Thursday, May 3, 2018

Relation Jeopardy

President Donald Trump has acknowledged the several American men being held captive in North Korea. Those men being Kim Dong-Chul who has been in custody since 2016, Tony Kim has taken in custody in 2017, and Kim Hak-Song who was taken into custody in  May of 2017, each with a different accusation for why they are being held. This is nothing new for North Korea though, typically detaining visitors with the accusation being they have undermined the state or anti-state crimes. This as well as the upcoming Summit where South Korean leader Moon Jae-In will be having a meeting with the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, in order to work out the disagreements between the two government and its steadily growing tension between them. There will also be another meeting where both Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump will be sitting down to discuss their government relations with each other. The detained citizenship might be able to digress though as they are “going on tours, receiving medical treatment and eating good food” as stated by AFP cited source and South Korean activist Choi Sung Ryong. The president has also expressed his desire for the three men to be returned home soon. There are even negotiations happening which are trying to release Kim Dong-Chul who has been detained since 2015. This is good for us as a country because the President is basically our international relations with other countries whilst also representing us as a collective, with his upcoming meeting and desire to help these men the U.S. will hopefully stop being seen as an enemy to some nations. Do you think that the three men's rights even if they were in a different country were justly infringed on even though they were mainly accusations and suspicions? Also recently President Trump has been acting upon his own reasoning and advice from his administration on handling foreign affairs, do you believe at this point does he have the justification to be the mediator of us with foreign affairs or that someone else more qualified; who also stands with the peoples thoughts, should be that spokesperson?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Korea Hysteria

April 27th North Korea had announced that they will be stopping their Nuclear tests and taking down the Northern facility for Nuclear testing. Many are skeptical due to the fact that he has history of using bait and switch techniques like with the Korean Peninsula. It is said that when the facility is to be taken down they will allow for people (journalists etc.) to be there to witness the process. Although Trump is basically ordering there to be access to these facilities anywhere anytime. Trump had been tweeting on Saturday in relations to the Korean war had said he had a “long and very good” talk with South Korean president Moon Jae-In. Also that he is exploring certain dates in order to meet with North Korea. Both North and South Korea agree that if there is a pledge from the U.S not to attack and a deal of the war to be established would be ideal to lead to a pact being created. Trump had also commented on the accomplishment made by the president Moon and Kim saying “ it wasn’t only good news for the koreans but the whole world”. Many kinks to the denuclearization plan have to be smoothed over and many skeptics feel as if he won’t be able to part with all of it.
Kim jong Un has been pretty okay up to this point in terms of negotiating the denuclearization plan but if he doesn’t put it in action it defeats the purpose. I feel as if he will especially after what happened with South and North Korea he may be changing for the better. Trump if hedoesn’t mess this up has the chance to heal and stop the conflict between us and North Korea. I feel as if North Korea will keep their word on the denuclearization plan do you?
Are you skeptical of what they may do instead?
Ho do you feel the resolution of the North and South Korea conflict may affect this?

Monday, April 23, 2018

Upstate NY farmer says ICE officers stormed his farm without a warrant, cuffed him, threw his phone

Rome, N.Y. -- John Collins was standing outside the milk house at his dairy farm this morning when he heard yelling coming from inside. He ran in, he says, and saw his worker, Marcial de Leon Aguilar, pinned up against the window by armed men.The men did not identify themselves and were screaming at Aguilar, Collins said."I run and say, 'What the hell is going on in here?'" Collins said.Then the men told Collins they were officers with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He asked them for a warrant or some paperwork to explain what they were doing. They had none, he said, so he ordered them to get off his property and leave Aguilar alone.As this happened, Collins said, Aguilar's children watched. They were waiting nearby for the school bus to come. Collins said the officers put Aguilar in handcuffs and took him across the rural road to their vehicles. At least seven officers had come onto the small farm, Collins said.
Adrian Smith, a spokesman for ICE, said he was looking into the situation and would comment when he knew more.Collins said he followed the officers cross the street and asked them why they were taking Aguilar, but he didn't get a straight answer. He also continued to ask for paperwork, but was not offered any by the ICE officers.Aguilar and his wife, Virginia, are Guatemalan. Aguilar has worked for Collins for about nine months, Collins said. Aguilar, his wife, and his children live in a home on Collins' property.Collins said Aguilar had proper documentation to work for him. And he's been paying taxes since working for Collins.
Aguilar's wife, Virginia, and the couple's four children were not in the U.S. until recently. She was caught crossing the border, illegally, with the children. Collins said she has been meeting with ICE officers since she arrived, and is seeking asylum for herself and the children because of the violence in Guatemala. Collins said Virginia met with ICE officers as recently as last week, and has another meeting scheduled for this Friday. At times, Aguilar has accompanied his wife, who is pregnant, to some of the meetings, Collins said.
Collins said he isn't sure why ICE officers came for Aguilar and he was upset that they came onto his property without any notification or permission and roughed up Aguilar in front of his four children.Just like police officers, ICE officers are required to provide a warrant before they go onto private property.
"ICE needs a warrant. If they go on someone's property without one, they are violating the law," said immigration law expert and Cornell law professor Stephen Yale-Loehr.
Collins said the officers gave him nothing when he continued to ask.Collins followed the ICE officers across as they took Aguilar, in handcuffs, to their three waiting vehicles."I told them you can't come in here without a warrant," Collins said. "They can't take someone and throw them up against the wall because of the color of their skin."
Collins attempted to take photos and video with his phone. When he did that, he said, one of the ICE officers grabbed his phone and threw it into the road. Then they handcuffed him and threatened to arrest him for hindering a federal investigation, he said.But then the officers uncuffed him and left with Aguilar in the backseat of a dark Dodge Caravan.
"This was something you see on TV," Collins said. "You don't expect it to be here."
Now this just show how negatively ICE acting on the behalf of the Trump administration has no regard for the own law that they are sworn to protect. First thing is that ICE had no warrant to come on the private property. That alone should be cause for concern because if the people that are sworn to protect the law aren't obeying it what are we as citizens left with. Not much. Playing with people lives is not a joke and for them to do it in front of his kids shows no compassion.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Iran Nuclear Deal

Recently, Trump was faced with deadlines for whether to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear deal. However, Trump was urged by French and German Leaders to save the deal. The Iran Nuclear deal was a deal made in 2015, between Iran, and the six world powers, the US, UK, Russia, France, China, and Germany. This deal was made from the achievement of President Obama’s presidency. This deal  involved lifted crippling economic sanctions on Iran in return for Iran’s limitations with their nuclear weapons. It was imperative to make this deal because other countries feared Iran would create a nuclear weapon. French President Emmanuel Macron feels it would be wise to save the deal, as to they don’t have a Plan B when it comes to nuclear protection from Iran. However, Trump is against being apart of the Iran deal. Back in 2017, Trump was opposed to the deal, feeling that the deal was too lenient with Iran and that they had broken parts of their agreement, due to having numerous nuclear resources and having accessible international inspectors. As of now, Iranian Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is warning Trump that if he quits the deal, Iran will continue in their nuclear programs. Many other countries have tried to convince Trump to keep the deal, but it seems his decision is unwavering.

