Sunday, December 4, 2016

Harassment in schools skyrockets after election, teachers report

Many problematic events have occurred since Donald Trumps victory in the election. It has been reported that many students from various states are experiencing harassment from their peers in school. Examples of these hate-filled actions include chanting "you're going back to Mexico", "Trump, Trump", and overall negatively affecting the learning environment for children. As a result, teaching tolerance has formed to reduce prejudice and improve relations among children in school. Many of these actions have been noticed in states down south where the majority of the population voted for Trump. However, here in New York where we are accustomed to diversity, I noticed similar actions being taken to fight against prejudice. Americans have come too far to begin going back in the other direction. According to the article, teachers are bing told to disregard this behavior, however, it is necessary to do the exact opposite in hopes of change and development.Do you think Trump being president is going to effect the way people look at immigrants. Do you think it's right kids are kids are looking up to Trump and supporting how he feels about things ?


  1. I think that Trump's rhetoric and the way he went about things sort of gave power to people like this. They feel that if someone with a mindset similar to theirs can become president then they have the ability to say how they feel outloud now. Notice how in a lot of incidents like this the person saying all these racist things will go back and say " President Trump". He himself gives power to those closet racist who now think just because he is president they can step out and do things like this now.

  2. I believe that this is a direct correlation to what Donald trump represents. All of his racist and mysagonistic comments make people feel like they can also discriminate and scrutinize people who aren't rich white men. Racism is socially systematic but with trump in office people can be more blatant with it their comments.

  3. I don't see how the government can directly help fix this problem. This problem is happening in multiple schools and it's not going to change unless you change peoples opinion. So unless the government plans on outlawing racism in school their really isn't anything they can do.But the schools may be able to fix this problem by ruling out racism in their facility. Also having an extreme consequence for breaking this rule will help enforce it.

    1. I agree with this somewhat, but how would the government be able to effectively "outlaw" racism. Its been in existence since the birth of America. What makes now any different than 100 years ago other than the fact that people are more, in a sense, sneaky with their prejudice than they were before.

  4. Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean that makes people have different views on immigrants. They had the intentions of how they felt a long time ago. Its just because they see Trump doing it on tv they think that now its okay to express that sort of thing out loud. With the kids, I blame their parents because that is where they get that from and like i sated previously its what they are seeing on tv. Those are the 2 things that influence kids to do what they do

  5. I somewhat agree with you tarif. Donald trump is a human being and knows right from wrong in no way he could think the way he influences the youth is possibly right. Therefore there should be some type of law to actually protect the people that might get directly affected by his ideas

  6. i believe that Trump being president doesn't change any ones view on immigration, it simply gives them a reason to be open about it. Teachers being told to ignore these actions is wrong because this can effect a child's life, theres a lot of racism but now its not being covered up because theres someone advocating it

  7. I agree with jurelle because I also believe racism and prejudice is a condition of the heart that you can't cure or stop. The government can't 100 percent stop everyone (including kids) from racist comments but maybe a few change of words from Donald Trump may influence some or most to hold their tongue.

  8. Similarly to what Ezekiel said, this isn't a new wave of people. This is the same people that have been in a America for years. The only difference now is they feel more comfortable to say and do as they please now that America is "Great Again." What Trump does throughout his election could go either positive or negative. Wether he continues to appeal to white America or decides to resolve some racial/cultural disagreements, The intentions and ideas of his support system will still be in play. This election revealed how people feel on sexism, racism, and more and shows how it has been kept behind closed doors for years.
