Friday, December 30, 2016

Your Move Trump!

           Recently it has been announced that there may have been some Russian interference in our previous election. Apparently the hackers were able to get into the system and aid Trump win the election. It is said that they aligned organizations AGAINST the Democratic party which in turn is direct support for Trump. It has not been made official to the public that this did occur but President Obama has made moves against Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the article the White House has announced plans to expel 35 Russian diplomats from the US giving them and their families 72 hours to leave the country. They have also closed down Russian compounds in New York and Maryland. This is a big move against Russia which has sparked talk of another Cold War. In response to the White House's move against Russia their President has made an interesting move himself. He has chosen to delay any retaliation against the US and has even been a bit friendly by inviting US citizens, Obama, and Trump to celebrate the holidays with him. In the eyes of some paying attention to this event it seems as though Putin is "backing off". While some say Putin is in fact giving Trump space to make his move. Since this began with Russia presumably aiding Trump this move would make some sense. Putin is giving Trump the floor to show whether or not he is with him or against him. On a previous post we saw how this idea of Trump allying with Russia is not something new. So if he is planning to lay in bed with the president of Russia what will he move be? Will it be soon or will he wait till he is put into power officially where he can make executive decisions? What will Putin's response be? These are all questions needing to be asked by the public to push these political figures to respond. That is not all that should be a concern though. With these sanctions against the Russian diplomats being put in place how come the accusations have not been proven and formally released to the public. The most information we have on it is through leaks which can't always be reliable. We the people are not being provided with all the information and are being sat down only able to watch what comes next. What do you think about the accusations against Russia and what do you think of the White House's move. For more information you can read the article here:

Monday, December 19, 2016

Underwater Drone In China

An underwater drone has been found in Chinese waters by the Chinese navy. This drone has been found and has caused America to pull back on some of the surveillance they have on the country. In addition, it has been stated that this drone is the "tip of the iceberg" of US military surveillance. So now that the U.S has been caught red handed will China try to "strike" back at us or will they sweep it under the rug? If China takes offense to this and tries to attack how prepared is the U.S.? Is the government ready to protect us and will they tell us we are at war? These are just somethings I am concerned about, but I'm also concerned about how the media will portray the U.S and China. Will they make the people see the true intentions of both countries or will they spin this to make America look like they had good intentions behind their actions

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Another Cole War ?

Donald Trump wants to join forces with Russia, even though they were hacking the democratic party. Putin admits to doing so, and he wasn't punished for doing so. The reason why Trump is with this, is because it helped him win the election. There are some people who disagree with this, for example South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham. He said "I can't imagine I would vote for anybody that believes that we should not sanction Russia, given the fact that they did in fact interfere in our election." This sort of thing can be interpreted as no good because this is a republican man that voted for Trump and he thinks that this is a bad idea. We cannot afford to go through anymore war. There is a lot that we would have to give up and there will be a lot of time wasted on it. I just hope that Trump knows what he's doing and i hope we don't have another cold war or a great depression or anything of that nature.

McCain: Russian election-related hacks threaten to 'destroy democracy'

Last month's election proved to be a controversial event with the defeat of democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, and the election of our soon to be president, Donald Trump. But, just last week after a CIA investigation, we found out that Russia had been hacking democratic emails in an attempt to sabotage them and aid Donald Trump. The article focuses on John McCain's reaction to the incident. McCain's main argument was that our country has a lack of leadership and talks about Obama not taking action. He also talks about how the incident is "Paralyzing our country". I agree with his statement. Although I do not agree with blaming Obama for not doing enough, these situations can turn for the worst.  When such incidents happen, it creates further division amongst our country and makes us question our government. If it is true that  Russians have been aiding Trump, why is he still going to be president? And as McCain said in the article, we do not even know the full effects of what they did. In class, we will soon be doing a mock election. Although we will not have any foreign hackers messing with the process, what does this mean for our country's electoral system? Is it still valid after this incident? How do we prevent this from happening another time?


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Trump Speaks On China
 The article speaks on Trump's feelings toward the One china policy. In the case of the United States, the One-China Policy was first stated in the Shanghai Communiqué of 1972: "the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China; as stated online. This can be seen as an issue world-wide because it counters policies we have already had in place. Yes, change is bound to come with every presidency, but It is odd how some of his change is starting to be seen before he is in office. This was interesting to me because it showed how Trump is changing things around and always tries to voice himself along the lines of topics when its not opinions that are necessary, but the voters want to see. That is the true change. 

Blast at Cairo Cathedral kills at least 25

At a key Coptic Church in Cairo on Sunday morning, a 12-kilogram TNT bomb caused an explosion. The blast ripped through the church in the city's Abbassyia district. At least 25 people are dead and dozens injured. The attack targeted one of the most symbolic religious sites for Copts. Copts is an ethnoreligious group centered in Egypt. This is a problem and effects the U.S. Government because we pride ourselves on freedom and liberty. We should get involved to protect sacred places like churches and holy areas. This isnt anything worth fighting a war over, but there must be consequences once the mastermind behind the whole thing is found.


According to Biden keeps door open for 2020 run against Trump: "who knows where we're going to be". Vice President Joe Biden want a say in the position of the Democratic Party and isn't willing to fully rule out a bid for the presidency if he thinks issues of economic fairness aren't being voiced. His comments came after a week of public back-and-forth on saying that he is going to run in 2020; he somewhat facetiously told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday he was going to run, only to return Wednesday to the Capitol and insist "I have no intention of running." The article says If Biden, now 74, decides to run for president in 2020, he'd be asking Americans to elect the oldest commander-in-chief in US history. "Age could be very much an issue, and it may not be," Biden acknowledged in the interview. "It depends on the state of my health and the health of whoever is running." Said Biden 