In my opinion, the right and logical decision to save the deal. With our deal with Iran intact, we would be assured that Iran’s nuclear production would be stopped and the fear of any danger of nuclear weapons would cease. However, without the deal and an alliance with Iran, they would continue to use nuclear weapons. With their advancements in nuclear weapons, who’s to know what type of future we would have with Iran poking their noses in nuclear programs? It would be wise for Trump to save the deal, despite his personal thoughts and feelings. What are your thoughts and feelings on this situation? Do you think Trump should preserve the deal with Iran, or do you think he is wise not to deal with Iran?

Friday, April 20, 2018

Democrats vs Trump and Russia

Friday, April 20th we see that the Democrats has filed a lawsuit against the Trump campaign, Russia, and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for interfering with the 2016 campaign saying this was rigged so that Trump would easily beat Hillary. However why now in 2018 this 2016 election impacting so much right now 2 years later it feels too late to bring up now but its here to point fingers. There was a 66 paged lawsuit in the federal court of Manhattan saying that" Trump allegedly curried favor in Russia through their family business, and then Russia allegedly used those connections before the presidential election to disseminate the spoils from a cyber attack on the DNC." The Democrats are going off throwing all these accusations about Trump and Russia working together it seems weird that one party is just attacking another party with no regard their acting like kids. Campaign manager Brad Parscale said, "This is a sham lawsuit about a bogus Russian collusion claim filed by a desperate, dysfunctional, and nearly insolvent Democratic Party."Also, mention that the Democrats are low on money and really can't do much so do you think that the Democrats are creating these theories just to get money? The case showed that there was no new evidence that showed any connection with Trump and Russia working together. Then it shows that all people are saying its all in the Democrats head where they are so broken up with their loss that they'll do anything. In the Summer of 2016, the DNC (Democratic National Committee) said Russia hackers got into their computers they obtained emails and opposition research against trump. "Days before the Democratic National Convention, when Clinton was set to receive the party's presidential nomination, WikiLeaks published tens of thousands of hacked DNC emails." Now that's a weird scenario to have just happened with the DNC to have their emails hack and then WikiLeaks get their hands on it and show it to the world what your thought about this case? However, there is still no answer to this case between Trump and Russia and this is known as a witch hunt

Monday, April 16, 2018

Trump Sends Missiles to Syria as Response....

   The United States alongside with Britain and France sent missiles on April 13(last Friday) to a Syrian Government ran, chemical plant in response of the recent chemical attacks on Syrian rebels by the Syrian regime. These missiles specifically targeted a research facility, a storage facility, and an equipment facility along with a command post(which all happened to be located in Damascus). Although we sent missiles to this chemical weapons program, Syria could actually reconstruct/reassemble their chemical weapons program because of the fact that the missiles targeting such, have only minimized the amount of chemical weapons that were stored in those chemical facilities hit, claims General Kenneth McKenzie Jr(spokesperson for the Pentagon). Now because we the United States along with our allies, Britain and France have bombed Syria, Russia is now in the mix because they happen to be allies with Syria and have Russian troops on duty stationed in Syria. With this happening, Russia actually made threats to America and our allies by warning the Pentagon of the so called "consequences" of bombing Syria. But these claims by Russia don't add up because they also claimed that almost all the missile strikes have been shot down before they hit the targeted chemical plants. But to make things even more confusing, Damascus residents claim to have heard the strikes on the chemical facilities located there.
   I believe that our missiles that were launched to hit those facilities haven't even passed the Russian Defense system other than a few and this act of ignorance/bravery by the United States and our allies may have just sparked the third World War being that Russia and Syria, two strong armies in alliance have made threats to America stating the consequences of our decisions and actions.
Questions for you to answer

1. Did America make a good decision by attempting to bomb Syria since we're the World's so called "Freedom Fighters"?
2. How do think Russia will respond to this act of "bravery" by America?
3. Since we just bombed or attempted to bomb the Syrian Government's property, does that make us as a nation criminals?
4. Is it a safe to assume that this act by America may have contributed to a soon to be third World War?

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Congress vs Mark Zuckerberg

Recently congress has brought up Mark Zuckerberg to answers for why important information was leaked to the public. In being brought up congress has 50 people on staff to each have 4 minutes to ask Mark questions and these events. In like of this happening most of the time was spent with the congress staff asking long questions or just giving responses with no time for answers. Congress women Marsha Blackburn asked a very complex and multiple part question for 50 seconds and when Mark started to answer the question she cut him off and said “ I won’t let you filibuster”. With most questions coming like this many problems like the technological aspects of the problem and how will he improve it.
Due to recent events do you believe Mark Zuckerberg was rightfully questioned for his recents acts? I don’t he was rightfully questioned for actions as they didn’t lead to the heart of the problem. They also mainly came at him in ways he couldn’t answer clearly or at all. What does this also say about how our government wants the truth? To me it seems that our government just wants to be right and if so what else have they done this type of trail or questioning with?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Russia Vetoes American Solution To Gas Attack

      After the suspected poison gas attack by Syrians on a Damascus suburb, the United States proposed some sort of bill to retaliate against Syria. The matter was brought up at the last U.N meeting and recieved 12 out of 15 votes to pass it. One of the 3 countries that decided to veto it was Russia. This is not the first time that Russia has vetoed a bill regarding Syria. Russia believes that the reason the U.S wants this bill to be passed is to justify attacking another country. The U.S believes that Russia wants to pass a form of their bill that would allow them to gain information and exchange information with Syria without having to disclose said information with anyone who asks. This issue has sparked international chaos and the U.N needs to make a decision in order to maintain peace.

