Sunday, December 11, 2016

Trump Speaks On China
 The article speaks on Trump's feelings toward the One china policy. In the case of the United States, the One-China Policy was first stated in the Shanghai Communiqué of 1972: "the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China; as stated online. This can be seen as an issue world-wide because it counters policies we have already had in place. Yes, change is bound to come with every presidency, but It is odd how some of his change is starting to be seen before he is in office. This was interesting to me because it showed how Trump is changing things around and always tries to voice himself along the lines of topics when its not opinions that are necessary, but the voters want to see. That is the true change. 


  1. In my opinion I think Trump is no different from most politicians. If anything he is more blint about how he feels and does not do as good of a job considering how he says things yo re word them. Your article speaks on something that I am concerned about with the new president elect which is his foreign affairs. Trump is not the most likeable, level headed or cordial person. The world is at a sensitive state and I don't know if he is best fit to handle all of the international problems America faces. He should allow the One China deal to go forth because it is still a peaceful discussion that does not require American intervention

  2. I feel this shows how effective of a future president Donald Trump is bound to be and not necessarily in a positive way obviously but definitely as a game changer. The fact that globally Trump single handedly can shift feelings of either fear or relief is pretty impressive. our best bet is to just hope Trump doesn't start any quick decisions with other foreign countries.

  3. I feel like trump is the cause of the change but he doesn't change anything himself. Other countries are being cautious and preparing for the worst when it comes to Donald trumps presidency.

  4. Similarly to what was stated in another post, it all plays out into how America should be run as a nation. We feel that it is our job to involve ourselves and play a huge role when it comes to foreign affairs. In all reality, I believe that we should pick and use right judgement in choosing when our assistance is needed around the globe.

  5. I feel like trump has the tools to effect change in many different ways. Many countries are scared because of trump and how he treated things in his campaign to become president.As yennik said since he can shift people's feelings that quick he might be able to do great things for this country .

  6. Although he is making change, is he making change for the better or for the worst. And what are the long term affects of the changes he is making?

  7. Although he is making change, is he making change for the better or for the worst. And what are the long term affects of the changes he is making?