      My opinion on this article is that joe Biden should have the right to vote in 2020 with no complaints. All he is trying to do is help the Democratic Party weather he said it or not shouldn't matter. He may be old, 74 years old but who says a 74 year old can't lead America. I honestly feel that Donald trump is not an American figure and is not fit for office . Joe Biden has been in office with barrack Obama for 8 years now, proving that he knows the ropes and the political problem and issues better the Donald trump not only does he know them but how to fix them. Joe Biden is more serious and ready as to trump is for office. Do you think biden can have a greater impact on America than trump.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Jill Stein Pennsylvania Recount

Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential nominee, said she would "escalate" her election recount efforts in Pennsylvania through a federal lawsuit after she told the public she would drop it but, there is a major cost to this recount. The court ruled that  all voters requesting the recount must pay a million dollar bond.  Stein said that "this request is an unacceptable barrier to democratic participation" and that "Americans deserve an election system that we can trust, and that is accurate, that is secure against hacking, against human error, against machine error, and in which the votes are being counted because right now it is not clear that all the votes are being counted." I totally agree with Stein on this topic. At this point the government can say they are going to do one thing but do another and we can't really tell if they did it or not. We are forced to trust that our government will do what they say but, I feel like there should be systems put in place so the people can actually see their vote being counted and many people feel like that this past election was an example if this. I don't know about y'all but I don't trust the government to be truthful in all they do. It seems as though they try to filter out minorities during elections in order to elect who they want constantly and this 1 million dollar bond as a prime example they are limiting participation because the minority is the only group that wants the recount to begin with but, now that they have to spend money for it most of them won't follow through with it. Therefore the recount won't occur because there is no one left that wants to pay for it. So how can we, the people, ensure that our votes are being counted and what can we do to hold the government accountable for the fairness of their actions?

Harassment in schools skyrockets after election, teachers report

Many problematic events have occurred since Donald Trumps victory in the election. It has been reported that many students from various states are experiencing harassment from their peers in school. Examples of these hate-filled actions include chanting "you're going back to Mexico", "Trump, Trump", and overall negatively affecting the learning environment for children. As a result, teaching tolerance has formed to reduce prejudice and improve relations among children in school. Many of these actions have been noticed in states down south where the majority of the population voted for Trump. However, here in New York where we are accustomed to diversity, I noticed similar actions being taken to fight against prejudice. Americans have come too far to begin going back in the other direction. According to the article, teachers are bing told to disregard this behavior, however, it is necessary to do the exact opposite in hopes of change and development.Do you think Trump being president is going to effect the way people look at immigrants. Do you think it's right kids are kids are looking up to Trump and supporting how he feels about things ?

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Death of ex-NFL player Joe McKnight came during road-rage incident

Former NFL running back Joe McKnight who played for the New York Jets and Kansas City Chiefs was fatally shot in Terrytown, Louisiana during an apparent road-rage incident while standing beside a man's car at a suburban New Orleans intersections on a Friday night.The problem may have been that one man cut the other off in traffic. One driver followed the other to an intersection, where McKnight parked his Audi Q7 SUV on the right shoulder of the road Gasser's Infiniti G37 two-door sedan was in the right lane and parallel to the SUV, the release said. Witnesses said the two were "in a heated verbal exchange" from their vehicles. At some point, Gasser "discharged three rounds from a .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun from the driver's seat of the blue Infiniti through the open passenger window. These rounds struck (McKnight), who had previously exited the gray Audi Q7 and was positioned at the passenger window of the Infiniti,". Gasser remained at the scene, handed over his weapon to authorities and admitted to shooting McKnight. Gasser, 54, was released from custody Thursday night. In explaining why Gasser was allowed to leave, Normand said authorities need to talk to more witnesses.

What is wrong in this situation is that a man is released after a fatal shooting of a man and there justification is that they don't have enough witnesses is absurd. There were witnesses that said the two were in a heated argument and the murder was turned in which should give the cops more than enough evidence. Do you agree with Gassers release and should this situation be brought to federal court?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Second chance law second chance (D week)

The Article I chose talks about the  Second chance law for young criminals. hundreds of criminals are sentenced by D.C Judges under an obscure local law craft to give second chances to young adult offenders have gone on to rob, rape, or kill residents of national capital. This law's main purpose of the law is for the sole purpose of  this law is rehabilitation. through my eyes I see this as an opportunity to get these young convicts back on the streets and to help better them while they are still young. I'm sure the people of D.C thought the same like the article says "the youth rehabilitation act is to allow for shorter sentences for some criminals and opportunity for offenders to emerge with no criminal record" however a Washington investigator have found a pattern of offenders returning to there criminal ways. I could see the problem here people who fight to put these criminals away don't want them on the streets again and don't care for who is being locked away for the rest of their life.  but my thoughts are to offer more help to prevent this from happening again. a good solution  could be to put these ex criminals through programs that could keep them off the streets and help to repair their life and keep them from resorting back to a life of crime. to make sure of this they should only help criminals with petty crimes which doesn't lead to murder. i feel like this law should be tweaked and used in many different states. i also strongly believe this law should be of aid to criminals who had to plead guilty for a crime they did not commit to get a shorter sentence.  What do you think is the right way to rehabilitate a young criminal? do you think criminals should be rehabilitated? Should future jobs who are looking to hire employees should ask if they were criminals? what about Government jobs should they hire ex criminals?  Link

Sunday, November 27, 2016

First 100 days in office

The first 100 days in office since FDR, has been viewed to be  vital to the president's career in office. These desk is one are often the building blocks of a president's tenure.   The new president wasn't foucused on creating a "wall" or abolishing Obamacare, Trump is foucused on international trading influences and cutting buissness practices in America.  He is pushing to have greater "influence" on Asian countries.
These tactics are horrible because to "influence" other countries usually means to imperialize them and to put a greater military presence there.   This can be concluded because he blames the forming of isis due to the lack of imperialism and he is very pro military.   Another detrimental thing based on these first 100 days is the cutting of buisness practices.   If you cut business practices that can lead to a deplorable work place for workers and a lack of functionality.  Not even a century ago we were fighting the harsh business practices that was lead by robber Barrons like Vanderbilt, carnige, JP Morgan and many others.  The fact that a person wants to go back to a time where only wealthy people can only succeed, it's a shame that we elected a president that selfish.

