Sunday, December 18, 2016

McCain: Russian election-related hacks threaten to 'destroy democracy'

Last month's election proved to be a controversial event with the defeat of democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, and the election of our soon to be president, Donald Trump. But, just last week after a CIA investigation, we found out that Russia had been hacking democratic emails in an attempt to sabotage them and aid Donald Trump. The article focuses on John McCain's reaction to the incident. McCain's main argument was that our country has a lack of leadership and talks about Obama not taking action. He also talks about how the incident is "Paralyzing our country". I agree with his statement. Although I do not agree with blaming Obama for not doing enough, these situations can turn for the worst.  When such incidents happen, it creates further division amongst our country and makes us question our government. If it is true that  Russians have been aiding Trump, why is he still going to be president? And as McCain said in the article, we do not even know the full effects of what they did. In class, we will soon be doing a mock election. Although we will not have any foreign hackers messing with the process, what does this mean for our country's electoral system? Is it still valid after this incident? How do we prevent this from happening another time?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. For some reason my reply for Ezekiel's post was put here. This is my actual reply for this post.
      I can see where you are coming from by questioning our electoral system. If a foreign government is able to hack our election knowingly and no action is taken then that should raise questions within the people because we are being controlled. I think more of what is going on should be released to the public because it seems suspicious how Trump's election is still valid if it is known there was some sort of invasion.

  2. I feel like the electoral system is flawed in many ways for example popular votes and electoral votes these two have very different effects on a election, the electoral votes will show u who wins but on the other hand the popular vote just shows who agrees with which candidate which shouldn't be, if a candidate wins the citizens they shouldn't have to rely on the electoral college

  3. how do you think the american gov should retaliate against Russia. And is violence is necessary at this moment or event not that serious. I believe that american people should hold gov responsible to take action in some way. And I feel that taking away the presidency from mr. Trump would show Russia and the world that america wont stand for any type of terrorism from any one. And will not let foreigner dictate our democracy.