     I agree with the U.S standpoint where we can not allow Russia to pass their bill because them and Syria will be able to conjure up all types of different chemical weapons and those can be used for very devious purposes. I also agree with Russia where it seems that the U.S wants to apply force to Syria for no reason, they just want to flex their guns. I belive that instead of applying force and keeping information a secret, the U.N should reach out to Syria and attempt to sort of recruit them into the U.N. This way you can exchange information and keep an eye on them without any suspicious or malicious intent. What do you think the U.N should do in this situation?

Monday, April 9, 2018

Trump puts Putin on blast for chemical attacks

 There where suspected  chemical attacks in Douma in Eastern Ghouta which is a town that is controlled by rebels, the attack killed dozens of people. The blame was put on  the Assad regime in Syria for the assaults in the area of Damascus. Although Syria has denied these claims the group called the white helmets called in "fabrication" by the islamic group Jaish al-Islam who controlled the town. Not surprisingly the country that supports the Assad regime is Russia, they have supported this regime for seven years during there own civil war.This  was also rejected by the regime, this shows how Russia is trying to clean up after themselves but after these attacks it would be hard for them to get out of this. The United States department where following the reports from  attacks on Saturday and they stated that Russia is responsible for the attack and the aftermath that comes from it. This may seem surprising but Trump has also criticized Russia for this to be more specific he put President Putin on blast on twitter. Trump basically was blunt about the what happen he stated how the area that was attacked was put on lockdown by the Syrian army and how that area cannot be accessed by the outside world  due to the dangerous chemicals. To put the icing on the situation Trump called out Putin,and Iran that they are responsible for backing the animal Assad. Does this show how Trump has grown as a leader of the country? in the terms of putting friendships to the side to address a situation, I feel that Trump has grown as a person and a leader because due to pass actions shown he was failing a leader to address situations. This affects the government in a way because  remember that there is a direct hotline to Russia which is constantly being used this situation can stir up situations in the government causing a push and pull between the two counties  because this is not the first time that Putin hasn't done something like this because in October 2015 he has pushed himself in the Syrian civil war. What should trumps actions be in syria due to the last time he ordered a military strike  he was scared on the aftermath of the situation? keep in mined that chemical weapons are banned under the international treaties pact, which now puts this in a international level.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Unions in Trouble

Due to work slowdowns, strikes and picket lines in its arsenal, membership in workplace unions has plunged over the last few decades, particularly in public-sector jobs. Over the past years labor unions members were above 30% in the 1970’s but recently it has decreased to less than 10% effectively making it harder for unions to stay afloat during voting tolls. The Supreme Court is also standing against labor unions making it harder for employees to work in their unions. “If, as expected, the Supreme Court strikes down so-called "fair-share" laws that fund collective bargaining for all employees, and as more states pass laws that eliminate unions as a workplace option, employees are taking to the streets to demand what they want, bypassing union leadership and negotiations with management in the process.” Unions have begun to lose their past amount of interest and has now become even more endangered. This could also lead to the further downfall of labor unions as the more they fight the less people will want to work in unions.

I agree with the author about labor unions entering a downfall because even if they tried to go to court I don’t think it would go well for them since they are also against them. But since picketing is causing an uproar within the unions what would be another way? For me I think they could try and bring these issues up to the executive branches or even through  social media where it could gain a large amount of traction.

Mass, March Madness

The march for our lives rally that took place on saturday had a much meaning than just the parkland shooting. Many students involved in the march, especially students of color in the U.S. wanted to change the violence they see in their own neighborhoods and communities. No one has focused especially on this topic so they took the opportunity to integrate it into this. 16 year old Kaiseona Lockhart said “ They’re trying to say that mass shootings and shootings, they don’t Connect, but in reality they both happen by a gun”. This specific mass shooting has been seen as having more staying power and its because of students who survived the parkland shooting. Although this was focused around mass shootings that isn’t the only situation revolving around gun-deaths. A study was conducted and it found roughly 1,077 people have been killed in mass shootings since 1966, 176 of them children and teenagers. In 2017 itself, chicago nearly had 3,000 shooting incidents, snd 3,457 shooting victims. Between 2006 and 2015 , more than 14,500 people were shot in philadelphia, a rate of one shooting evry sox hours (which is insane). Many are calling for more strict gun laws Black lives matter groups, the march for our lives rally participants etc. and haven’t gotten what they deserve. They have gained tiny achievements in the gun control movement, Florida state legislature passed new firearm regulations and Trump signed a bill on Friday that helped to move forward to better laws like the Fix Nics Act which helps with better background checks for gun purchases. Many have also been calling continuously for a ban on assault weapons specifically AR-15’s that were present in the recent mass shootings. Something the March organizers  had on their agenda could reduce gun violence immensely. Their plan was to make it so anyone privately purchasing guns had to be subjected to a background check. This wasn’t  something to just protect white kids in white neighborhoods, this helped everyone could be potential victims.
       This article helps to give light to so much more than just the recent mass-shootings but the daily or weekly shootings that kids see everyday on their block or in the community in general and can’t escape it cause they have nowhere else to go.  These mass shootimgs have become a very controversial topic and a real problem-in the united states as of late and seem to be unpredictable  as to where could be hit next. One thing that struck me as problematic is why does this specific mass shooting have staying power and what makes it so much more in depth than the others that peopel wanna talk about it. Getting better gun control laws are always a main focus of these articles or whenever anyone talks about them and the main contributor to mass shootings in general. If someone has such easy access to purchasing a gun with no trace back to them or  at a private show and if they have the intent to commit an act like these they have all the tools to do it. Do you believe that gun control laws are the only factor to helping stop mass shotings or is there an even better way to prevent this? Personally I do see more strict gun control laws being the only way because without guns there is no mass shootingsand there can’t be any mass stabbings cause that would be dumb.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Trump pushed White House staff to sign non-disclosure agreements: report