Sanders calls for assessment of Electrical College (Week C)  

  On Sunday, a statement made by former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders focused on how Hillary Clinton's heavier popular votes against Donald Trump's were overweighted by a electorial votes and that it would be about time for electrical voting to be re-examined . He goes on about the voting process not being fair along with other Democrats agreeing that electrical voting shouldn't be allowed anymore and be based on a popular vote. In the process of all of this, Hillary and her campaign call for a recount as Trump lies about millions of people who voted illegally costing him popular votes and still refuses to participate in recount. This impacts today's government in a way were now morals and bias opinions conflict with each other. Is Bernie and the other Democrats right morally? Or is this just a biased opinion that sides with the Democratic party? this shows us how we can exercise our democracy because we all have the right to choose. I personally feel that it can also be a potential good effect on democracy and young future voters like myself to vote. We can't change the past or whats behind us but we can effect the future.

Fate of U.S.-Cuba Thaw Is Less Certain Under Donald Trump (Week C)

In this article it mainly talks about the President and President-elect's responses to the death of Fidel Castro and what it could mean for the future of America. It starts off by detailing one of President Obama's public responses. He called the death of Castro an occasion for Americans to “extend a hand of friendship to the Cuban people” and acknowledge the “powerful emotions” the revolutionary leader had evoked in both countries, seeking to use Castro’s legacy to help his own efforts to bury years of bitterness between the United States and Cuba. By saying this he was basically making it known that he had some hope for the relations between Cuba and America. Later in the article it talks about how the fact that Donald Trump is set to succeed Mr. Obama makes the fate of the thaw between the United States and Cuba far from clear. One of Trump's responses to the death of Castro was when he called Mr. Castro a “brutal dictator” who had oppressed his own people for decades and left a legacy of “firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights.” “While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve,” Mr. Trump said. He goes on to say “Though the tragedies, deaths and pain caused by Fidel Castro cannot be erased, our administration will do all it can to ensure the Cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty.” While the ways that the two presidential figures acknowledged the death of Fidel Castro were very different(one being much more condemning of Castro than the other),  both also described Mr. Castro’s death as a potential turning point for Cuba. Do you all feel as though his death will actually significantly change anything having to do with American-Cuban relations? Also with Trump coming into presidency, do you feel as though that will have a more negative or positive impact on things since he has proven to be so anti-immigration?

How much Trust should we put into the Media ( WEEK C)

As we all are becoming increasingly aware of the bias information that can be found in the media it is becoming somewhat clear when the sources that provide us with news are reliable or unreliable. This week I chose to report on a article that I found particularly interesting based on what we are currently learning in our AP government class. For those who are unaware the Cuban autocrat  Fidel Castro has passed away at the age of 90. While in power he was a polarizing political figure with supporters in his country backing his regimes and some Americans who viewed Fidel as the radical leader who only wanted to free his country. The division in opinions can be due to the many conflicting reports about this militaristic leader who has been a anomaly to American media for many years. Regardless of how well informed you believe you are on the situation we are still reliant on the media to give us information which (as I previously stated) can not always be trusted. In this article we get to see the media's biggest flaw which is the misinterpretation of information whether is was purposely done or not. To give context to what happened in this article a reporter was reflecting on the deceased autocrat's interview in 1995. Supposedly Castro duped a interviewer by marching the same group of 18 soldiers past a him to exaggerate his support and gain attention for his cause. For a reporter to be so easily deceived really speaks volume toward where we get our information and how a lot of what is told to us is based off of perspective and not always fact. In order to explain why the reporter was so easily tricked it was believed that some of the information on Castro's man power was based what the reporter heard from some of the supporters that had also went to visit Castro so it could be said that this also caused the reporter to expect a larger force behind Castro and that is why he was so easily fooled. While this is somewhat entertaining there is a whole other story that this entire scenario was made up to make Castro more interesting then he actually was. What ever you choose to believe it is evident that we should take most things shared through media with a grain of salt and try to make our own informed decisions based on the facts that can be verified. This article has also made me reflect on how my writing or the reports I do can be leading and not always factually the best or unbiased. Do you believe that people are biased in there writing on purpose and if so is being biased deceiving towards the reader or true to what the author feels? Which of these stories do you believe to be true if any at all and why?

Friday, November 25, 2016

A Growing Epidemic C week

This week yet another African American male has been shot and killed by a Chicago police officer. Kajuan Raye, age 19 was thought to be a suspect of a crime in the area he was in. While being approached by the sergeant Kajuan ran and the sergeant pursued him. According to the officer Kajuan turned around twice and pointed a fire arm at the officer before being fatally shot and killed. According to street cameras Kajuan did run but not once did he turn back and point any sort of weapon at the sergeant. In addition the on scene investigators have not found any weapon the sergeant claimed Kajuan had in his possession. This event raises many questions and gives light to many issues in our country. I don't want to sound biased but this just seems like another case of a racist cop profiling a teen and ending it with the same results as every other cop shooting the media shows us. I think in order to truly get a sense of the situation though we must have some critical questions answered. For example why did Kajuan run in the first place? Why did the sergeant shoot Kajuan if there's no evidence of him having a gun? I think these two questions really speak on the relationship between officers and civilians in our country. I think that in order for Kajuan to run when approached by a cop is because he was scared or had some fear of the officer. The fear that every cop nowadays always has some malicious intent behind what they do especially when you are a person of color. I'm not saying it's right that Kajuan ran from the officer but not like we can have our question answered now since Kajuan has passed away. I also think that this sheds light on how officers see people of color in some cases. I don't want to jump to the conclusion that this was a racist act against this young black man but I definitely think this points out how cops can racially profile people. He might not have any hatred in his heart toward people of color but he could have fear that is focused on people of color just like Kajuan has fear focused on cops.This fear the officer had could of drove him to be extra cautious with how he was going to protect himself at all cost. In both cases though do you think this fear is justified? Do you think it is right for either one for them to fear the other? This mutual sense of fear could of been what drove both sides to do what they did in this situation. I'm not trying to defend the officer's actions either but just giving an opinion that doesn't directly write him down as a racist that hates black people.I don't want to jump to any conclusion but I would like to hear other opinions on the situation. What do you think this has to do with and how do you think we as a country could fix it?

