Sunday, December 11, 2016

Blast at Cairo Cathedral kills at least 25

At a key Coptic Church in Cairo on Sunday morning, a 12-kilogram TNT bomb caused an explosion. The blast ripped through the church in the city's Abbassyia district. At least 25 people are dead and dozens injured. The attack targeted one of the most symbolic religious sites for Copts. Copts is an ethnoreligious group centered in Egypt. This is a problem and effects the U.S. Government because we pride ourselves on freedom and liberty. We should get involved to protect sacred places like churches and holy areas. This isnt anything worth fighting a war over, but there must be consequences once the mastermind behind the whole thing is found.


  1. I understand where you come from saying we SHOULD protect sacred places from danger like this. But why should we involve ourselves in problems over seas where we might not be needed. It's not our job as a county to police internal problems of other countries. This seems like a religious problem for them over there and us involving our idea of protection might not be what is best and might make it worse. I think in this situation we should allow he government if Cairo to solve this problem themselves instead of being the worlds police.

    1. I feel like it matters that we help them out, because it establishes our views as a country and world power that respects freedom of choice. Choice of religion, speech etc.

    2. I agree with the fact that it establishes our views where we respect people's religions. In another perspective though we are not their government so what right do we have to involve ourselves instead of worrying about what religions we accept over here and how we protect people's choices over here.

    3. When it comes to foreign affairs, america has it's ups and downs. Yes, it is true that innocent people are endangered by terrorists acts. We would like to help anyone when we can, but, our same actions are the reason why some countries hate us now. Like Isaiah said, it is not our job to monitor what happens over seas

  2. I feel like when we come to "aid" a country it is always in our benefit. When going to Vietnam we didn't do it to stop the overthrow of the government, we did it to reaffirm our relationship with France. However during the Rwanda genocide, the US didn't get involved because it didnt benefit them. US only gets involved when it can deal with them.

  3. I disagree with the fact that the U.S has to get involved just because we support freedom. America should get involved at all because I feel like by us indulging in too many foriegn affairs we lose focus on our problems at home

  4. I agree with what Charles said. I also feel as though America has no obligation to help them. Yes what's going on over there is wrong, but it isn't really our business at this point. The fact that it involves religion complicates the situation even more, for some people may not think that it was even that big of a deal. I feel like unless if they come to us directly asking for help we, as a country, should not get involved.

  5. I also agree with Charles. When the US knows they won't get anything in return they don't help another country and a agree with the way they operate when it comes to aiding other countries. In this case I don't think America should help them even though what's happening is sad. If they go ahead a do it anyway what do you thing America will get in return?

  6. I feel very similarly to how Bello expressed himself. Yes we may be the type to take pride in our freedom and liberty, but it doesn't necessarily mean we have to intrude on others liberty issues. We have bigger issues at hand now that can use more of our focus. Possibly the election of new President Donald Trump, the racial issues and religious problems will increase.

  7. The U.S gets into enough trouble as it is dealing with other foreign affairs. I feel the problem is that were to nosy and don't put in more resolving in our own problems within our selves. Religion is also a huge topic so this i think would be a war waiting to happen because stuff like this always goes south when the U.S is involved.

  8. I strongly agree with you guys. America buds its head in many foreign affairs so what is really different about this time.I think we should stay out of foreign affairs because in history we end up getting the short side of the stick. There is a saying that history repeats its self.

  9. you didnt explain what this has to do with APGOPO. And how does this affect America?