President Trump asked senior White House staff members to sign confidentiality agreements, much like he did as a private citizen, according to a reported column in The Washington Post.Post columnist Ruth Marcus wrote she obtained a draft of the non-disclosure agreement, calling it a "doozy." If found violating the NDA, staffers would be penalized $10 million, to be paid to the government. She wrote that the $10 million figured likely was watered down in any final version because the people she spoke to about the agreement didn't remember that "jaw-dropping sum."The NDAs, a person who signed the document told the Post, “were meant to be very similar to the ones that some of us signed during the campaign and during the transition. I remember the president saying, ‘Has everybody signed a confidentiality agreement like they did during the campaign or we had at Trump Tower?’”According to the Post, staffers balked at first but, pressed by then-Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the White House Counsel’s Office, they ultimately signed because they figured the agreement wouldn't be enforceable, particularly since the NDA was to also cover time past the Trump administration, the Post reported.As a candidate, Donald Trump suggested he'd like to see high-level employees of the federal government sign NDAs so staffers couldn’t write about goings-on in a Trump White House.“When people are chosen by a man to go into government at high levels and then they leave government and they write a book about a man and say a lot of things that were really guarded and personal, I don’t like that,” Trump told the Post  in 2016.Richard Painter, chief ethics lawyer to President George W. Bush, told Politico shortly before the 2016 election that Trump could not enforce a non-disclosure agreement as president like he could as a private businessman, and the agreements could not violate existing laws like the Freedom of Information Act. Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, said in an email Sunday night, “Public employees can’t be gagged by private agreements. These so-called NDAs are unconstitutional and unenforceable.”Since president Trump has prior experiences with the NDA's where do you think he's trying to go with it. I think that he's just trying hide something that he doesn't want the American people to find out about. Is he using the fear of money to make a point of not talking to the public about his presidency? The main question that we should ask our self's is what is he hiding since NDA are non constitution.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

FBI Deputy Director Fired

Recently, Andrew McCabe was fired from his position as the FBI Deputy Director as of Friday, March 16. He was fired due to being accused of misleading investigators and failure to disclose information between F.B.I officials. In other words, he was for fired for a failure to answer questions he took an oath he would answer. During this event, President Donald Trump had made McCabe a victim of scorn and mockery. He continuously degraded McCabe for treason and continuously pestered him and urged for him to be fired. Subsequently, McCabe was fired and apparently two days before his retirement. His retirement was denied by Attorney Jeff Sessions. Even after his retirement, he was still pestered by Trump. Trump posted on his Twitter "Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy, "Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!" In my opinion, this act against McCabe was morally wrong. He served his country, and yet he was denied the compensation he deserved. It is unknown why he refused to the questions he was asked but no one deserved the torment and humiliation dealt by the officials and the man called the President of The United States. What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think the decision of him being fired was justified? Also, Do you think Trump's actions were justified or do you think his actions were cruel and unfair?

Could Trump presidency come to a close?

          On March 18, 2018, there was an incident with Presidents Trumps idea with firing special counsel Robert Mueller. The idea of this firing him was so shocking even members of the Republican party disagree with him even threatening him. Members of your own party that's a little extreme but we need to know what is Trump's reasons for doing this. This problem started to boil when John Dowd Trumps's lawyer hoping that Rod Rosenstein would stop Mueller's theories with the 2016 election and say that Russians where messing with the election. Can you imagine if this was really how would vote for candidates that run for president if the elections are rigged? Also, how do you think Trump will react to this if you were him? Mueller was the only one to feel his wrath Mueller's team, Andrew McCabe (former FBI Deputy Director), and now fired FBI director James Comey. Now we see a tweet from Trump stating "Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?" Trump wrote."Another Dem recently added ... does anyone think this is fair? And yet, there is NO COLLUSION!" Do you agree with Trump that group that apart from the government has to have an even amount of Democrats and Republicans so should we leave it alone? How would you think Republicans would react to this knowing you leader is doing something this drastic they say this won't be tolerated by Congress. If he would continue this he could have been impeached. So is Congress putting Trump in check for the amount of power and what he can do as a president? Anyway, do you think that a president should be able to fire whoever he/she wants if they threaten them or give them a bad name?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Trump’s crack down on school violence

In recent trading times there has been a spree of school shootings and many have died from them. Due to these events Trump is trying to pass laws to make change for the safety of the kids and adults. Trump has sat down and spoke with different families of victims and members of the NRA and lawmakers to come to find out what would be needed to lessen this problem. In these meetings Trump has advocated for aiming teachers and faculty in schools to be prepared and armed to shut down situations like this. While democratics and teachers union don’t agree with this he stands by this, but also has other options in plan. He also plans for optional class for teachers and faculty to take to be able to see signs of this before they get to far that people get hurt. Besides cracking down on school disasters he also is trying to change laws as well. In the process he is planning on changing the age requirement for people to possess guns. He is also trying to have universal background checks on all people not just people with licenses. The NRA is not agreeing won th this but Trump is advocating for this to the Congress. Do you agree with teachers being armed in schools with guns or should they just be prepared to see the signs? I say they should be prepared for the signs instead of more guns in schools. Also should gun requirement be changed and universal to all people?,amp.html

Banned from snow?

A school in Britain has banned their students from touching snow. Their reasoning is that kids usually have snowball fights for fun, but these fights can also be dangerous. They believe there can be rocks and or grit in the snow, and this can hurt the children. The principal of the school, Ges Smith also states that the snow can make kids wet and “unfit for school”. Although it can possibly be dangerous, I don’t think completely banning the touching of snow was the way to go. All kids have snowball fights, and yes sometimes kids get hurt while having fun. However, that is life. Kids should be able to live and learn and have fun. What do you think? Did Smith overact by banning the touching of snow? Or were his reasons just?

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Growing Pains?!?

      It is said that being a president of a superpower of a country is a tough job to have. This is true as we can visibly see the toll that this job has on people. With Trump we can’t see it as much as we can feel it. His change is more emotional. Reporters say that being the president has had a huge mental affect on Trump and he is slowly breaking down. He has increasingly become more and more emotionally unstable to the point where anything said about him can be seen as a threat towards him. They also say that the more pressure that is put on him, the more he feels the need to isolate himself. He has been making tons of rash decisions and in the minds of his peers is becoming unhinged. He is doing things like making huge plays on bills and signing them without consulting his advisory groups, letting people into the White House without backround checks and screenings and plenty of other things. His peers are growing worrysome and fear that his play on the steel and aluminum tariffs are going to somehow dwindle the economy and cause issues with foreign nations.

      In my analysis, I believe that Trump is making the moves that he should have always been making as president. I also think that his peers are starting to criticize him because he is making moves that he wouldn’t have normally considered. He even had an interview with the NRA passively aggressively attacking them and the second amendment as the cause of the school shootings going on and other mass killings. I wouldn’t say that Trump is totally changing for the good but what I am saying is that when he does make a good move the media will still attempt to find a way to villainize him. Let me know your thoughts. Why do you think it is that the media is trying to keep Trump in a certain light? This is a huge changing point for the country because the current extreme moves that Trump is tying to make all have reasons behind it, valid reasons I might add. He wants a tariff on aluminum and steel because if you guys have forgotten, America is still in debt. He is attacking the NRA and 2nd amendment because our schools are no longer safe. If he can make the right moves and pass a good law or two, this can change our government forever.