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Snow Fall in NY

The seasons first snow storm is set to hit on Sunday. The same snow storm that has covered some parts of Minnesota in more than a foot of snow. This storm is supposed to end Monday morning but has been predicted to bring more than a foot of snow. How will the city prepare for this, is there a chance school will canceled? Or will public transportation run? The answers to these are key because within the answers are the key to a lot of peoples success in the following week. For example, if the public transportation is out and people don't have a way to get to work. Or if school is canceled and students are forced to miss out on their work. Depending on what the government does in the upcoming week determines the success of the people.

"All Eyes On Me"- Tupac

Image result for trump simpsons

Now that the presidential election is over, all eyes are on Trump. He's all over the news and all over the newspapers. One big this that the people who are against him are talking about is how he has no political experience. So basically he going into office blind and with out a clue of what to do. This relates to APGOPO because this man is now our president and we don't know what to expect from this man. This also has to do with APGOPO because the electoral college is the reason why he is the president, they must see something in him that nobody else sees. Hillary won most of the popular votes. I'm not saying that she should have won, but in my opinion non of them should have ran for president, which is off topic. What the big picture is, is that Trump is president and everyone is talking about him, weather they agree with him or not


How Fake News Goes Viral

       It is very easy for social media to twist and manipulate the minds of  its viewers and followers. They control what gets put out in order to grasp the attention of viewers and to influence them to think or act a certain. This past presidential election has been a prime example of how social media has a grasp on society that we have no control over.
       According to the article, a man named Eric Tucker posted a picture of several coach buses lined up, and continued to post " Anti-Trump protestors in Austin are not as organic as they seem. Here are the buses they came in.#fakeprotest#Trump2016#austin". Now although this post has nothing to do with the actual election (And were actually buses for a conference), it had over 10,000 shares and likes within the same day it was posted. It caught the attention of many trump supporters and Trump himself responded to the post saying "Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!". These type of posts only cause further division between the two major political parties in our country. Their jokes are being blown up far out of proportion than it needs to be. The media is encouraging this by creating new articles that question the decisions of Anti- Trump supporters The fact that something so small becomes the center of attention is beyond my comprehension. The post created was not only false, but irrelevant due to the fact that this is after the election, and trump has already won. Yet, some still feel the need to put in their two sense just because they are in favor of trump, and against those who oppose him. In class, we have talked about how the media controls what gets put out and seen by the public. In this situation, they knowingly allowed false information to be put out and cause more chaos there needs to be. We cannot stop people from expressing their opinions, but we can at least  make sure that the information that gets put out is at least correct. Social media needs to monitor what gets posted and should take down posts that create unnecessary division.
Article Link

Thursday, November 17, 2016



According to, Trump calls Obama 'a very good man' after historic White House meeting, President Barack Obama welcomed President-elect Donald Trump to the White House Thursday, as both men put past their personal beliefs in the political ring, they peacefully transferred  the position of political power. A few days after mocking Trump as unfit to control the codes needed to launch nuclear weapons, Obama told his successor that he wanted him to succeed and would do everything he could to ensure a smooth transition.Donald Trump, who spent years chasing Obama over false claims that he is not a natural born  American , and also accused him of being the founder of ISIS on the campaign trail, called Obama a "very good man" and said he would seek his counsel in future. The remarkable meeting was a reflection of the shift and unexpected change in the political mood between the frenzied last days of an election campaign and the reality of government and the transition of power between two administrations that follows. In this meeting Obama stated “My No. 1 priority in the next two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our President-elect is successful," Then, Obama told Trump, "If you succeed, the country succeeds,". Donald Trump thanked Obama for the meeting which he said had originally was supposed to be 10 minutes long and lasted for 90. Trump said, "Mr. President, it was a great honor being with you and I look forward to being with you many, many more times.

As i read and articulate the talk with Obama and Tump i realize that this could all be Trump putting up a front just so he can be liked. I honestly would never believe that a conversation between trump and barack obama would be so calm and civil relating to Trump's previous outraging debates with Hillary Clinton anyone would think that he would be reckless speaking to Obama.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Does Marijuana Weaken Heart Muscles?

5 more states voted to legalize recreational marijuana. A study released Sunday shows that the use of weed can weaken heart muscles, particularly in young men. The study was presented at the scientific conference of the American Heart Association in New Orleans. Researchers examined the link the link between marijuana use and heart health. I know a lot of people in this day and age use marijuana recreational and unrecreational. Knowing what they are putting in their body to get "stoned" or for health uses is beneficial to them. A lot of money is made in the marijuana business. Seeing that it effects the integrity of your heart causing things like cardiomyopathy, where the heart becomes enlarged, thick, or even rigid. This can effect U.S. Politics and even world politics.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump Takes Advice :

As this unrealistic week of history continues to occur, we have to face the fact that Trump will now be our president for the next 4 years. The article speaks towards his meeting with Obama on Thursday, They spoke on many things : Next four years, words of advice and most importantly noted, OBAMACARE. The article says Trump would be willing to consider the continuation of Obamacare. I found this very interesting because as Trump's candidacy went on, he rarely spoke of legislation or ideas he will implement. With his meeting with President Obama, Trump himself realized the reality of the situation and is attempting to continue a legislation that has benefited us for the last couple of years. How does this make you feel? Do you think he will actually do it? What are your thoughts?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Potential threat

New potential threat arise in upcoming Election Day. nypd has prepared against both al qaida and isis threat. In response to 1200 poll site will have a uniformed police officer stationed. More than 5,000 officers will be deployed. With very top security like critical response team, emergency services unit,explosives detective dogs and more. Because of a video sent by terrorist leaders telling followers to cause attack on polls.  

