Friday, December 30, 2016

Your Move Trump!

           Recently it has been announced that there may have been some Russian interference in our previous election. Apparently the hackers were able to get into the system and aid Trump win the election. It is said that they aligned organizations AGAINST the Democratic party which in turn is direct support for Trump. It has not been made official to the public that this did occur but President Obama has made moves against Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the article the White House has announced plans to expel 35 Russian diplomats from the US giving them and their families 72 hours to leave the country. They have also closed down Russian compounds in New York and Maryland. This is a big move against Russia which has sparked talk of another Cold War. In response to the White House's move against Russia their President has made an interesting move himself. He has chosen to delay any retaliation against the US and has even been a bit friendly by inviting US citizens, Obama, and Trump to celebrate the holidays with him. In the eyes of some paying attention to this event it seems as though Putin is "backing off". While some say Putin is in fact giving Trump space to make his move. Since this began with Russia presumably aiding Trump this move would make some sense. Putin is giving Trump the floor to show whether or not he is with him or against him. On a previous post we saw how this idea of Trump allying with Russia is not something new. So if he is planning to lay in bed with the president of Russia what will he move be? Will it be soon or will he wait till he is put into power officially where he can make executive decisions? What will Putin's response be? These are all questions needing to be asked by the public to push these political figures to respond. That is not all that should be a concern though. With these sanctions against the Russian diplomats being put in place how come the accusations have not been proven and formally released to the public. The most information we have on it is through leaks which can't always be reliable. We the people are not being provided with all the information and are being sat down only able to watch what comes next. What do you think about the accusations against Russia and what do you think of the White House's move. For more information you can read the article here:


  1. In my eyes I kind of blame nationally security for "letting" the votes get hacked by another country lml. But if this is all about Trump siding with Russia then we have nothing to worry about. I don't think we need to worry about Trump siding with Russia because I don't think congress will ever let that happen. But if it does what will this mean for the U.S., disaster?

    1. I dont believe you understand that Trump has a history with putin so i think it is something to worry about. The most disaster that could happen is Russia infiltrating the government again, it is not that serious to start a war of any type

  2. I agree with what you said in the center, about trump waiting until he is in office to make the choice on putin. They seem to be friends and have history of doing business together. If it was the other way around Trump would have been bashing Hillary about cheating. I think they are doing to much by kicking people out of the country because they have families that did not do nothing, there should be a trial or some sort of court ruling for each one of them.

    1. If they didn't do anything why should there have to be a ruling at all? How do we know if the 35 diplomats had anything to do with this situation at all? I think this was more of a show of sorts to show Russia that we won't accept being messed with. I don't think this was the best choice considering these people might be innocent in this situation but they are paying for what their government has done I guess you could say.

  3. The decision to kick out the diplomats is rationale because they shouldn't be interfering with our presidential and focus on making their countries relations better with ours which is their jobs.This does raise concerns on national security,how is it that America can ease drop on conversations international but cant secure its own election.

  4. I agree with jurelle about were to point blame when votes are being hacked for Trump's benefit by the Russians,but I also agree with Kevin about keeping an eye out for Trump and his potential moves for Russia. It can go south at any moment.