'This is not going to end well': Trump's friends and allies are worried he's spiraling out of control — and they say this time is different - Business Insider

Nine notorious dictator Nine shout-outs from Donald Trump

In the past week Trump has congratulated the nine of the well know dictators in the world  who are Xi Jinping from China, Trump stated that Mr. Jinping  that he is a great leader , how he is present for life. Also he congratulated Mr.Jinping  on the work that he has done in his country and how we should try this this some day in other words Trump would want to to try a dictatorship in the United States. The next person he congratulated was of course Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump of course congratulated  Mr. Putin on how he is a leader also on how he has a very strong control over his country. Lastly he stated that  the system that the Russians follow he doesn't want to follow but he felt that Vladimir Putin was a far better leader than the United States previous leader which was President Barack Obama. Now these remarks from Trump where considered the first time trump expressed his admiration for Mr. Putin as president he has also done before during the election. what is interesting is that in the United States human rights report described restrictions in Russia on political participation, the suppression of civil society, and  allegations of torture. thereof based off of these reports Putin is a wonderful leader to Trump. the last major leader is Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte Trump congratulated him on his accomplishment of  cracking down on drug problems. What he did to crack down on the drug problem is that he hunted and killed suspected drug dealers who where selling the drugs while he was mayor. Now that he is president these killings have risen. Trump wants to adopt this idea by putting drug dealer on the death penalty when they are caught. When Trump congratulates these three out of the nine he congratulated it shows something about how trump want to change the course of the United States it seem that he wants to follow a dictator regime this is very dangerous for our society being this can effect our way of living. my question too you is that should we as citizens be worried about trump congratulating these major dictators ? Keep in mind that these leaders are communist leaders which the United States over the years tried to limit the growth of communism in the world.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Opioid Deaths

Ever since the Vietnam war the drug opioid has made a huge impact on America killing most of those in its wake. Even though there has been bills to try and keep it handled these types of drugs opium seems to keep evading them. Opioid has sadly managed to kill 42,000 people per year just from overdosing, and this number only seems to be increasing as over the year 2015 to 2016 the deaths have risen by nearly 28%. A program called Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) which was used to help distort the opioid problem. But it only helped put one piece to the one piece to the problem. Legislators have also began to make another version of CARA called CARA 2.0, which would include the pieces that were taken out before. This one would be able to have $6 billion dollars which would go into helping combat opioid overdoses and mental health problems. Such products would be a reversal overdose drug which will be accessible to communities and non medical settings which would help those who may have a relative or someone they know that may have used an overdose from the opioid drug. They will also be moving the focus from having a high emphasis on law enforcement's on drugs to making a better bill that will help those who are affected by drugs. As our country has seen there has been a huge impact on the people due to drugs itself. Instead of just locking up those who do drugs to actually helping those who are need a way to combat it. Along with these drugs will there be any other way to apart of the bill that maybe able to help drug victims?

The gun control problem

On February 25th, the following events that occurred at Parkland Florida a lawmaker Rep. Ryan Costello had called for tougher rules and restrictions regarding firearm purchases,uses and users. He referred to different acts that could be implemented to put these different rules and regulations in place. The Toomey Manchin bill would invrease background checks for firearms purchases and also the fix Nics Act which would be able to improve the wuality and accuracy of background checks in the system. Costello than went and explained he would support a ban on Assault rifles. “I think therd is a group of things that everyone can agree to, and then we move into the discussion and hopefully develop a vocabulary that everyone can wrap their arms around”. Trumpa also supports this ban while also trying to get rid of devices called bump stocks which help assault rifles shoot hundreds of rounds per minutes.
In a way congress and lawmakers have an extremely big part in this matter not just the people trying to help the victims anyway they can. Congress and lawmakers have the power to make it so a bill to help can eihter get passed or stay in the house/senate until they aren’t able to agree on it or they kill it.
The bills mentioned in this article make me wonder why don’t they try it an see if it actually can help and maybe it’ll be for the better. It seems as if congress stalls for time although there is none left and this needs to happen now. Do you believe that congress could be a main factor in this situation or not?
What is something they could do in order help resolve this?

Monday, February 12, 2018

Democratic candidates reap financial benefits of anti-Trump fervor

Democratic challengers sailing a wave of displeasure with Republican leaders in Washington are collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars — sometimes in a matter of days or weeks — as anti-Trump fervor is translating into hard cash for this fall’s midterm fights.In New Hampshire, first-time congressional candidate Maura Sullivan — a former Obama administration official who served in the Marines — has raised twice as much as the leading Republican seeking a seat previously held by the GOP.And in Wisconsin, the leading Democrat trying to unseat House Speaker Paul D. Ryan raised $150,000 in two days after Ryan touted a high school secretary’s $1.50 salary increase thanks to the new tax law. Ryan eventually deleted his widely mocked tweet.The strong showings in recent campaign finance filings offer a glimmer of hope for Democrats, who face a changing political environment in their effort to regain the majority in Congress. Polls that just weeks ago showed deep frustration with Republicans and President Trump now show voters softening toward the president’s party, as they warm to the tax law and feel the effects of a strong economy.In addition, Republicans retain some financial advantages. The Republican National Committee has raised far more money than its Democratic counterpart, thanks in part to a surge in small-dollar donations sparked by Trump’s popularity with the GOP base. Some major Democratic donors, meanwhile, seem hesitant to invest in upstart, unproven “resistance” groups that might also support Democratic hopefuls.      
Ever since the democrats lost the majority seats the have been trying to find a way back into the controlling the senate. Donald Trump could be the answer that they have been looking for some time. since Trump as took office he as showed his true reasons for running for office. Not for the people but for him self. Now the american people have now seen his true color and are know changing their mind and started backing more and more democrats to oppose Trump from what he wants to accomplish. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

President Trump playing the Victim Role

    Donald Trump has been talking about he feels about being targeted and playing the victim. It's not a sight to see but he points the finger at the Obama organization and blaming them saying that they are using all resources at their disposal to spy on him. I think that Trump should be the bigger person about it he feels this way and shouldn't use the word victim to make people feel sorry for him it's not fair. Trump is making himself a target with the things he does and how that affected others so he bring this upon himself. He needs to wake up and realized that he's the President of the United States and he needs to act like one an don't let petty things like this stop a process that could better us instead of slowing us down. He also says that not only the FBI and DOJ (Department of justice)  but the State Department is also after him and are looking through the election. Do you think that Trump is over reacting to them rumors? If so what would you do about it would you ignore them and work on other problems to over come it or would you deal with them now to get it over with?