Bombing in Turkey

A  bombing went off in southeastern Turkey that has killed several civilians as well as two police officers according to State-run Anadolu news agency.
on Friday morning Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said 100 people were injured in the explosion 93 of them were yet  to be released from the hospital.
According to a statement circulated online ISIS has claimed responsibility later that Friday this information came from the Amaq agency who is affiliated with the terror group. 
Turkish authority blame the Kurdistan worker's party (KWP) for the attack.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Smog in Delhi

In New Delhi schools will be closed for the next three days due to air pollution. The Constitution and demolition that was taking place was banned for five weeks. Delhi's Chief Minister came up with an idea of odd-eve rationing for cars where car were only allowed to operate on alternate days based on their license plate numbers. I understand that this system would take many cars on the street daily but is this really an effective solution? I personally think that this is not a solution at all. This is just a system that slows down the rate of the air pollution in Delhi and nothing more. They need programs or laws in place where This incident becomes less likely to happen again. What do you think? Did it fix the heart of the problem or did it solve the current situation?

FBI clears Clinton -- again

With the election coming up everybody has there mind set up on who they feel would be the best fit for president at this moment. Throughout Hillary Clintons whole campaign the question has been could she actually be trusted after her email scandal. This is the second time the FBI is clearing her name saying that in those emails nothing shady has been going on. Do you think that it's to late and is it a possibility that Donald Trump might still win this thing because people feel that she is a untrustworthy and a crook ?"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn't changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges after a review of new emails.
"Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July," Comey wrote in the new letter to congressional committee chairmen." If she has the FBI behind her I would say Hillary Clinton has my vote .

Saturday, November 5, 2016

US employers add 161K jobs, jobless rate slips to 4.9 pct.
In October U.S. employers added 161,000 jobs which is a decent amount for only one month, and the unemployment rate dropped down to 4.9 percent from 5 percent. The Labor Department states that the average hourly pay took a leap forward making last month higher by rising 10 cents an hour to an average $25.92. That makes it a 2.8 percent higher increase than a year ago, this will be the biggest 12-month increase in seven years. The increase in hourly pay follows a substantial increase last year in earnings for the typical household. The economy appears seems to be finally delivering widespread raises after years of partially no pay gains at all. The unemployment rate nearly at  healthy levels, and businesses are more likely to try harder to bring in more workers. This relates to AP Gov because the economy is an important part of government and with a better economy comes a chance for a better nation.

By creating more jobs it will have a positive impact on the nation but mostly the economy. With the unemployment rate dropping that means there are more jobs being created and less people being jobless. There would only be good consequences because say if the jobs per month only increase over time the unemployment rate will drop significantly drop and the U.S economy would only proceed to benefit from it. My opinion on the matter is if that the unemployment rate will stay the same for a while because people do lose jobs, and their are people who are to lazy to find a job as well. With that being said those people not not working and losing jobs would only cancel out the new jobs being created and the unemployment rate will just continue to stay the same . Also that the jobs will need to increase pay due to inflation

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Its time to decide america

With the election drawing to a close it is time for Americans to make their final decisions . Yes there are some voters who believe strongly that their candidate should be the next president ,there is still a large portion of the population that is still undecided. I can not stress the importance of the voters voice in this election. For those still undecided, I understand that you may not like the choices presented to you but if you are truly concerned about the country you will go out and vote regardless if the candidates are not ideal. To be truthful no candidate can be ideal because they have to represent a large spectrum of people, even voter favorites where disliked by some percentage of the population so this years election would be no different. If the populace really wanted more options they should have invested more into third part candidates, but for now the undecided voters must pick the lesser of two evils. What do you believe the future of politics will look after this election? Will the voters wise up and invest more in better candidates or is this just a preview of what is to come 

Inmates Launch a Nationwide Strike

          On the 45th anniversary of the Attica Prison uprising inmates began a protest against this modern day slavery. The 13th amendment bans slavery unless the person committed a crime. Therefore in jails the inmates are sentenced to work for little to no pay. Yet this is all still legalized because it is a "punishment". The inmates and advocates want to fight against the exclusion clause that basically makes prisoners into slaves. This raises the question of is slavery truly gone? The protest against this policy has been spread wide across the country in many states like California, Michigan, and North Carolina. This shows that this is a large scale effort to fight against this modern day slavery. All these inmates coming together sacrificing whatever they have in prison now to speak up for what they believe in. CNN interviewed 3 prisoners from the 3 states stated above and each believes prisons need drastic reforms. From forced labor to excessive force there are many issues these inmates have with the current system. What do you think needs to change about our current prison system? Does the 13th amendment truly ban slavery or does it give it another name?

Ads That Use Candidates’ Own Words, to Powerful Effect

This article talks about the use of ads in this years election and its effect on the campaign. Specifically it details how Hillary Clinton used clips from Donald Trump speaking in order to portray a certain image about him. In one section of the ad it shows young teenage girls looking at themselves in the mirror just before a recording of Donald Trump's voice plays saying “I’d look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. … She’s a slob, she ate like a pig. … A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. … Did she have a good body? No.” The video then poses the question to the viewers, "Is this the president we want for our daughters?" Later in the article it analyzes the effects of having ads like these and whether or not they actually help the respective candidates in the long run. Do you all feel as though this is a good and effective tactic to use when campaigning, or that it only shows that the candidates are conniving and manipulative as people? How does this show a shift in American politics?
Link =

Monday, October 24, 2016

Haiti Prison Break

 174 inmates escaped from prison in Haiti. Only a dozen has been captured so far. The police has asked the residents nearby to be cautious and to cooperate with them. But can the police protect the people of the community by doing more than talking to them? Will they do more than just talk to them? The residents that live nearby the prison break must not feel safe around their home anyway. One way I think the police can help the people be and feel safe is by doing constant walks around the community. That will not only make the people feel more safe but will also lead to the finding of the prisoners.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Why Doctors Without Borders Refused a Million Free Vaccines

