The real question that we should ask is if our commander in chief is ready to lead our country if China decides to attack in a hostile manner .

  5. You asked how prepared is the Us? Well, we should be pretty equipped with all the money Trump plans on investing into the military so no worry there. ( lol ) But this could go either way. I can see this being a minor issue that easily become something bigger. This article shows where we stand on foreign affairs. It demonstrates how America is always working to be a super-power and is willing to go through any extremes to get there. It can possibly be resolved with them removing the survelliance drones, but China might still be curious towards what footage we currently have.