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Trump Sees The American People Are Showing Treason

President Donald Trump feels that if an American doesn't clap for him, he considers it as treason. Last week, Trump showed annoyance when the Democratic party did not clap for him at the State of Union. He began to say "They were like death and un-American. Un-American. Somebody said, 'treasonous.' I mean, Yeah, I guess why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly didn't seem to love our country that much." What surprises me in this situation is how arrogant and clueless this man can be. First, the official term of treason is to overthrow the government of the state that one shows allegiance or to kill or injure someone whom you have allied with. No one in this situation harmed him physically but it seems they have harmed his pride and dignity. And no one had made an attempt to overthrow the government that he resides himself in. Second, I find it disgusting that he could be so arrogant to think that everyone must have him in their favor and like him, even after everything he has said and done in the past year of his presidency. Even though the situations are completely different, I find many similarities between this and Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to kneel to the national anthem.  I find a link where people don’t align themselves with they don’t trust. I feel the democratic party wasn’t wrong in this situation and has the right to clap for who they want. What are your initial thoughts on this topic? Do you think Americans, both democratic and republican, have an obligation to clap at an event like that, or do you feel anyone has the right to clap for who they want?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Isis Fighters Flee to Syria On Instinct                    By: Kyzelle Jones

   Many Islamic State foreign fighters and they're families have left Syria, escaping the "American-led Campaign"(U.S forces sent by ex-President Obama during his second term to deal with offensives in Iraq). Using escape routes such as Syrian army lines to then hide in Damascus, who are now waiting for orders from insurgent leaders through channels that are encrypted. In addition to that, it has been discovered that battle ready individuals trained in chemical warfare have abandoned their Country just to join an Al Qaeda division located in Syria. A vice chairman, General Paul J. Selva, soon states that "Jihadist's are going underground, dispersing to other safe havens, including on the internet, and returning to their home countries". Jihadist's should not have the ability to just disperse and disappear when necessary. Some form of pressing Militant defense must be put in place enable to force a lock down, to stop any Jihadist or individuals from fleeing using any method.
   The concern is, since America are the World's "Freedom Fighters" is Donald Trump going to put a campaign into affect to stop this from happening? If he does, how would America respond towards this decision passed by the Congress originating from Donald Trump? Being that something needs to be put in place, does this trace back to Obama's decision in 2014 of putting the American-led Campaign?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Trump does care? MS13 gang members kill Long Island Teens

In 2016 two teens, Kayla Cuevas 15 years old and Nisa Mickens 15 years old, were beaten and murdered by MS13 gang members in Long Island. Not long after the incident Trump went to Long Island to speak on gang violence in the area. The parents of Nisa talked to Trump on the situation and she said he told her " we'll speak soon". Soon turned out to be the week of his State of Union address as both the parents of Kayla and Nisa came out to Washington D.C to hear the speech.  Trump brought up what happened and how people feel for their pain. Trump actually stated "Everyone in America is grieving for you," Trump said during the Tuesday speech. “…I want you to know that 320 million hearts are right now breaking for you. We love you. Thank you.” After the speech the mother of Nisa explained to reporters about a positive conversation with Trump. She explained how when talking to him you saw and felt not only in his words but how he was saying it that he truly cared and felt sincere for them. As a man who doesn't really show this much it's actually surprising to see this as it shows more for who Trump might actually be. This also lead me to think that what Trump is doing as president isn't because he doesn't know what he's doing, but it might be because he's doing it straight from the heart. Trump might be wanting to make America great again in a way his actions don't show the right way, but his feeling my prove other wise. If so then I start to think maybe Trump getting elected might be because he's passionate in a different way and maybe he's trying to bring passionate people with him? What do think is Trump a passionate person with feeling or is he just acting to try to persuade people to believe he is what America needs?

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Russia on US nuclear weapons

     As US nuclear weapons grow, Russia expresses their complete disapproval on the use of them. The US was primarily using the weapons as a way to keep Russia from using theirs. However, the weapons are becoming too big to use without catastrophe, and are no longer effective deterrents. Russia claims that they will take “necessary measures to ensure Russian security.” This is Russia’s view. The US views their actions as a way of showing that the use of nuclear weapons overall is unacceptable. They believe that doing this will “repurpose existing warheads”. 
The US isn’t the only one with nuclear weapons. France, UK, Israel, Pakistan, China, India, Russia, and North Korea all have nuclear weapons as well. Seeing as the US is increasing the number, effectiveness, or size of their weapons, do you think other countries will start to do the same just to keep their defenses up? If so, will it become another arms race, or will the strategy work and make everyone stop the development of nuclear weapons? 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump the Advocate?!?

    Just hours before President Trump’s State of the Union address, Trump would go on to say that he wants a more unified country. He said that the country has basically been going through a big divide. He feels as though this schism has been brewing since even before President Obama but says that it dates to President Clinton’s impeachment. This is huge talk coming from our president right before his address. He gives an example saying that one problem causing this is health care. Some people want free aid, while others want private aid, basically wanting to pay for it.

      This is actually pretty huge and a valiant step up for our president. The issue is that this seems as an attempt at selling the country a dream. He could be saying this as an image thing or publicity stunt. There may never be a true way to unify the country. What are Trump’s true motives behind saying all the things that he is saying? Why is he selling the country false hope? There may be something fishy going on and we will see all that he has to say later on in his address.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Would Trump stay on task for the up coming State of the union Speech?

       As Trumps first  State of the Union speech is approaching there are many worries that he will go off task. Due to his first year as president which he broke majority of the rules as president which consist of presidential communications and policymaking. If Trump sticks to what he is saying he is expected to ask congress for  about 1 trillion dollars to rebuild roads and highways, airports and sewers. Do you think that is a good why to spend 1 trillion dollars on? Although These things are needed but I personally think spending 1 trillion dollars on highways, freeways, airports and sewers are a waste of money because that is minor compared to other things that need 1 trillion dollars to be spent on.Also During his speech he is going to talk about his plan  about the immigration system while he grants 1.8 million people citizenship.  Does this means that Trump and the Republican Party came to a firm agreement on Immigration? Do you think  Trump will do more harm than good after hearing his expected actions? The state of the Union speech is  a good step for Trump to right his wrongs he follows the traditional way of these speeches. As his first year as presidents proved that you can expect the unexpected from Trump while he is on TV, therefore it seems that trump already is being expected to say something outrageous which will cause more problems in the country. Overall this Speech is a make it or break it for Trumps presidency, would Trump be able to stay on task ?