Friday october fourteenth the  organization doctors without borders refused a massive donation of one million vaccines for pneumonia from the company Pfizer. Why? You may ask, the reason may just have you agreeing with them. Jason Cone executive director of doctors without borders said that a donation would not help solve this problem at all. Pfizer has a patent of the vaccine PCV13 but also on the process of making it. This puts millions of people in danger and medical companies out of luck. SK chemicals were sued when they came close to making something like PCV13. This is almost like when states had to implement government programs with little to no money. Pfizer being the government and these companies being the states. There is no way around this medical giant or it’s prices which none can pay for, they have cornered the market. When being asked about striking a deal to lower the price for NGO’s
Pfizer said this quote ’we are actively exploring a number of new options to enable greater access to our pneumococcal vaccine to aid NGOS facing humanitarian emergency settings.’
Due to Pfizer’s stuberness DWB have to search for cheaper and more easily accessible options.
These alternative options can sometimes be second rate or harmful to the people it’s administered to. Kate Elder Vaccines Policy Advisor wrote this ‘In medicine, sometimes do no harm is an imperfect principle. It’s only possible to do the least harm’. This is truly sad millions of people might die just for the profit of billionaires. What’s worst is that Pfizer isn't the only one company doing this. ‘The rotavirus vaccine against diarrhea, HPV they are produced by GSK and Merck,The new malaria vaccine is only made by GSK’ as stated by in the article. These companies are killing people over a price tag and nothing is being done about, makes me wondering what other international injustices are going on.

Chinese firm admits its hacked products were behind Friday's DDOS attack

       Cyber attacks are common in our country, and they occur almost every year. They are very dangerous and can be caused to minor mishaps in products and software all across the globe. This article proves just how easy it is for these attacks to occur, and how serious our government needs to be when coming to these cyberattacks.
       The article talks about a chinese electronics componento manufacturer and it's supposed role in a recent cyber attack last friday. This company produces DVRS and Internet connected cameras. According to the company, security vulnerabilities involving "weak default passwords" led to a mass cyber attack on major internet websites across the U.S. This is unacceptable. Our country needs to be more careful about these type of threats. There should be some type of regulations between the national government or the state government so that mass attacks can be avoided. When these attacks occur that can access important information from the people that they hack. Personally I think the better approach would be to regulate through the national government rather than state governments. My question is, why have we not already taken the necessary steps to prevent such attacks? We know that if the government is attacked, lethal information could be leaked and placed in the wrong hands. Yet we remain to do nothing. On another note, this show's how important this election is. We need a president who is capable of handling these situations. And I am afraid Donald Trump does not suit this role.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

President Obama vs Donald Trump

Ezekiel Franklin

Image result for obama vs trump

In this article President Barack Obama was having disputes with Donald Trump. The reason for this is because as stated in the article race is a very big factor and that is a top issue with in the campaign, because of the recent shootings of African Americans. Trump tried to go against this by saying he knows that the inner cites are bad and that he wants to help rebuild it, which i think is a scam to get the black people on his side. Then he goes into saying that the people who you vote for matter. Look up every bit of information on them as you can. While Obama is giving Trump words, on the other side he is supporting Hillary, even though she is not doing to good herself. Basically what he is saying is to look at theses debates and see what they are talking about. Pick the right person and see what they stand for and how they will benefit you and make the place that your living in better. This relates to APGOPO because It relates to all the amendments that are suppose to benefit black lives which makes them have equality and and the same protection as everyone else. I also feel like this has to do with the voting process because there a lot of people who will not vote for Trump. In my opinion it will be up to the senates to vote for president, because this election is all over the place.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Donald Trump's brand is 'plummeting,' biographer says

Donald Trump has to be one of the most controversial and talked about presidential candidates in the history of presidential politics. His views represent old America. His point of view on foreign policies is what sets him apart from the other candidates. He talks badly about immigrants of Hispanic and Mexican descent. A lot of people would argue that Trump isn't fully prepared to be president. It is imperative that all Americans are fully aware of the actions and state of mind of the person they want to vote as their future leader. Donald Trump doesn't have a great track record. His brand is plummeting especially with the controversy of him talking badly about women. People are contemplating wether or not to vote for him. This can drastically change the presidential election and the future of America.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bombing suspect Ahmad Rahami to be arraigned Thursday

Rahami  born in Afghanistan and came to the United States in 1995 and became a citizen in 2011 is charged with five counts of attempted murder of a law enforcement officer after the shootout with police in Linden, New Jersey, and his multiple bombings in both New York and New Jersey . He is also charged with second-degree unlawful possession of a weapon and second-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose. Rahami is going to be charged in federal court with counts of, use of weapons of mass destruction, bombing a public place, destruction of property and use of a destructive device. Investigators also believe that Rahami didn't do it  all by himself and are searching for any accomplices. This relates to AP Gov because one of the responsibilities of the federal government is to protect us from invasion even though this situation isn't an invasion imagine what could happen if one were to happen.

The biggest impact this event would have on America is that it would effect the citizens of the united states. Citizens would feel as if there not safe anymore and with the war on terror going on their not wrong to feel that way at all. For example the attack in Paris showed people all over the world the ability of ISIS and it made them realize that it could happen anywhere. As a result to this incident the U.S government would need to find a way tighten security. The only problem with that is that if they were to do so would the people of the united states of America have to give up certain liberties. Would the government then go and invade our privacy to monitor any suspicious activity. Personal I think in this type of situation to ensure the protection of the people without taking away to many liberties is necessary in this matter.

Scary clowns ruining our profession

According to CNN News ; Why clowns terrify us. The “creepy” clowns terrorizing the us has gone viral starting a whole situation with IMPOSTERS going around and scaring people. Since late summer, the craze that sees people dress up in sinister costumes has caused problems for police departments across the country. This has become global People have been reporting clown sightings and having video footage of the clowns egregious act , from all over the world. Police have stated that In the UK, Thames Valley, police have responded to 14 sightings of clowns over a 24-hour period. In the meantime Cumbria police said they had received reports of nine clown sightings, including one holding a knife. These vicious acts of clowns is affecting child hoods and innocence. Kids are becoming scared and hating clowns. This is scaring them for life. For the actual clowns they aren't making money for the simple fact that nobody wants a clown in there party when there are seeing in the news that clowns are doing horrible things to people.

In my opinion i believe that people are copping these clown acts and scaring other people for their excitement and joy. This is honestly very wrong and cruel also dangerous for both parties the perpetrators and the victims. This is changing the mindset of young kids and children ruining their childhoods and leaving them scarred for life as well as i am now too. This is very wrong and should be stopped. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Racial Discrimination in Us courts

"As the lawyer for criminal defendant Miguel Angel Pena-Rodriguez began his argument seeking a new trial for his client, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito jumped in almost immediately. While both justices agreed the statements by the juror were clearly offensive -- they were troubled with where they could draw the line." 
Updated 3:40 PM ET, Tue October 11, 2016
  This article shows Racial discrimination is actively present in our judicial system.  In a government where bias of any sort is supposed to be abolished in the eyes of the law, it is very concerning that in a place that is suppose to protect our liberties are being jeopardized based on race.  It is very scary how officials set at such a high pedigree have these biases which jeopardize peoples lives and well being.  There should be a survey or testing to seek the mental or physical capabilities for people for people have power in this country and not condemn people for things they cannot control.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Donald Trump's GOP civil war

As the presidential race is coming to an end Donald Trump has gained many enemies in the Republican party. He is known for being an emotional candidate, lashing out on social media and responding to people in a disrespectful manner. Do you think this man is qualified for president? I feel that it's going to be hard to have a president that is so temperamental. He can't handle his emotions or respond well to criticism.Should we have a president whose behavior can send us into a possible nuclear war with China, North Korea or Russia. We need a level headed president that can take charge and put there emotions aside and that can make smart decisions for the country.
In the last presidential debate Donald Trump took a stab at Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John Mccain. He said he began the day with a series of shots  over twitter at Speaker Paul Ryan, saying it's hard to do well when the speaker isn't supportive," He followed up about an hour later calling Ryan a weak and ineffective leader."So if the people in the republican party don't trust him what should the American people should do?

North Carolina V. Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew left widespread devastation while passing through the Caribbean and the southern states of the U.S. As the 130 mph winds ripped through places like North Carolina where the death toll is 27 and Haiti, in which over 1,000 people died, the hurricane left millions of families with little to nothing. A mom by the name of Toshika Medley and her son Javares Dawes from Rocky Mount, North Carolina lost everything in the hurricane. They had to leave their apartment complex because of the rapidly rising tar river and are currently staying in a shelter where a small group of volunteers are doing their best to make Toshika and her son comfortable. They still have nowhere else to go and the question that comes to mind is "where do they go from here?". Anyone in this predicament would feel discouraged just like Toshika and Javares, but the fact of the matter is neither of them wants to live in a shelter forever so how do they recover from their devastating loss?

Friday, October 7, 2016

2016 Vice Presidential Debate

This article gives a transcript and overview over the 2016 Vice Presidential  Debate from October 5th. It gives Fact checks and basically provides further insight into each of the statements made by the two vice presidential candidates. Some of the major takeaways from the debate were that Pence clearly could not defend many of Trumps most infamous an infamous quotes(this was shown in the way that he simply dismissed many of Kaines accusations rather than refute them) and that the debate itself did not really provide new insight in to the views of Clinton and her VP or Trump and his. Overall the debate was simply a platform for each candidate to insult one another rather than bring up new and important views/ideas. This is a prime example of how politics has turnd into more of a show rather than something offial and meaningful. Do you feel as though this reflects on our society now in the sense that it is extremley driven by the media rather than facts.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Shimon Peres: Doing the impossible by creating peace through politics

What does it mean to fight for civil rights and justice? Is it devoting ones life to advocating for the rights of others or is it simply stating your opinion when you see injustice and hoping for peace? Not implying that the prior is the only way to get involved but now a days we see more of the later. Being a civil right activist is not always easy being mobbed for having an opinion, not having the support of the government which represents you, and even risking the well being of yourself and the ones you love. Shimon dedicated his life to bringing peace and civil rights to the warring Israeli states. His political career is a blueprint for any country willing to move past its pride and provide  all citizens with the rights they deserve. Our country is going through moral decay, African Americans are being murdered by those who are meant to protect them, Islamic citizens are being profiled as terrorist and poverty along with health concerns are ever present in inner cities and poor communities. Our presidential candidates preach peace and equality but Trumps crude business tactics and  Clintons ties to wall street make that hard to believe. Even their "fight for minority rights" seems out of character due to Trumps discrimination towards immigrants and Clintons past with the bombing of other countries for the "benefit of the free world". If American politicians really want to practice what they preach then  take multiple pages out of Shimon Peres' book and then maybe our government and those elected to run would be worthy of their claims. In your opinions what did Shimon do differently that other politicians do not? What does this say about America and the free world when of the most respected civil rights leaders can not be tied  our country?  