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Is The Media After President Trump?

   In January there was so called incident that involves President Trump and an adult actress Stephanie Clifford. CNN media told that Trump had a sexual relationship with her probably before the 2016 Election. It also stated that there was hush money involved when 130k sent to Sephine Clifford to keep quiet from Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen. After reading this article, it would probably bring a crazy change of heart for some voters to run for president after hearing about what he has done if it was real it also said he could have done it before he was married to his first lady Melania Trump.  However, these ideas were rumors, and it brings up the sense that what if this was true would he would have won the election? Stephanie confirmed this story in a statement she gave "When I met Donald Trump, he was gracious, professional and a complete gentleman to me and EVERYONE in my presence. Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false. If indeed I did have a relationship with Donald Trump, trust me, you wouldn't be reading about in the news, you would be reading about it in my book. But the fact of the matter is, these stories are not true". So why would the media have a story like this with so little evidence and everybody is denying it and giving no leads to anything. Do you think that the real backstory for putting this up was to expose Donald Trump or as a warning that they'll watch his every move? To me is how so many people are watching you when your in a high place of power and anything mistake you think people don't know they'are always watching waiting for you to slip up like in crucial moments like the 2016 Election.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Is Someone Finally Censoring Trump?!?

       On Jan.17, 2018 Donald Trump did what he does best and tweeted. This tweet just so happened to be what he called, “The Fake News Awards”. It was here where he would speak on all of the individuals who felt the need to share their opinions on what was going on in the community on social media. One person who I know he spoke on was the rap artist Mad Skillz who made a rap song named the “2017 Rap up” where he rapped about all that happened in the year passed. Trump went out of his way to tweet Mad Skillz himself and call his song “Fake News” and “Hogwash”.
    Right after Trump posted his “Fake News Awards” tweet, someone shortly after was able to delete the post, but not before CBS News’ Christopher Brito was able to screenshot it. This is a formof improvement in my eyes as someone is finally making an effort to stop Trump’s social media rampage. If someone successfully stops Trump’s social media, maybe he will be able to focus on the important matters such as the markets going down into the ground. Trump is being less of the “Economically Sound President” everyone that voted for him thought he was, and more of the “King of Bad Tweets”. Do you believe that someone should be able to check “The most important man in the country” on what he says on social media?

Sunday, January 14, 2018

North Korea put on Terrorist List by President Trump

Recently, President Trump has put North Korea on the terrorist list. This isn't the first time they was put on the list though. They was put on the the list in 1987 after the bombing of a South Korean airline that killed 115 people. They stayed on this list until 2008 when President Bush took them off for the aid-for-disarmament deal. This deal was then revealed to be one for Pyongyang, which is a city in Korea which is actually a Democratic party. This hasn't lasted long as we though Trump has put them back due to them getting more involved with nuclear weapons. He actually spoken to China to get tighter on their neighbors, but what repercussions come with it? I believe this makes it harder to come to agreements with Korea and makes America look more like an enemy than a friend. This also may even want Korea to push the work of their nuclear weapons because they feel their enemies are coming harder after them. I believe doing this wasn't the smartest idea and even puts America in a bad place. Trump is suppose to be our representative and with him doing this makes it seem like all Americans follow his word and agree with him. Do you feel Trump was smart for doing this or do you think it was wrong? 

Monday, January 8, 2018

North & South Korea at Peace

South Korea will seek to use inter-Korean talks on Tuesday to decrease tensions on the peninsula and reunite families separated by the Korean war, Seoul has said. Comments from Cho Myung-gyon, South Korea’s unification minister, illustrate the broader possibilities of the negotiations with North Korea, which are set to focus on Pyongyang’s participation in next month’s Winter Olympic Games. “Basically, the two sides will focus on the Olympics. When discussing inter-Korean relations, the government will seek to raise the issue of war-torn families and ways to ease military tensions,” Mr Cho said on Monday. But US president Donald Trump over the weekend said he would be supportive of broader talks with Mr Kim, although did not clarify under which conditions. “I would love to see them take it beyond the Olympics,” Mr Trump said on Saturday of the prospect of talks between the neighbours, adding that the US would get involved “at the appropriate time”. Mr Trump has thrown his support behind the talks “100 per cent” following a call with South Korea’s president Moon Jae-in after warning North Korea last week about the size of the US nuclear arsenal, saying it was “a much bigger and more powerful one than his”.

So thankfully North Korea is finally showing some peace by going into talks with South Korea. Though, our own government is not being quite as peaceful as he should be since Trump keeps saying ''his is bigger''. It seems to me that North Korea only wants some peace after their leader, Kim Juh Chong Onng Glog says they now have long range missiles which is strange to me.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Trump's Twitter threats put American credibility on the line

Since Trump has been elected the new president of the United States Trump has used twitter as a platform to express his views and what he stands for. Recently Trump has used twitter to attack countries,  to push protesters to overthrow Iranian government,  he has threatened to blow up North Korea, and lastly he has stated that there is a need for a cut in aid to Palestinians. There is a big difference in the foreign policy message that Trump is following  is that it shifted away from how traditional United States presidents handle situations. This means that Trump has started the trend to use a more direct approach to problems by using twitter as his primary platform, also it shows how trump has a pattern of shifting away from his word as we have seen after the election. Due to this recent approach to problems has caused countries to raise questions wether they should  take his word seriously or  wether they should ignore it. which raises questions, if trumps words are just looked over how does that shape Americas credibility? How does it shape Americas  world image? and lastly  does it questions Americas trust? I think that trump does not understand that his words are not just a reflection of himself it is also a reflection of America, since America has been seen a certain way; America new approach that has been set by Trump is considered abnormal because this is not how  past America presidents  have acted. So did Trump change America for good? where as he uses social media as a platform  to talk about problems and away to connect to the people. Lastly I do think trump does put American  credibility on the line because has he states he want to cut aid to the Palestinians which America does not have a track record of pulling away world help which is an example of a lack of American credibility.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

McCain, Battling Brain Cancer, Leaves Washington For Christmas Break Before Contentious Vote On Tax Bill