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hillary Acknowledges White Privilege

While speaking to a black congregation Hillary stated how as a white grandparent with white grand kids they would not have to experience the same fear of a Black family."I am a grandmother and like every grandmother, I worry about the safety and security of my grandchildren. But my worries are not the same as black grandmothers, who have different and deeper fears about the world that their grandchildren face," Clinton said. With the existence of this "white privilege" Hillary acknowledges the difference in the way of life in America between Black people and White people. She sheds light on the fact that a Black Grandmother may have to care for her kin's safety in a different way than her white counterpart. While reading this article it kind of sheds light on the fact that there are people that are White who know there is a thing such as " White Privilege". 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Rising homicide rate in Mexico wiping out recent gains

  Straight  from  the  article  it states  " the  first  two  months  of  2016  saw  a  total  of  3,158  people  killed,,," As  soon  as  I  read  that  I  think  to  myself  that  gang  violence  must  be  the  reason  why the  homicide  rate  went  up. Then  I as  I  continued  to  read  the  article  it  later  stated  that" the  increase  of  homicides  during  the  first  two  months  of  2016  has  affected  more  than  half  of  the  country,,," The  main  questions  in  my  head  at  this  point  is  "what  is  the  mexican  government  going  to  do  to  bring  the  homicide  rate  back  down?" "How  will  the  government  assure  the  peolinkple  of  its  safety?"

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Residents evacuate Cedar Rapids homes ahead of flooding in Iowa


       Natural disasters occur yearly all across the globe, and part of being prepared for these disasters is for our government to be involved in protecting its citizens. The article you will read discusses how Iowa's planned preparation helped prevent the loss of lives and save tons of money. According to the article, they told citizens that the flood was coming days before it had happened and that they needed to get out of the city. All 130,000 residents of Cedar Rapids made it out with just enough time to move furniture and valuables away from the flood's destructive path. Also, they houses that were destroyed from a previous flood where destroyed to prevent anyone else from losing more money. They even ended up closing schools just  till the next week just as a precaution. This is an excellent example of how the government and it's various programs should protect and provide for it's people. This is an example of a good government. As Ceder Rapids City Manager Jeff Pomeranz said... "All the work is coming together, and you can see the benefit of planning and preparation,". This city knew that in the past they have had situations similar to this one, and decided to prepare for it. This is an excellent decision by the City Manager. Other cities need to take note on what was done. There have been several situations in New York alone where natural disasters have occurred and we were not fully prepared. Even for simple things like in the winter when it snows heavily, some people can't even get off their block because snow plows are not on time, or are not in abundance. Why are we not preparing for situations like this? Our country certainly has enough money to do it. we already waste money on things that are necessary, so why not. I'm sure there are some behind the scenes prep, but nothing major that would help us like the people of Iowa received help This is related to APGOPO because we are currently talking about the foundation of our government, and the steps it took to find the necessary requirements and services to our people. We also learned about how philosophers like John Locke believed that the purpose of the government was to help all people achieve equal natural rights, and that the government was obliged to protect and defend its citizens.This scenario is a definitely how John Locke wanted the government to protect and serve the people. Our government needs to do a better job preparing for situations like this in other locations.

How The Rich Are Paying Less In Estate Taxes

Ezekiel Franklin

A multi-million dollar home is viewed in the wealthy town of Greenwich.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have two different plays for estate taxes. Clinton wants to make it higher, and Trump wants to make it lower. Yet behind the political noise, its contribution to revenue has gotten smaller over the years. As a result, any changes made to the policy are likely to have a minimal impact on tax receipts. According to the IRS, the estate tax generated $16.4 billion in 2014. That's down roughly a third from 2006, when collections added up to $24.6 billion. Receipts have fallen even more dramatically when looking farther back. In 2011, the latest year analyzed, that number was only 0.13 percent.
The estate tax now accounts for less than 1 percent of federal revenue, according to the Tax Foundation. That drop is surprising given the rising number of millionaires and billionaires that came up from two decades, and the trillions of dollars supposedly being passed on to the next generation. The main reason behind the decline is a higher number of exemptions. In 1976, estates had to pay a tax on a value of more than $60,000. Today, the threshold is $5.5 million for individual estates. That means that anyone who leaves their heirs less than that amount is excluded. The top estate tax rate has also come down, from 70 percent in 1981, to 55 percent in 2000, to 40 percent today. Another reason the estate tax is quietly dying is that the rich have become better at avoiding it. A vast array of trusts and estate-planning tools have made it easier for wealthy families to pass down assets without being subjected to the tax. This relates to APGOV because the government is the ones who take our tax money. When they get that money, it is then distributed back to the people. Majority of that money goes to the military and then the government and then it goes to everyone else. If Trump lowers the taxes then less money will be going towards things. If Hilary increases the taxes then everyone would have to pay more taxes, but will still get money back.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hate Crimes Against American Muslims Most Since Post-9/11 Era


This article speaks on the hate crimes that have taken place against American Muslims since September 11th. It says " The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015. " This was an interesting topic for me for several reasons. One major reason it is important is because as the article continues it mentions The Presidential Election. First thing I thought was " How does this tie in?" According to the article, many people feel the hate crimes and tension grew stronger as candidate Donald Trump started making plans for bans on Immigration by Muslims. One key person in the study of Hate and Extremism is Brian Levin. Brian says  “We’re seeing these stereotypes and derogative statements become part of the political discourse." I found this interesting because certain things Trump has said is causing more than just a political reaction. Another reason I chose this article is because the article mentions the abundance of shootings and violence since the beginning of 2015. Lately, when we watch the news, we are constantly seeing stories on Officers killing black people or stories on how the presidential election is going, but very rarely, if any, are there stories on this topic. Now why is that? Do they not want us to know? If this is something that could possibly affect us on a larger scale, why isn't it something brought to our attention sooner? 
Explosion Rocks NYC's Chelsea Neighborhood

Image result for new york explosion

Early indications of the explosion at 23rd Street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan were at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday "was an intentional act." The explosion injured 29 people in Manhattan. Police investigators found a second suspicious device nearby the explosion site. The device at the second location in Chelsea appears to be a pressure cooker according to local and federal law enforcement officials. Investigators believe the blast was an act of terrorism. Because of this police have increased the security across New York's five boroughs as a precaution. This relates to AP GOPO because the government is there to provide security for the people. When people around the nation see this fear will set in. Americans will fear for their safety and if our government can keep us safe. They will want to find out what government official are doing to keep everything under control. I believe that once they find out who is to blame for the explosion and their motive they should try to prevent it from happening again.