 In summy, on a Sunday John McCain went to Arizona to spent christmas with his family and is battling brain cancer ,which stops the Republican party on voting which they somewhat needs the senator vote but couldn't vote due to his surgery. So Trump told reporters that even through McCain is going through a really tough time that he will come back if they really need his vote. In which McCain was being treated at Walter Reid National Military medical center and was diagnosed with gliblastoma, an agressive malignant brain tumor that causes seizures, headaches, blurred vision and many other symptoms. His daughter was tweeting about family holiday plans and thanking all people who said kind words to her father to feel better. Senator John missed several senate votes, voted for initial version of tax bill, including sweeping tax cuts, passed senate with 51 botes, and the Republican leaders can pass the final version but since it's in the House-senate negotiations can't afford any more defections. Which the bar is set high to pass the legislation and they feared that two other people couldn't vote even through they wanted to pass the legislation. McCain has a good spirit is doing very well from his recovery and someone said he remains one of the toughest man on the earth. The issue here is both good and bad because even through McCain couldn't get his vote in, it did help a little bit to stop the voting somewhat and their is a chance the government and Trump doesn't need to wait for McCain to get his vote. Which the president and the others Republicans did need another vote in order to pass the bill for tax but their is ninety percent they can pass this legislation quick and simple. How can Trump and Republicans get the legislation to pass without John McCain vote?

South Africa's New Leader

Over the past week, there has been talk of the election for the new leader of South America, monitored by the ANC( African National Congress). It is Africa's democratic political party and it has won every election since Nelson Mandela's election. This election will be seen as the most important election in the country. The previous leader, Jacob Zuma, is forced to step down as president. Many have felt that he was involved with a corrupt relationship with the Guptas, a wealthy Indian family, and facing prospect on 18 charges. There has been opposition to remove him as president and he was defeated. However, his leave of absence can spark negative effects in the political party. The election can cause political infighting and may has led assumptions to the party to split. It has even said the ANC will be at a crossroads because of this event. The new presidential candidates will be  Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa. The winner of this election will decide the leadership and fate of South Africa. Do you think the situation will become better due to receiving a new president and do you think something else should be done about this situation?

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Trump strikes again with Jerusalem

One may ask why Lebanon has broke out in protests due to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel capital, since this decision directly affects Palestine. Well for one Lebanon has over 500,000 Palestine refugees who would be devastated to hear that Jerusalem won't be recognized as their capital after for it for so long. This decision  has produced major backlash around the world. North Korea (our enemy) has denounced President's Trumps's decision as "Reckless wicked Act". Indonesia a predominantly Muslim country had 10,000 people protest outside of the American Embassy "It was the third and largest demonstration in their country against the Jerusalem decision by Mr.Trump. 
This decision has had a ripple effect across the world. Arab nations extremists groups like the Taliban and  even our allies here have denounced the decision. Do you believe that this could cause another long war?

Monday, December 4, 2017

Donald Trump is totally not worried about Michael Flynn's guilty plea

President Donald Trump wants you to know one thing about former national security adviser Michael Flynn's guilty plea for lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russians during the 2016 campaign: He's not worried about it. Not at all. Zero percent. Nada. Zilch.How do we know that? Because Trump just keeps telling us.
Since Flynn's guilty plea on Friday morning, Trump has tapped out double-digit tweets making clear that Flynn's decision to cooperate with special counsel Bob Mueller's investigation has no impact on him and, oh yeah, the FBI is super corrupt and bad. Also, the Russia investigation is a hoax. And Hillary Clinton got off easy. The media is bad and dishonest too.
It all started Saturday morning with this tweet -- that Trump attorney John Dowd now claims he wrote: "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!"The obvious problem here for Trump -- if that tweet is taken as accurate -- is that the day after he fired Flynn, he reportedly asked then FBI Director James Comey to see if he could find a way to "letting this go," meaning the bureau's investigation into Flynn. If you take Trump/Dowd's tweet literally, then Trump did so while knowing that Flynn had lied to the FBI.
The first strain of this next Trump Twitter tornado was the "Why aren't we talking about Clinton?" narrative.
"So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday 'interrogation' with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times...and nothing happens to her?" Trump tweeted. "Rigged system, or just a double standard?"He followed that one up with this: "Many people in our Country are asking what the 'Justice' Department is going to do about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from the United States Congress, deleted and 'acid washed' 33,000 Emails? No justice!"."Congratulations to @ABC News for suspending Brian Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt," tweeted Trump. "More Networks and 'papers' should do the same with their Fake News!"
This fake news thing is going out of hand. Its mostly him just trying to redirect some of the blame on to some or something else. in this case he is worried because of the links that Flynn provided. He uses the Hilary situation just to deflect most of the blame and not make him self look guilty. Trying to cover his tracks and making the media less credible and saying its fake news is the best way he knows how.

Net Neutrality Showdown

The internet plays a large if not significant role in our everyday lives. We use it in so many different ways, some to study for tests, talk to someone in another country, look up information, or even just to watch their favorite show online. All of these are done for free due to the free access of these platforms through the internet. Even though its been prospering for a number of years since the internet was first created there have been those who have attempted to control such freedom just for their own personal gain. Some of the people are large corporate companies seeking the large amount of revenue from such a successful source have hidden their agenda through soft words stating that by controlling the internet and making consumers pay for certain websites is a way to help keep the consumer safe and with the largest amount of freedom. Although it can be argued that this is true, it comes into question of how can you give more freedom to something that is already free. The F.C.C. and other Comcast companies have all begun to take steps in controlling the internet and changing the internet from how we know it.

Net Neutrality was created so that companies would be prevented from treating those who pay for more exclusive content being treated better than those who have not spent money on the site. For example it prevents AT&T from charging a fee to companies that want to stream high-definition videos to people. It even shelters those who are just creating websites and can't afford to pay for fast line access. Large internet giants such as Google, AT&T, Charter, Microsoft, etc. have turned the innovative and promising into into a field of large corporate giants fighting against smaller and medium sized businesses. A letter sent to the F.C.C.head Ajit Pai, the one who drafted the net neutrality repeal order, more than 200 start-ups argued this week that the order “would put small and medium-sized businesses at a disadvantage and prevent innovative new ones from even getting off the ground.” And that this would in fact have the opposite effect of wanted people to use the internet more. The internet's once flexible nature is now seemingly coming to an end. With only a few weeks left till Congress makes the decision we can still change the results. If net neutrality is ended how much will this impact the world at large and its many consumers, will there be a massive drop in users or still a steady stream? I personally believe that we are seeing the end to a once glorious source.